Destined Martial God

Chapter 1167: Blood soul stone causing blood mosquito mutation (four more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie!

Deep in the Dry Blood Mountains, in the sea of ​​flowers!

"Isn't it!" Yu Haoran asked in confusion in the face of Taling's irony.

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Ta Ling didn't bother to respond.

Directly use the powerful divine thought, break a flower without eggs, and then hand it to Hao Ran, and signal him to absorb the vitality in the flower to determine whether the flower in front of him belongs to the first-order first-class blood spirit body flower.

The pinch has a flower the size of a disc, and then the star battle is run to begin to absorb the vitality contained in the flower.

With the vitality contained in the flower, it was continuously inhaled into the body, and the flesh grade that had just been promoted to Wusheng Liupin in the early days just climbed up like a rocket.

After the flowers in his hands were completely dried up, his physical grade also reached the peak of Wusheng Eight Pins.

Although the strong vitality contained in the flowers is horrible for the promotion of the physical grade, it is far from the anti-sky effect that the first-order and first-grade blood spirit plastic body flower should have.

"Ta Ling, are these spirit flowers in front of me, all just branches of the body of the blood spirit body!"

Reaching out to crush the dried flowers, watching the powder slowly fall, Yu Haoran's mind flashed a thought in an instant.


Nodded, Ta Ling looked at the boundless sea of ​​flowers, reminding him with a solemn tone.

"Whether it is the main body or branch of the Blood Spirit Body Flower, both are the same in size, shape and color."

"It is not easy to find the main body of the first-order and first-bodied sculptural flower in the sea of ​​flowers in front of me."

The difficult problem that Ta Ling just mentioned made Yu Haoran also fall into deep thinking.

Thinking about how to find the main body of the blood-sculpting body flower that can help him break through the realm of Wudi from the boundless sea of ​​flowers.

At this time, thousands of eggs on a petal not far away began to hatch.

Watching the hatched blood-sucking mosquito begin to devour the petals, a strange feeling began to come to mind.

"Taling, please help me catch a blood-sucking mosquito that has just hatched." Pointing at the blood-sucking mosquito that was eating the petals, Yu Haoran ordered.

Knowing that Yu Haoran had amazing insight and was able to find the key to the problem from some nuances, Ta Ling did not hesitate to use the divine thought to capture a rice-grained blood-sucking blood mosquito before him.

Using Yuanli to hold down the blood-sucking blood mosquitoes the size of rice grains, Yu Haoran carefully examined with divine thought, followed by a look of surprise on his face.

"Ta Ling, use your powerful Emperor Wudi realm to capture a king-level blood-sucking blood mosquito." Yu Haoran looked up at Ta Ling and continued to command.

Similarly, without any hesitation, Taling quickly captured a blood-sucking blood mosquito at the pinnacle of the King's Realm, using his powerful divine thoughts.

After carefully examining the blood-sucking blood mosquitoes at the peak of Wang Jing Jiu Pin with God's mind, Yu Haoran's original surprise was replaced by doubt.

Through the space of the domain tower, he looked up at the endless sea of ​​flowers, and the blood-sucking blood mosquito flying from time to time.

"Yu Haoran, what's the matter with you?" From surprise to doubt, Yu Haoran's strange response just now made Ta Ling unable to bear to ask.

"Taling, how do you say that the ordinary blood mosquitoes mutated into blood-eating mosquitoes?" Yu Haoran looked at Taling and asked, looking back at Huahai.

In the face of Hao Ran's interrogation, Ta Ling considered it for a while, and finally decided to reveal the piece of treasure he knew, and see if he could find the body of the Blood Spirit Body Flower from the sea of ​​flowers through the origin of the piece.

"Yu Haoran, from ancient times to the present, there are not many treasures known to cause blood changes."

"And there are only a few treasures that can cause an abnormality in the blood of a race on a large scale."

"So, I suspect that the real reason for the blood vein variation of the blood mosquito is most likely due to the hidden hidden blood soul stone in this sea of ​​flowers."

"Ta Ling, is it the Blood Soul Stone that purifies the blood vessels and returns them to their ancestors!"

After hearing about Ling Ling's reference to Blood Soul Stone, Yu Haoran's mind flashed a memory of Blood Soul Stone.


While nodding to confirm, Taling continued to explain.

"Although the blood sculpting flower has a grade of one order and one grade, it can reproduce a large number of branch flowers, but the blood sculpting flower itself does not have the effect of making the blood veins of the soul change."

"Ta Ling, it seems I already know how to find the body of the Blood Spirit Body Flower."

After hearing Ta Ling's further explanation, his thoughts gradually cleared, making Yu Haoran a happy smile on his face.

"Oh, how to find?" Hearing Yu Haoran had a way to find the body of the Blood Spirit Body Flower, Ta Ling immediately asked in excitement.

"Ta Ling, use the divine mind to carefully observe the constitution of these two blood-eating mosquitoes!" Yu Haoran signaled with a smile without answering Ta Ling's question immediately.

"It's exactly the same, there is no difference!" Ta Ling said puzzledly after sweeping two different grade bloodthirsty blood mosquitoes.

"Then you are observing the blood-sucking mosquito that lives in Yuta!" Pointing at the blood-sucking mosquito that crawled on the flowers and took them to the sea of ​​flowers, Yu Haoran continued to remind with a smile.


Immediately after the divine thought swept over the blood-sucking blood mosquito inhabiting the pagoda in the domain, a shocked look appeared on the face of the towering spirit.

Then he said in surprise.

"I understand. It turned out that the flowers had just hatched ordinary blood mosquitoes, just because the vitality in their bodies was too vigorous, which made it impossible to distinguish their true constitution through breath.

"Only those blood mosquitoes that have actually swallowed the blood styling flower body will be upgraded to blood eater."

"Ta Ling, I'll trouble you next!" Nodded his head, Yu Haoran said easily.


Nodded his head, Ta Ling directly spread the extreme thoughts of Wu Di's realm, and began to follow the travel routes of those who promoted the blood-eating mosquito.

"Wang, wang, wang!"

Just as Ta Ling followed the course of the blood-eater, the familiar dog bark suddenly came from deep in the sea of ​​flowers.

Without any hesitation, Shennian immediately passed through the Pagoda of the Field, and quickly came to the depths of the sea of ​​flowers, and saw the white dog desperately resisting the attacks of countless blood-sucking mosquitoes.

Looking at the scarred, Tengu who was fighting alone, he thought of the white tiger jade that he had picked up on the shore of Blood Lake, and Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a look of doubt.

However, the look of doubt did not last long, and was replaced by the idea of ​​whether to rescue the white dog.

Because the white dog contains the bloodlines of the white tiger and tengu, and leaves the white tiger resident as a law enforcement officer to hunt and kill himself, indicating that his status in the white tiger family is not low, and we should know a lot about the white tiger family.

If you can understand the White Tiger family from the white dog's mouth in advance, it will also be conducive to your plan to annihilate the four guardian families in the future.

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