Destined Martial God

Chapter 1135: Cruel rules (two more)

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The one-eyed eye that was about to disappear, after seeing the power of Wu Zun rising in the mansion, seemed to feel the naked provocation, and his indifferent eyes went directly into the depths of the mansion.

"Dao Cheng, immediately applied the seal method and repaired his seal to the level of Wusheng." Jue found the one-eye that reappeared in the void, and accelerated to the Liangliang Jun deep in the mansion, reminding him aloud. Road.

"Three grandpas, I don't know what's going on. A special energy not only prevents me from sealing my own cultivation, but also the power of the soul and the power of the soul are multiplying."

After hearing the reminder from Gu Liangxun, Gu Liangdao became a panic voice in a loft deep in the mansion.

After hearing Gu Liangdaocheng's flustered explanation, Gu Liang Shujun's forward rushed body stopped suddenly, and he reached out to stop forward rushing Li Jun.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Gu Lianglijun asked, looking at his hand to stop him.

"This is a trap, a trap against our three martial arts peerless powerhouses." Gu Liangxi Jun solemnly reminded.

As soon as Gu Liangjun's expression reminded him solemnly, behind a green willow tree, the two clinging to the red elixir of Yu Haoran, a flash of taunt flashed in his eyes.

"Old man, although your vigilance is very high, but you have only reacted now, it's too late!"

Using the soul power and the elemental power to envelop two red elixirs, the red elixir had already flown to them when Gu Liangyijun and Gu Lianglijun reacted.

"Quick flash!"

When he saw the red elixir flying to his side, Gu Liangyijun, who had a bad heart, reminded Gu Lianglijun that when he was about to avoid the two red elixir, the two red elixir exploded instantly. Come.



Along with the two red elixir that burst from the air, the blood river formed instantaneously enveloped Li Jun and Li Jun.

"damn it!"

Feeling the scarlet energy integrated into the body, while madly improving his own strength, he was also beginning to continuously impact the seal of suppressing repairs. Gu Liangyingjun secretly cursed, and then began to think of guiding the body's increasing strength.

"Ta Ling, the plan is successful, ready to open an account of Golden Lock Ecstasy and Starlight Seven Killing Array!" Seeing Gu Liangxun and Gu Lianglijun shrouded in the blood river, Yu Haoran's face showed surprise, while facing the sea Taling reminded.

"Yu Haoran, the imprint of the formation method has been imparted to the second avatar, and after he blends into your physical body, open the Golden Lock Ecstasy Array and the Starlight Seven Kill Array." The towering spirit who entered the domain tower in advance and avoided the rules of heaven reminded him.


After nodding to inform the second avatar to prepare for fusion, Yu Haoran came out from behind the willow tree.

At this time, the void seemed to be a provocative one-eyed, shooting a purple **** thunder with a thick arm, not only directly blasting Gu Liang Daocheng into powder, but also connected to the tower where Gu Liang Daocheng was located, also purple. The thunder and lightning turned into nothingness, leaving a bottomless black hole.

This is enough to show how angry the one-eyed eye condensed by the rules of heaven!

After killing the daring to provoke Gu Liang Daocheng and leaving the means of demonstration, the one-eyed eye condensed by the rules of heaven, the anger in his eyes slowly dissipated, and the one-eyed gradually merged into the void.

But at this moment, in the blood river formed by the red elixir's self-explosion, two horrors of powerful martial realm broke out one after another.

The provocative rules of heaven have been completely angry, and in the one eye that reappears, the endless anger is replaced by a thunderbolt shining with purple light.

After leaving the one-eyed countless purple thunderbolts, they turned into purple dragons.

The purple dragon snarled and rushed to the house of the Guliang family, snarled and rushed to all corners of the Tianxuan continent.

Three seconds!

Regardless of whether it is a tribe bloodline tribe or a tribe of a collateral bloodline, as long as it belongs to the Guliang family, within three seconds, it completely disappears on the Tianxuan continent.

Looking blankly in the air, Gu Liang Mingquan and others killed by the purple thunder and lightning, an incredible look appeared in Yu Haoran's eyes.

According to the original vow of blood luck, shouldn't the members of the Guliang family kill themselves?

Why the one-eyed eye condensed by the rules of heaven will take the initiative to act for itself!

Moreover, it is still so neat to eliminate all hidden dangers.

"Ta Ling, what's the matter?" After Hao Ran completely integrated into the void with one eye, Yu Haoran asked Ta Ling who had left the tower in the sea and appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Although the one-eyed eye formed by the rules of the heavens does not generate its own consciousness, as the existence of the penalty for the heavens, it also has its own instinct."

With a bitter smile, he shook his head, and Ta Ling explained with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, if you are being provoked one after another, will you feel angry and will you want to kill?"


Nodded in agreement, Yu Haoran pointed to the residual thunderous atmosphere of the mansion, and asked in a puzzled tone.

"Talling, after being provoked one after another, although I will violently kill people, but I will only kill those who proactively challenge me, and will never implicate other innocent people."

"Yu Haoran, this is the difference between people and rules."

He mobilized the powerful spirit in the Emperor Wu realm, and sighed while searching the treasure house of the Guliang family.

"Humans, although sometimes impulsive, are still very rational and emotional for the most part."

"But for the cold rules, it only has the same principles, right and wrong, life and death, simple but brutal."

"Yu Haoran, southwest, and the location of Jiuli is the treasure house of the Guliang family."

When he just lamented the difference between man and rule, the divine thoughts emanating from Ta Ling just found the location of the treasure house.

At the same time, Yu Haoran, who was puzzled in his heart, immediately displayed his martial arts skills and hurried to the treasure house.

Anyway, the Gu Liang family is dead, and the formation that Ta Ling opened just now can isolate other people from coming in.

Therefore, in the face of the cyan treasure house door that requires a special key to open, Yu Haoran's approach is simple and rude.

Take out the purple sticks directly, and the purple sticks that are getting longer in an instant are banging on the door of the treasure house.


Surprisingly, Hao Ran unexpectedly showed that the stick method with full force did not open the blue door of the treasure house.

All the power and soul power were mobilized, and the second full-strength stick method was used to accurately strike the position just attacked.


With the deafening roar, Yu Haoran was surprised to find that the blue door of the treasure house still stood.

"Ta Ling, what kind of material is the blue door of Treasure House made of, why is it so strong?" The purple stick in a firm handshake, Yu Haoran flashed in front of the blue door, stretched out his hand, and touched the tower in the sea. Spirit seeks the word.

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