Destined Martial God

Chapter 1160: Blood mosquito and white dog

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie!

In the Bloodied Mountains!

"Ta Ling, how much do you know about Blood Peak Frog?"

In the previous life, although there have been two experiences of entering the Dry Blood Mountains, the purpose is only to find dead dragon trees in the mountains that contain vigorous blood and highly poisonous.

There was not much contact with the strange beasts in the mountains, and there was no in-depth investigation and understanding before and after.

He was the first to hear about the blood-peaked frog that can germinate bleeding beads in the body.

Therefore, if you want to make a plan to capture a large number of blood peak frogs, you must understand the grade and strength of blood peak frogs in detail, and some of its life habits.

"Xuefeng frog is a kind animal with a more meek temperament. The blood peak frog in adulthood has the highest grade but the seventh grade and nine grades."

After hearing Yu Haoran's interrogation, Ta Ling thought about it carefully, and then introduced.

"However, the Blood Peak Frog has a leap-like ability that is similar to teleportation, and can break free of any power and formation."

"So, if you want to catch the Blood Peak Frog smoothly, you either stun it instantly or kill it directly."

"Taling, what does Blood Peak Frog usually rely on for food? Do you have any special preferences?" Taling's introduction was not detailed enough, and Yu Haoran could only continue to remind him.

"They seem to like swallowing a strange beast called a blood mosquito. If they like it, they are particularly lethargic and can stay awake for several years," Ta Ling continued to answer.

Blood mosquito!

When Hao Ran mentioned the blood mosquito, Yu Haoran couldn't help but shine.

In the previous life, he did not encounter much trouble when he entered the Dry Blood Mountains under the guidance of ethereal rats. The only reason he was almost trapped was because of a large number of blood mosquitoes.

The blood mosquito is also a strange animal of its own low grade.

But unlike Blood Peak Frogs, blood mosquitoes are not only brutal by nature, they feed on the blood of living beings, but they are not afraid of life and death, even when they face opponents that are thousands of times stronger than them, they will continue to advance. Before fighting.

When the siege of a large number of blood mosquitoes was encountered in the previous life, it was the first time that he followed the ethereal rat into the dry blood mountain range. Afterwards, he specially refined two special elixir according to the blood mosquito constitution.

One is used to drive blood mosquitoes, and the other is used to attract blood mosquitoes.

Carefully recalling the Danfang of the previous two elixirs, Yu Haoran began to find a place suitable for alchemy after confirming that the collection in his storage ring was sufficient to refine the two elixirs.

Eventually, on the reminder of Ta Ling, he found a group of rocks beside the stream.

Hidden in the crisscross gaps of several red rocks, and then using the non-condensing alchemy technique, in the space of just five minutes, nine elixirs were repelled and nine elixirs used to attract blood mosquitoes.

"Yu Haoran, wait a minute!" Leaving an elixir for attracting blood mosquitoes, Yu Haoran suddenly reminded when he was about to get up and leave the gap between the red rocks.

Quickly converged his breath, and then through the cracks in the rock, Yu Haoran stared at the direction of Xiquan.

It's not very long, it's more than a minute.

With a head height of more than 100 meters, it looks like a tiger but not a tiger, like a dog but not a dog. It has a huge strange beast with white hair and suddenly landed at the edge of a stream.

Smelling vigorously around Xiquan, Bai Dog said to Bai Fan on his back.

"Master Fan, Yu Haoran should be around this stream!"

He heard that the white beast mentioned his name in front of him, and Yu Haoran suddenly became nervous, but when he saw the handsome young man jumping from the back of the white beast, his eyes even showed a dreadful look.

Because the handsome young man, like Ning He, gave him a dangerous and lethal feeling.

"Ta Ling, who are they?" Yu Haoran asked solemnly.

"One of the four guardian families, the people of the White Tiger family!"

Not being able to perform the possessive technique can help Yu Haoran to improve his strength, but he can't shoot himself to kill the white dog and handsome young man.

So, faced with Hao Ran's interrogation, Ta Ling replied heavily.

It turned out that the people of the White Tiger family, after hearing Ta Ling's heavy answer, Yu Haoran flashed a strong killing in his eyes.

"White dog, use the Tengu blood in your body to give me further lock in Haoran's position."

Bai Fan, who fell on the edge of the stream, swept around the stream with powerful divine thoughts, and frowned.

Because he found that the Dry Blood Mountain contains a special energy that can interfere with the mind.

This special power made him unable to use divine thoughts to track and lock in Hao Ran's prepared position. He could only rely on another blood power in the white dog.

"Observe, Master Fan!"

Upon hearing Bai Fan's order, the white dog immediately shook his huge body.

With the shaking of the body, the body that originally exceeded 100 meters quickly shrank, and soon became a strange animal with a height of less than ten meters and a shape similar to that of a dog.

Also, black hair was replaced by white hair.

"Yu Haoran, hurry up!"

After seeing the white dog turn into a black dirt dog, Taling reminded suddenly.

"This is a strange beast with the double bloodlines of a white tiger and a tengu."

Tengu, a fierce beast in ancient times, is second only to the Nine Great Beast Kings. Not only can it swallow the stars, but it is also particularly good at smell tracking.

As long as it grasps the smell of the opponent, even if it is millions or even millions of miles apart, it can easily lock the opponent's accurate position.

In the face of the white dog transforming into a Tengu and preparing to perform the secret method of Tengu tracking, Yu Haoran knew that even if he escaped immediately, he could not escape from Tengu's tracking eventually.

Watching the white dog raise his nose and slowly point at the hidden rock group he was hiding in, suddenly suddenly nervous Hao Ran, clenched his hands subconsciously, but unexpectedly felt the elixir in his left hand.

Thinking of the elixir that he had just refined, it was just a sharp weapon to attract blood mosquitoes, and a more insidious method flashed in his mind.

"Ta Ling, using divine thoughts to create some movement on the opposite side of Xiquan to attract their attention." Silently placed the elixir on the fingernail of the middle finger, and then held the elixir with his thumb to death, Yu Haoran Commanded to the towering spirit in the sea.

"Yu Haoran, what do you want to do?" Ta Ling, who did not find Yu Haoran's small movements, asked puzzled.

"Please watch a battle of cricket clams, a fisherman gaining profit." Yu Haoran said with a smile.


Nodded, Ta Ling immediately mobilized all the thoughts in Wushi Realm, and in order to ensure that Bai Fan and White Dog would not be alarmed, he successively shook several small trees facing Xiquan.


Hearing the sound of trees shaking, while Bai Fan nervously asked, he immediately rushed to the side of the small tree.

The white dog affected by Bai Fan's screaming and asking, also immediately turned around and rushed to the opposite side of Xiquan.

Taking this opportunity, Yu Haoran directly shot the elixir to the position where White Dog had just stood.

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