Destined Martial God

Chapter 1141: Guess and speculation (three more)

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The fifth floor of the Guliang family treasure house!

Nodded, Yu Haoran didn't continue to say anything, just took a deep breath, and then sealed the picture that came out of his mind to the deepest part of his mind, and planned not to touch these memories in this life. Screen.

Then, he walked towards the fifth jade table with a jade box.

"Ta Ling, check it first!" Yu Haoran pointed to the jade box placed on the jade platform and did not take any risk.

Looking at Yu Haoran who was sad and reluctant, Ta Ling also took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, and then began to look at the jade box carefully using the divine thoughts.

After confirming that there were no hidden dangers in the jade box, he signaled that Hao Ran could open it directly.

"This is the exquisite purple ginseng that can be used to enhance soul power!"

After seeing a smart and lovely ginseng in purple color in the jade box, Yu Haoran's inner sadness and perseverance were immediately replaced by ecstasy and shouted.

"Moreover, it is the exquisite purple ginseng whose grade reaches the second-order first-grade, which can assist Wuzun's nine-pin peak realm, and the soul force breaks through Wudi realm!"

"Op chance!"

Although the exquisite purple ginseng has been detected in advance just by using the divine thought, after real witnessing, Ta Ling also couldn't help sighing with surprise.

"Yu Haoran, great chance!"

It can help to break through the physical grade of Xuanhuangshi, can help to break through the second-order first-grade exquisite purple ginseng of Wudi's soul power, can help break through Wuzun's realm of Seven Heart Sudan, and consolidate and eliminate the hidden dangers after breaking through Wuzun's realm.

If the state of mind that has broken through Wu Zun's realm is calculated in advance, Yu Haoran is only one line away from breaking through Wu Zun's realm and achieving the peerless power.

Moreover, Ta Ling believes that with the understanding of Hao Ran's demon evil level, in that special place, she can definitely realize the law of the dual system of life and death to a perfect state.

If everything is going well, he can successfully break through Wuzun's realm before the battle for Qianlong in the Southern Region begins.

Unlike Ta Ling's surprise reaction, Yu Haoran quickly calmed down and did not immediately put away the exquisite purple ginseng, but instead stood up in front of the sixth Yutai.

"Ta Ling, what level of magic is this?" Yu Haoran asked with a dignified face, pointing to a small silver sword with a yellowish spell attached to it.

"This is a sword in the imperial realm!" Shen Nian swept across the small silver sword, and Ta Ling answered with surprise.

Shining body appeared in front of the seventh jade platform, Yu Haoran asked, pointing to the shield, which was also spelled.

"Taling, what level of magic is this?"

"This is the best defensive weapon of the state!" The same godly thought swept across a shield the size of a slap, and Ta Ling answered with more surprise.

Shining in front of the eighth jade platform, pointing to a teal spell.

"Taling, how high is this spell, and what is its specific purpose?"

"The third-order and one-pin puller can pull all the heaven and earth aura within a radius of ten million miles in the shortest time!" After the divine thought swept the spell, Taling recalled for a moment, and it was more difficult to control his inner joy. .

Looking up at the jade Jane placed on the ninth jade platform, Yu Haoran did not step forward for a while, but instead looked up at the staircase leading to the sixth floor of the treasure house, his face seemed to be dripping with water.

"Yu Haoran, what the **** is going on?" Yu Haoran, who looked at the instruments and spells in a hurry, but did not immediately participate in the discussion, was surprised to be questioned by the replaced Ling Ling.

"Talin, don't you find the nine treasures on the fifth floor of the treasure house. Except for the jade slip that you haven't watched yet, is there anything strange about the remaining eight treasures!" Yu Haoran reminded Yu Yuran, who had the spell and the spell.

"Isn't it the top treasure used to promote cultivation and strength!" Taling replied without notice.

Back to the ninth Yutai, Yu Haoran pointed at Yujian, who was placed on the Yutai.

"Ta Ling, don't you believe it, I don't have to look at it myself to be able to see what's in the jade."

"It's not possible at all." Taling retorted, using the god's thoughts to get Yujian into the sea.

"Yu Jian records the practice insights of breaking through the realm of Emperor Wu, and the matters needing attention in the process of breakthrough," Yu Haoran said with confidence.

After hearing Yu Haoran's speculation, Ta Ling immediately read the contents of Jade Jane, followed by an extremely shocked look on his face.

"Ta Ling, do you remember the two breaths you felt in the valley when you first observed the house of Gu Liang Shijia?"

The shock of Taring's just now proved that his guess was correct.

Then, combining the nine treasures in the fifth floor of the treasure house, I am afraid that the amazing speculations I made are not wrong.

"of course I remember!"

Suppressing the shock that came from her heart, Ta Ling nodded and repeated.

"A Wudi powerful man who didn't know he had died for hundreds of thousands of years, and a peerless powerhouse of Wuzun Jiupin, they ..."

Speaking of which, Ta Ling immediately found out that something was wrong and turned his eyes to the sixth floor of the treasure house.

"Ta Ling, can you take risks?" Seeing that Ta Ling finally realized the seriousness of the matter, Yu Haoran asked with a serious look.

"Yu Haoran, if after the application of the appendages, I will control your physical body, it will be enough to exert the strength of Wuzun Jiupin."

Facing Hao Ran's interrogation, Ta Ling did not give a specific answer, but instead began to introduce his strengths.

"If you are mobilizing 1% of the power of the tower in the ontology domain, it will be enough to defeat and rebuild the powerful Emperor Wuyi."

Shinshin appeared in front of the sixth, seventh, and eighth jade platforms. After packing the sealed swords in the imperial realm, the jewel of extreme protection, and the charm that can draw the aura of heaven and earth within ten million miles, the storage ring was closed Yu Haoran returned to the stairs leading to the sixth floor of the treasure house.

Without any hesitation, walked down the stairs to the door of the sixth floor of the treasure house.

But a layer of milky defense blocked him from entering the sixth floor of the treasure house.

"The Dixuan defense array of the top grade!"

The divine thought quickly swept through the milky white defense layer in front of him, and Taling quickly saw the origin and grade of the defense layer, and directly gave the time to crack.

"Yu Haoran, give me five minutes."

Nodded his head, Yu Haoran closed his eyes, and continued to ponder the speculations about the nine treasures on the fifth floor of the treasure house, and the counter-attack measures when he might encounter danger.

"All right!"

In less than five minutes, Taling successfully broke through the formation of the defensive formation.

Looking at the milky white defense layer that completely disappeared in front of him, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and made full defense preparations, then stepped into the sixth layer of the treasure house.

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