Destined Martial God

Chapter 1163: Condensing Yin and Yang life and death map (fifth)

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In the Bloody Mountains, in front of the Blood Lake!

"Ta Ling, are you sure that the blood beads bred from the Blood Peak Frog can avoid the attack of the beast-eater?"

Originally thought that with the blood beads, he could safely enter the blood lake, and then obtain the life and death mood contained in the sword marks at the bottom of the lake.

At this moment, facing the countless beast-eaters in the Blood Lake, Yu Haoran felt timid for the first time in his life.

"Of course!" Ta Ling replied confidently immediately.

However, when he saw the horror on Yu Haoran's face, Ta Ling knew that the beast-eater fish had shocked him so strongly that even if he had the mentality of Wu Zun, he was unavoidable. Emotions.

If he does not use living creatures as an example to prove the effectiveness of blood beads, I am afraid he will not easily venture into the blood lake.

Thinking of this, Ta Ling immediately used his powerful divine thought to capture a blood-bellied red spider from the peak of the Seven Pinnacles in a sanctuary from a blood pine tree three hundred miles away.

After taking out a blood bead and stimulating the special energy contained in the blood bead, Tallin forcibly feeds the blood bead into the mouth of the blood-belly red bead.

Subsequently, he threw the red-bellied blood spider directly into the blood lake, and suppressed it with divine thoughts so as not to let it escape the lake.

After fifteen minutes, Ta Ling used the divine thought to bring the Blood-bellied Red Spider back to the Blood Lake, and then threw it in front of Hao Ran.

"Ta Ling, immediately stimulate the energy of the blood beads." After seeing the blood-bellied red spider not being attacked by the beast-eater, he believed that the blood bead energy could protect himself, Yu Haoran, and immediately ordered the Ta Ling in the sea Road.

After the special energy contained in the blood beads covered up his own breath, the fatal warning from the sixth sense suddenly disappeared.

The change of the blood-belly red spider and his sixth sense allowed Yu Haoran to cross a distance of 100 meters without hesitation, and then quickly walked to the edge of the Blood Lake.


Leaping high, jumping directly into the blood lake, then using Yuanli to control his body, he began to sink quickly.

"Ta Ling, why the blood beads bred from the Blood Peak Frog can avoid the attention of the beast-eater."

Yu Haoran couldn't help guessing as he watched one beastly fish with sharp teeth one after another, constantly swimming past, but seeing himself as nothing.

"Can it be that there is a blood relationship between the two with the same origin!"


It is also unclear about the connection between the two, so he agrees with Yu Haoran's conjecture that the blood is the same origin.

One hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

700 meters!


After sinking to a depth of more than three thousand meters, the body has hidden and felt pain, and breathing gradually began to become difficult, Tallinn reminded in surprise.

"Yu Haoran, has reached the bottom of the lake!"

Changsong breathed a sigh of relief, and Hao Ran accelerated the speed of sinking.

Just twenty seconds later, a hard and slippery feeling let him know that he had successfully reached the bottom of Blood Lake.

"Yu Haoran, the bottom of the Blood Lake does not have any suppression of divine thoughts, and there is no beast-eating fish at the bottom of the lake. You can use the divine thoughts to observe the situation at the bottom of the lake."

Just when the legs were just stepping on the bottom of the hard lake, the voice of Tallinn reminded suddenly.

Because the beast-eater can devour the soul of the warrior, in order to avoid the alertness of the beast-eater from the divine thought, Yu Haoran did not dare to let the god-mind leave the sea when he entered the blood lake.

Now, after hearing the reminder from Ta Ling, he quickly spread his thoughts and took a closer look at the bottom of the lake, and was startled by the countless eerie bones at the bottom of the lake.

One is connected to the other, one is pressed against the other, the number of bones on the bottom of the lake is almost hundreds of thousands.

After the shock, Yu Haoran immediately attracted a huge sword mark about 100 meters wide and about 10,000 meters long.

Because the entire lake was only covered by sword marks, it was not covered with gloomy white bone.

Slowly swim to the edge of the sword mark, a familiar feeling, let him know the spirit in the sea immediately trembled, because the spirit felt the breath and death of the two lines of law and the same source of breath.

"Yu Haoran, time is limited, you should grasp the time to realize the life and death mood contained in the sword mark, so as to improve your dual law of life and death." Seeing the trembling of the soul in the sea, Ta Ling knew that Yu Haoran had successfully sensed the meaning Life and death mood, quickly reminded.

Nodded his head, Yu Haoran chose a red rock near the edge of the sword mark, sitting on the rock with his knees bent, and began to use the life and death mood contained in the sword mark to fully promote his dual law of life and death.

Live, never stop!

Dead, life is dead!

Life, the end of life is death.

Death, the end of death for a living!

Feeling the artistic conception of life and death contained in the sword marks, Yu Haoran realized the sky above the spirits in the sea, and gradually formed a huge pattern.

There is a gap formed by S in the middle of the pattern, which directly divides the whole pattern into two halves.

Half of the pattern is vibrant white.

The other half of the pattern is silent black.

"No way!"

Looking at the huge pattern slowly condensing over the **** of the sea, an incredible look appeared on Ta Ling's face.

"Yin Yang's life and death map, this is the first strong man in the Middle Ages, Lao Tzu, using the power of the rules he has mastered, condensed innate instruments not lost to me and chaotic copper."

"Couldn't it be possible for Hao Ran to recreate the yin and yang life and death map that has been destroyed by virtue of his own understanding of the laws of life and death."

Thinking of Yu Haoran's practice of the One-Gas Sanqing Gong Fa comes from Lao Tzu, and thinking that he had accidentally obtained the yin and yang life and death in Laling City's leak-checking shops from Lao Tzu, Ta Ling realized that what he had just thought was not impossible.

If Yu Haoran was able to reunite the yin and yang life and death picture, thinking of this, Ta Ling turned his head and glanced at his own destiny, and a kind of relief appeared in his eyes.

"Life and death are both tit-for-tat and complement each other."

"If it is possible to eliminate the laws implied between life and death, and simply use moves, can we show a special relationship between birth and death!"

With the mood of life and death implied in the sword marks, the speed of assisting ascension to the two-line law of life and death is getting faster and faster. Yu Haoran finds that he only needs to use half of his energy to improve the law.

Therefore, half of the energy was separated, and the life and death state of mind through sword marks began to be considered, and how to create the swordsmanship of life and death, and the mystery of life and death.

It was that Hao Ran was lurking on the bottom of the Blood Lake, immersed in the perception of the dual law of life and death, and at the expense of the white dog who overdrawn the blood of the ancestor Tiangou, finally found the remaining smell of Hao Ran and traced it to the Blood Lake.

"There are almost 70% of the reasons why the Dry Blood Mountain can become a dangerous place after one of the top ten forbidden grounds."

Looking at the calm lake without a wave, Bai Fan couldn't help himself.

"But what exactly is the danger in the Blood Lake? Few people can tell if I have the ability to venture into the Blood Lake to find out!"

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