Destined Martial God

Chapter 1140: Nine treasures (below)

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The fifth floor of the Guliang family treasure house!

As a towering spirit that already existed in ancient times, his powerful state of mind was cultivated to make him wake up quickly from shock, and to use God's thoughts to carefully examine the fantasy gold.

In the end, he was 100% sure that the energy existing inside the fantasy gold was the origin of gold, one of the five elements.

Seeing Ta Ling solemnly put away the fantasy gold, Yu Haoran gradually woke up from shock, and suddenly realized a key problem.

That is, whether the fantasy gold that was just collected by the towering spirit can meet the original energy of the gold that he needs to reshape the body.

But Ta Ling's answer disappointed Yu Haoran.

Because the amount of gold's original energy contained in fantasy gold is very scarce, it is scarce enough to even condense a finger.

"Yu Haoran, there is no need to be disappointed. As long as we have fantasy gold in our hands, we have the hope of finding more fantasy gold." Seeing the disappointment on Yu Haoran's face, Ta Ling smiled and relieved.

"Ta Ling, what's the meaning?" Yu Haoran asked unknownly.

"As long as your magician breaks through the realm of the Grand Master, then you can infer the accurate whereabouts of other psychedelic gold based on the breath of psychedelic gold, using inferential deduction," Taling explained with a smile.

Nodded his head, Yu Haoran finally understood why Ta Ling didn't feel any disappointment and frustration because of the scarcity of Jin Zhiyuan's power.

Then, he stepped forward to the fourth Yutai with a Dan bottle.

"Talling, please check it first."

At the beginning, on the fifth floor of the Enforcement Peak Treasury, because of his carelessness, he released the black gas sealed in the bottle of Xuanbing Carving Dan, which almost caused human tragedy.

Therefore, in the face of the Dan bottle that can be stored in the fifth floor of the treasure house at the same time with the xuanhuangshi tire and Wannianling milk, he did not dare to open it lightly.

"Yu Haoran, you can rest assured!"

I also remembered the towering spirit that Xuanbing Dan bottle experienced, and carefully used the divine thought to slowly penetrate into the Dan bottle. After finding that there was no dangerous breath in the Dan bottle, he signaled with a smile.

Just after opening the bottle, a smell of dusty fragrance immediately awakened a memory of Yu Haoran's previous life, and could not help shaking his hands to pour out the medicine in the bottle.

"Second-order nine-pin Qilian Suxindan!" Looking at the inside of the crystal-clear elixir in his hand, there were seven lotus marks, and Yu Haoran's eyes were moist and said to himself.

"Yu Haoran, is Qilian Suxindan an elixir?"

Shivering hands, wet eyes, and undulating emotions. When confronted with the crystal-clear elixir in his hand, Yu Haoran's over-excited reaction immediately aroused Taling's great interest.

Because during this period of their acquaintance, in addition to encountering the funeral flower of one of the ten wonderful flowers of Tianxuan Continent in the red rock group of the Blue Moon Mystery, he had experienced a situation of temporary loss of control. This happened a second time.

"Qilian Suxin Dan is a kind of ascending remedy made from seven top lotus elixir made from millennium snow lotus, purple lotus, golden lotus, Qixia lotus, white jade lotus, ice crystal jade lotus and Qingxin **** lotus. medicine."

"Seven Lotus Su Xindan can help improve the 60% chance of Wu Zun's nine-pin peak Peerless Powerful to break through Wu Di's realm!"

"So amazing!" Ta Ling couldn't help sighing when she heard Yu Haoran's introduction to the efficacy of Qilian Suxindan.

"Ta Ling, in fact, this is not the true anti-sky effect of Qilian Su Xin Dan!" Facing Ta Ling's shocked sigh, Yu Haoran shook his head with a bitter smile and reminded.

"Yu Haoran, what do you mean by that?"

It can help to increase the chance of breaking through 60% of the Emperor Wu's realm, which is enough to prove that Qilian Suxindan has the anti-sky effect.

However, Yu Haoran's tone of bitter smile just now seems to have stronger effect on Qilian Su Xindan, which makes Ta Ling somewhat unacceptable.

"Ta Ling, using Qilian Suxindan as the main medicine, and then blending purple heart **** lotus and beisheng **** lotus, you can make Jiulian suxindan."

"And the efficacy of Jiulian Suxin Dan!"

Having said that, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and said that the bitter smile on his face was replaced with solemnly.

"It can help the Emperor Wu Pin Jiu Pin to reach the peak of the mighty powerhouse to break the Wushen realm 50% chance!"

"Zi ...!"

Jiulian Su Xin Dan's anti-sky effect, so that when Ta Ling could not help taking a sip of cool air, his heart immediately emerged with infinite surprises.

In order to reshape the body, in addition to a large number of five elements, Yu Haoran's cultivation is required to break through the realm of Wu Shen, and then use special methods to shield the telepathy between him and the body.

The source of the five elements is easy to find, and the martial arts realm is difficult to break through!

If Jiulian Suxindan, who has a 50% chance of breaking through, helps with her usual teachings and Yu Haoran's natural talent close to the **** state, it is not a dream to break through the Wu **** state in the future.

But what makes Ta Ling difficult to understand is that in the face of Qilian Su Xin Dan's elixir, Yu Haoran's response was not surprise and ecstasy, but rather a sorrow and reluctance.

"Yu Haoran, what happened to you?" Ta Ling asked directly.

"Taling, do you know the purple heart lotus and green life lotus that are required to improve the quality of Qilian Suxindan?" Put Qilian Suxindan back into the Dan bottle and put it in your own storage. After the ring, Yu Haoran asked sadly.

"Isn't it just the two top elixirs!" Ta Ling replied with some confusion.

"So do you know how these two elixir were produced?" Yu Haoran continued to ask sadly.

"Either it's an aura of heaven and earth, or a dangerous and dangerous forbidden area!" Ta Ling guessed.

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran looked up at the north, his gaze said as if he could penetrate the treasure house wall.

"The Purple Heart Goddess Lotus and the Life Goddess Lotus are not grown in the aura of heaven and earth, nor are they from the dangerous and dangerous restricted area. They refer to those who have the Purple God Body and the Life God."

"Yu Haoran, you mentioned the promotion of Qilian Su Xindan's grade. Is it the person who taboos the method of practicing alchemy?" After hearing the true origin of the Purple Heart God Lotus and the Life God Lotus, you are familiar with the taboo tower of the Tianxuan Continent Spirit, could not help asking angrily.

Nodded, Yu Haoran added a sigh.

"Ta Ling, although it is also the taboo alchemy method, but the taboo alchemy technology that I controlled by Yu Haoran does not need to take his life, nor will it harm his ways."

"The only cruel thing is the need to draw blood of special constitution, which will cause unbearable pain and physical weakness in a short period of time."

After hearing Yu Haoran's further supplementation, the anger that had just emerged from Ta Ling's heart subsided immediately.

Later, according to Yu Haoran's sorrow and perseverance, Ta Ling couldn't help guessing.

"Yu Haoran, do you know anyone who has a purple heart and a beast!"

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