Destined Martial God

Chapter 1161: Blood-sucking mosquitoes and blood-peak frogs (three more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie!

In the Bloodied Mountains!

Five seconds later, Bai Fan, with a doubt in his face, took the white dog back to the stream.

"Master Fan, don't worry, I think there may be some weak beasts in the mountains, because you can't withstand the tiger power you unintentionally emit, and the trees shake when you flee in a panic." Looking at the frown, his face was crease Full of doubt, Bai Fan, White Dog made his own intelligent guess.


No trace of the killer shaking the tree was found, and no murderer's breath was left on the scene. The puzzled Bai Fan finally could only accept the white dog's guess just now.

Then he remembered the business of entering the Dry Blood Mountain, and quickly ordered to the white dog.

"White dog, continue to use the Tengu blood veins tracking method to lock in Haoran's exact location."

"Yes, Master Fan!"

After the order was heard, the white dog returned to the position where he was standing, and continued to follow the tracking method to Hao Ran's position.

But when he shook his nose and began to analyze the residual odor in the air, he immediately coughed with a strange odor.

With the severe cough of the white dog, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded around the stream.

The buzzing sound that baffled inexplicably made Bai Fan raise his head and glanced slightly.

Immediately, he shouted at the white dog suddenly.

"White dog, get out of here quickly."

But when Bai Fan jumped to the back of the white dog that had become a huge white beast again, and was about to turn away from Xiquan, he heard a buzzing noise from the rear.

Along with the buzzing sounds, all the mosquitoes with the size of a watermelon and red blood on their heads and feet surrounded them from all sides.

"Blood-sucking mosquitoes, this is blood-sucking mosquitoes!" Shouted the white dog shivering as he saw thousands of blood mosquitoes coming from all directions.

"White dog, immediately overdrawn by a third of the white tiger blood, in exchange for the strength of Wu Zun realm, and then killed the encirclement of blood-sucking mosquitoes with me." Bai Fan, dull and watery, took out a silvery white glove Directed sharply at the white dog.

"Yes, Master Fan!"

There was a hint of hesitant white dog in his eyes. After seeing the increasing number of blood-sucking mosquitoes, he finally nodded his teeth.

Along with the white tiger blood in the overdraft body, the white dog's body size not only doubled directly, but the horror of his body also shook countless trees and rocks by the stream.

"Alas ...!"

Roaring at the blood-sucking blood mosquito leading to the outer direction of the Dry Blood Mountain Range, the white dog with the short power of Wu Zun turned into a white light and rushed up.


Dozens and hundreds of blood-sucking blood mosquitoes were directly shattered into powder by the fist technique performed by Bai Fan with the help of fist gloves.


Hundreds and thousands of blood-thirsty blood mosquitoes, which were used by the white dogs, also shook the powder directly.

But unfortunately, when the white dog used the secret method of overdrawing the white tiger blood in exchange for the powerful strength of Wu Zun realm, he directly shattered the elixir under his feet.

This caused the snow-white hair on its feet to be contaminated with a lot of powder of elixir.

So, even though White Dog and Bai Fan quickly rushed out of the blood-sucking mosquito siege by virtue of his powerful martial arts strength, there were still tens of thousands of blood-sucking mosquitoes who were chasing after them. Exit the Dry Blood Mountains.

"How is this, this, this?"

Looking at a **** mosquito with the size of a head and feet, and a brutal and unusual blood mosquito, Yu Haoran's face showed an incredible look.

When blood mosquitoes were besieged in the previous life, blood mosquitoes were at most the size of adult fists. Not only were they not as many as they are now, but their strength and cruelty were not so scary.

"Ta Ling, these blood mosquitoes will not be because of the tomb's strength after the devil's tomb exploded!"

"Do not!"

Shaking his head, looking through the space of the sea, Ta Ling looked at the depths of the Dry Blood Mountain and said with a dignified expression.

"I think there should have been a change in the depths of the Dry Blood Mountains, which caused the blood mosquitoes that were just ordinary blood vessels to mutate. In the end, they were promoted to the blood-sucking blood mosquitoes that even the great powers of the world could not face.

"Ta Ling, since the blood veins of blood mosquitoes have changed, can the blood peak frogs still feed on blood eater?"

Compared to the accidents that occur deep in the Dry Blood Mountains, Yu Haoran now wants to know if he can use the blood-eating mosquito to trap the Blood Peak Frog.

"I don't know." Ta Ling shook her head with a bitter smile and said to Hao Ran's interrogation.

"Hmm ...!"

It is because Haoran and Ta Ling did not know whether the blood-sucking blood mosquitoes attracted by the elixir could still seduce the blood peak frogs. When the humming stream springs around, suddenly one crisp crickets sounded. song.

"Hmm ...!"

As more and more screams sounded, the tens of thousands of blood-eating mosquitoes gathered around the elixir of the elixir immediately began to flee.

A blood-red tongue immediately swept away a blood-sucking mosquito desperately fleeing.

As the howling sounded louder and louder, the number of blood-red tongues appearing in mid-air increased.

"Ta Ling, is this what you call a blood peak frog with the highest grade but 7th grade and 9th grade!" It refers to a blood frog with the size of a buffalo full of body, exuding the breath of the peak of the 9th grade of the royal kingdom, Yu Haoran face Ugly questioning.

"Wait a moment!" Ta Ling signaled with excitement as Hao Ran's face looked ugly.

Subsequently, he used powerful divine thoughts to directly shatter a blood peak frog that reached the peak of the seventh king of the kingdom, took a cherry-sized blood drop from his body, and examined it carefully.


After careful inspection, Ta Ling sighed in surprise at Yu Haoran.

"After the mutation of the Blood Peak Frog, its grade and strength have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the blood beads that it has bred in its body have more energy and can last longer in the Blood Lake."

He used the divine thought to send the blood beads to Haoran, and Ta Ling said with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, the energy contained in a blood drop is enough for you to stay at the bottom of the lake for half an hour."

After hearing Ta Ling's introduction to the energy contained in the blood beads, Yu Haoran immediately excitedly watched the blood peak frogs appearing in the stream with more than one thousand.

"Ta Ling, you can do as much as you can." Exciting the ancestral witch's body, taking out the purple stick, Yu Haoran reminded Ta Ling before preparing to start.

"Rest assured!" Taling, who mobilized all his thoughts, was ready to shoot at any time.

When the number of blood-sucking mosquitoes around Xiquan reduced to just over 1,000, Yu Haoran suddenly jumped out of the chaos and reminded Ta Ling.

"Ta Ling, do it!"

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