Destined Martial God

Chapter 1168: Become your beast pet (five more)

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Deep in the Dry Blood Mountains, in the sea of ​​flowers!

Although I had the idea to rescue him in my heart, looking at the gathering of more and more blood-sucking blood mosquitoes, Yu Haoran didn't know what to do for a moment.

In desperation, he could only turn to Taling.

After all, facing the special situation in the sea of ​​flowers, there is only one way to rescue the white dog, and that is to risk putting it in the tower of the domain.

But this requires the consent of Taling.

Moreover, how to avoid the existence of the tower in the domain, it is even more necessary for the tower spirit to take the initiative.


Hearing Yu Haoran's help, Ta Ling didn't feel embarrassed to reply.

The first is the use of powerful divine thoughts that directly stun the white dogs that are already scarred and may be killed at any time.

Subsequently, the tower of the ontology domain was controlled to form an independent space, and then the white dog fainted in the past was thrown directly into the independent space.

"Yu Haoran, the rest is left to you!"

After urging Yu Haoran, Ta Ling continued to follow the course of the blood-sucking blood mosquito, looking for the main body of the blood spirit plastic flower, and the blood soul stone buried under the main body of the blood spirit plastic flower.

Although the severe damage suffered by the white dog at this time has led to the breath that has fallen to the 9th level of the imperial realm, considering that it contains the blood of the beast white tiger and the fierce beast Tengu, and its powerful strength close to the realm of Wu Zun, Yu Haoran has nothing Dare not care.

His ten fingers quickly sealed the seal. After using the seal to completely seal the white dog, he was still a bit uneasy.

Later, he took out more than a dozen spells to seal the spirit veins from the storage ring, all of which were affixed to the white dog.

After all this was done, he really used a quiver of peace to awaken the white dog in the coma.

"You are a human Danshi Yu Haoran who can refine and revere Dan!"

The white dog who slowly opened his eyes, thought subconsciously that he was still desperately fighting blood-sucking mosquitoes, so when he quickly mobilized demon power and soul power to resist, he was horrified to find that he was completely sealed, which made him look up quickly.

After seeing the curved knee sitting in front of himself, exactly like the young man in the image provided by His Holiness Bai Hu, the white dog suddenly came down quietly, and looked very relaxed and asked.

"White dog, aren't you afraid I'll kill you now?" Yu Haoran looked at the white dog suddenly relaxed, and couldn't help but threaten.

"Whatever!" He waved his paw, and White Dog signaled indifferently.

White Dog's casual attitude without fear of life and death completely confused Yu Haoran.

Originally, I wanted to cruelly torture through the method of closing the hole, and then forced myself to ask about the secrets of the White Tiger family. He was also interrupted stiffly.

Since torture can't be used for forced interrogation for the time being, Yu Haoran can only temporarily change his strategy and ask in a tone of communication between friends.

"White dog, tell me in detail what you have encountered since Xiquan broke out."

Looking up at the dog, Yu Haoran glanced, and there was a look of doubt in the white dog's eyes.

Because it does not understand why Yu Haoran, who captures and seals himself, treats himself so gently.

Of course, no matter whether Yu Haoran's attitude was mild or brutal, White Dog didn't mean to hide it, it truthfully told everything that happened since the breakout of Xiquan.

For Bai Fan's death in the siege of blood lake beast fish, Yu Haoran's evaluation is only two words, deserve it!

On the other hand, Hao Ran understood the escape of the white dog and the betrayal afterwards.

It is different from the death method of ordinary spirits.

After being torn and devoured by the beast-eater, not only the physical body and spirits will completely die, but also the three souls and seven souls will also be devoured by the beast-eater.

Three souls and seven souls are not only the foundation for condensing the souls of the souls, but also the basis for the rebirth of the souls.

No matter who, in the face of the destruction of even three souls and seven souls, and the danger of reincarnation and reincarnation completely, I am afraid that they will carefully consider it.

Moreover, no matter how powerful the white dog's strength is, it is just a strange animal, with an instinctive fear that the strange animal cannot control when facing the natural enemy.

What's more, the white dog was not a loyal protector at that time, but the threat of Bai Fan's anger, which made him completely chilled, and finally made the urge to betray.

"White dog, since you have betrayed the White Tiger family, you have no obligation to swear allegiance, can you tell me some secrets about the White Tiger family."

Looking at crawling back to the ground, his eyes flashed occasionally, sometimes flashed fear, sometimes angry, and sometimes confused white dog. Yu Haoran tried to ask after careful consideration.

Shaking his head, a hint of irony flashed in White Dog's eyes.

"In name, my white dog is the guardian beast of the White Tiger family. In fact, even the pets raised by the young masters and young ladies of the White Tiger family are not as good."

Looking up at Yu Haoran, a sad wry smile appeared in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, even if I want to tell you all the secrets of the White Tiger family, but the imprisonment left in my knowledge of the sea will destroy my soul in the first time."

"That being the case, I won't ask any more!"

With the strength and means of the four guardian families, I am afraid that even if Ta Ling shot in person, it would be difficult to easily release the imprisonment of white dogs in the sea in a short time.

Therefore, after Yu Haoran extinguished the idea of ​​exploring the secrets of the White Tiger family through the white dog all night, he looked at the pitiful white dog and finally asked softly.

"White dog, what are you going to do next?"

"You don't kill me!" After hearing Yu Haoran's interrogation, the white dog suddenly stood up and asked with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"Although you are the law enforcement agent that the White Tiger family sent to kill me, we have never had a formal fight after all, and we have no irresolvable grievances with each other."

Facing the incredible interrogation of White Dog, Yu Haoran explained with a smile.

"Furthermore, if you betray the White Tiger family now, you will surely be hunted down by the strong members of the White Tiger family, which can also be regarded as sharing a fire for me."

"So it makes sense to let you go."

Facing the explanation given by Hao Ran, White Dog suddenly fell into silence.

Next, it sometimes looked up at Hao Ran, and then lowered its head for thought.

After thinking for nearly ten minutes, White Dog suddenly said straightly.

"Just three hours ago, I have used the secret method of overdraft blood vessels to completely remove all blood from the white tiger in my body."

"At this moment, I belong to the descendants of the ancestor Tengu."

I don't understand why he had to say something like this to himself, Yu Haoran looked at the white dog with a doubt.

"Yu Haoran, although I only have Tengu blood, my strength fell to the peak of Wusheng Jiupin, but replacing Tengu blood of White Tiger blood will allow me to return to the peak in one month and break through Wuzun in three months In the future, there will be 50% hope to achieve the imperial realm. "

At this point, White Dog suddenly lowered his head, signaled in a docile gesture.

"My white dog is willing to be your beast pet!"

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