Destined Martial God

Chapter 1164: Destiny Mind (One more)

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In the Bloody Mountains, in front of the Blood Lake!

"Master Fan, can we take a step back for a while!" Just as Bai Fan analyzed the situation of the Blood Lake to himself, the terrified white dog couldn't help reminding him.

"White dog, what's wrong with you?" Bai Fan asked with a frown, looking at the white dog who was trembling because of extreme fear.

"Master Fan, the blood lake in front gives the dog a sense of extreme danger, as if there is a step forward, there will be a fatal danger." White Dog said in more horror.

"White dog, as the descendant of my white tiger family guardian beast, are you so greedy for life and afraid of death!" The white dog's too timid reaction made Bai Fan utterly dissatisfied.

"Master Fan, I ...!"

Facing Bai Fan's dissatisfaction and reprimand, when White Dog opened his mouth to refute, he suddenly stared at Bai Fan with wide eyes, his eyes filled with horror.

White Dog's horrified reaction immediately aroused Bai Fan's vigilance. When he tried to turn around after instantly mobilizing all his strength, his left shoulder suddenly came with a severe pain in which the flesh was torn.

Turning his head, a small fish with the size of a palm and an unusual appearance, with two rows of sharp teeth, was desperately tearing the flesh on his left shoulder.


When he saw the little fish biting his left shoulder, it was the horrifying beast-eater, Bai Fan finally understood the cause of the white dog's panic, and immediately waved his hand against the beast-eater.

But when he looked up at Blood Lake, like a white dog, his face was filled with horror.

Because the originally calm surface of the Blood Lake is constantly flooding with waves of several meters and tens of meters.

Along with the innumerable waves, thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of beast-eating fish, grinding their sharp teeth, rushed towards him and the white dog.

"White dog, immediately overdraw all the white tiger blood, and take Master Ben out of the siege." Quickly put on his gloves, hit dozens of beast-eaters rushing in front of him, and Bai Fan immediately ordered to the white dog behind him.

But there was no response, so Bai Fan realized that the situation was not right. He turned his head and glanced, but found that the white dog had already fled from the Blood Lake.

"White dog, you dare to escape, Master Ben must have your muscles and peeled off your skin." Looking at the white dog who escaped from the attack of the beast fish, Bai Fan immediately threatened with anger.

I scratched my skin and peeled myself off!

After hearing Bai Fan's punishment for himself afterwards, he thought of his loyalty to the White Tiger family, but in exchange for such a miserable end, he had originally planned to venture back to Blood Lake to rescue Bai Fan's white dog, and his eyes flashed a ruthless look.

With a shudder, he instantly regained a huge body like a tiger, not a dog, and a dog, not a dog. The white dog opened his mouth and spit out a white energy ball toward Bai Fan.

Although the white energy can't really hurt Bai Fan, it can block his retreat and keep him from getting out of the beast of fish.

By the time Bai Fan broke up the white energy mass, all of them were surrounded by beast-eaters with sharp teeth.

"White dog, Yu Haoran, even if Bai Fan is a ghost, I won't let you go." Bai Fan roared exhaustedly when drowned by numerous beast-eaters.

"With the innate numerology inferred by Xuanwu ancestors, I can calculate everything I just did."

After watching the hundreds of thousands of beast-eaters slowly returning to the blood lake along with the lake water, the shore no longer had any trace and breath of Bai Fan, the white dog murmured in anxiety.

"If I use the White Tiger family to treat traitors, if I return to the White Tiger mystery, I'm afraid that like Bai Fan, I will not only be terrified but also have no chance of reincarnation."

To this point, the white dog looked up at the depths of the mountains across the Blood Lake, and there was a faint look in his eyes.


After secretly encouraging himself, the white dog immediately rose into the air, leapfrogging the blood lake to a height of kilometers, and leaping into the deepest blood mountain range.


Bottom of the Blood Lake!

"Nine deaths!"

With his eyes closed and his index finger replacing the sword, Yu Haoran showed the sword technique just created with the concept of life and death facing the sword mark in front of him.

Containing 90% of the artistic conception of death and 10% of the artistic conception of life, chopped on a huge red rock in the sword mark.

Ninety percent of the red rocks instantly turned black, and 10 percent of the red rocks were replaced with white.

When Haoran retracted his fingers, 90% of the black rocks instantly turned into dust, and 10% of the white rocks showed a hint of green.

"The artistic conception, the mystery, and the rules originally belonged to the power of promotion, but why can we break through this promotion by breaking through the realm!"

Opening his eyes, looking at a trace of green white rocks, Yu Haoran's eyes were filled with a hint of doubt.

"Moody's artistic conception, mystery, and law belong to the same source, but they are only a huge gap in strength, which leads to artificial levels of detail."

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that my previous guess was correct. The doubt in Yu Haoran's eyes was gradually replaced by surprise.

The half of the consciousness that was originally separated continues to be divided into half.

A quarter of the consciousness perceives the state of life and death, and continues to perfect the swordsmanship just created.

A quarter of the consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and began to read a large number of books and jade bamboo slips harvested from the treasure house of the Guliang family.

"Road to Road, very Avenue!"

"Yuan Tao and physical Tao are the foundation of Tao, supplemented by the heart and soul, to build a complete martial art together."

"Yuan Tao, Physical Tao, Mind Tao, and Soul Tao, the Tao of Law can be either a single practice system or a whole new practice system."

"Budo is like Yuan Dao, Ti Dao ...!"

Combining the experience of previous lives, the gains of this life, a brand-new practice system, a mental and martial arts technique that cannot be graded temporarily, but has unlimited promotion potential, lies in Hao Ran's mind.

When the self-made mentality really took shape and was able to assist his cultivation to break through the realm of Wu Zun, Yu Haoran reorganized the martial arts of the self-made mentality, and couldn't help sighing.

"Since you can't judge the grade of your mind, you have unlimited potential for promotion."

"There are not only the harvests of this life's refining, but also the experiences of the past century."

"So, this mentality I created is called the destiny mentality!"

It was because Haoran had just named his own mental and martial arts skills, and he had been lucky with the heavenly rules that he had already left, and suddenly began to get close.

With the intimacy of the heavenly rules and rules, half of the consciousness was originally needed to perceive the mood of life and death in the sword mark, and half of the consciousness can be separated at this moment.

Facing the change of his own destiny mentality and the rules of heaven, Yu Haoran's surprise emerged in his heart and calmed down quickly.

Later, he devoted himself to the enlightenment of the law, the creation of swordsmanship and mind.

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