Destined Martial God

Chapter 1142: Demigod (four more)

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The sixth floor of the Guliang family treasure house!

"It's impossible!"

Looking at the sixth floor of the empty treasure trove in front of him, Yu Haoran muttered to himself in disbelief.

Because the nine special treasures on the fifth floor of the treasure house can fully prove that the Gu Liang family is carrying out an earth-shaking plan.

The plan finally points to the sixth floor of the treasure house.

But why on the sixth floor of the treasure house, did not imagine the corpse of Zhongwuzun Jiupin peak peerless powerhouse!

"Yu Haoran, don't worry."

Just by cracking the tower spirit of the Dixuan defense formation just now, I felt a trace of something wrong in the sixth floor of the treasure house, and quickly signaled that Hao Ran should not be anxious for the time being, and keep quiet.

Subsequently, he directly mobilized all the thoughts in the Emperor Wu realm, and began to carefully check the overall structure of the sixth floor of the treasure house, and whether there are hidden matrix methods.

After nearly twenty minutes of careful inspection, Tallinn finally discovered the secret hidden in the sixth floor of the treasure house.

"Yu Haoran, took out nine fourth-order first-grade spirit stones."

Without questioning the reason for the removal of the spirit stone, immediately gathered up the lost Yu Haoran, took out nine fourth-order first-grade spirit stones from the storage ring, and then waited for the instructions of the towering spirit.

"Go straight for nine steps and crush a spirit stone!" Ta Ling ordered.

"Nine steps to the left, crush a spirit stone!"

"Nine steps back, crush a spirit stone!"

"Nine steps to the right, crush a spirit stone!"


Moved nine times and crushed nine fourth-order first-grade spirit stones. Yu Haoran turned his head and looked at the location of the spirit stones that were just crushed. He was surprised to find that the spirit liquid in the crushed spirit stones was turned into a special type. Guided by power, a very familiar map was gradually built on the ground on the sixth floor of the treasure house.

"Short-distance teleportation formation!" Yu Haoran shouted in shock.


While nodding to confirm, Taling said with a touch of admiration in his tone.

"The strong men of the Gu Liang family are very cautious and the arrangement is very cunning."

"If you enter the valley through the valley mouth of the valley, you will end up with nothing."

"Only through the short-range teleportation matrix on the sixth floor of the treasure house can you enter the space where the Emperor Wu Zun and the body of Wu Zun are truly hidden.

With that said, Ta Ling solemnly reminded.

"Yu Haoran, no matter whether the corpses of Emperor Wu and Wu Zun are truly dead, or they are now in a state of half-death, the Emperor and Zun Wei they emit are not what you can afford. "

"So, before entering the space in the core of the valley, not only do I need to perform the attachment technique in advance, but I also need to control the physical body."

"OK!" In this regard, Yu Haoran nodded without hesitation.

After the Taling has successfully performed the possession technique and successfully controlled the flesh, the short-range transfer array method of the special force in the sixth layer of the treasure house to guide the arrangement of the spiritual fluid is just completed and opened.

Although Ta Ling is in charge of the physical body, Yu Haoran who remains in the sea can also feel the dizziness during the transmission.

After the dizziness disappeared, an unimaginable terror broke through the barriers of understanding the sea and quickly penetrated into the space of understanding the sea.

"Talling!" Yu Haoran shouted loudly, a pain that was torn by spirits and ideas.


A moment of negligence, almost made a big mistake, quickly responded to the towering spirit, forcibly dispelled the terrifying momentum of understanding the sea and space, and immediately carried out the decision to strengthen the knowledge of sea barriers.

"Yu Haoran, I'm sorry!"

When the terrible momentum could not threaten, Ta Ling immediately apologized to Yu Haoran in the sea.

"It's ok!"

Although there was some complaint in his heart about the momentary negligence of Ta Ling, which almost caused his own consciousness and thoughts to be killed, he must have encountered an unimaginable shock before this fatal mistake occurred.

Therefore, after Yu Haoran waved his hand and gestured for relief, she interrogated immediately.

"Taling, what happened?"

"Yu Haoran, this is not a powerful Emperor in Wudi's realm at all, but a demigod who has reached the realm of quasi-wushen!" He sat with his knees bent forward, his eyes closed, and a lifelike corpse. Then said.


Looking through the space of the sea, looking at the corpse sitting on the knees, Yu Haoran suddenly had a very weird feeling.

At first glance, the corpse looked exactly like a normal human.

At the second glance, the corpse immediately turned into a void above his head, with his feet on the ground, like the twelve ancestors of ancient times.

At third glance, the body had clearly died for a long time, and it was impossible to live again.

On the fourth glance, the body gave him a feeling of being alive.

"Ta Ling, the demigod in Zhunwu realm is too scary!"

The weird feeling made Yu Haoran feel that his mind was constantly being shocked. When he closed his eyes immediately, he couldn't help sighing at the tower inspiration.

"Yu Haoran, this demi-god in front of me has just merged the state of perfection, and the state of mind, spirit and body have not passed through the triple calamity. Otherwise, it will be calculated that I control your body and cannot appear in his Before. "Ta Ling also couldn't help sighing.

"Ta Ling, can you destroy the body of this demigod?"

It is thought that the Gu Liang family has planned for tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years, in order to resurrect the demigod in front of them.

He even prepared the blood festival for the millions of souls in Leling City. Yu Haoran was worried that there would be accidents in the future and wanted to thoroughly cut the grass and root it.


Shaking his head, Ta Ling said solemnly.

"The so-called demigods have already incorporated the power of their own perception and control into the flesh, which can not only keep the flesh immortal forever, but also resist the damage of attacking forces."

"Unless my spirit body can recover to the peak of Wudi's Jiupin and can mobilize 3% of the power of the tower of the realm, otherwise, it will be difficult to shake the demigod in front of me.

Yu Haoran couldn't help but sigh when he saw that even the spirit of the body and the towering spirit who controlled his own body could not destroy the demigod in front of him.

Then, he turned his eyes back to Shihai and looked at another corpse sitting opposite the demigod.

Don't even think about it, Yu Haoran also knows that the corpse at the peak of Wuzun Jiupin's realm is the key method that the family Gu Liang used to resurrect the demigod.

Since it is impossible to destroy the demigod's body, destroying Wuzun Peerless who can resurrect the demigod can also eliminate most of the hidden dangers.

"No problem!" Taling nodded in agreement.

In fact, even if there is no reminder of Yu Haoran, the risk of entering the valley space through the short-range teleportation array is also to destroy the dead body of Wu Zun.

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