Destined Martial God

Chapter 1171: I can't help you to refine the alchemy

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Xianyang City, Yiyue Temple!

"Yu Haoran, who is the boy's ancestor?"

Since leaving the Dry Blood Mountain Range, Taling has been staying in the domain tower to sort out a large amount of refining materials harvested from the Guliang family, and pondering to give Hao Ran a method of making a weapon that can play the role of the ancestor and witch.

Therefore, he neither had a mind for Haoran, nor was he interested in knowing and knowing Teng Yunjie.

But when he heard Teng Yunjie's mention of the gibbons in the valley of death, he suddenly became interested.

Because he and the ancestor of that gibbons monkey, which is one of the four ancient spirit monkeys, have a deep friendship with the gibbons, and he wants to take care of it within his ability.

When I heard that the ancestors of the Teng family escaped from the fist of the articulated ape by self-exploding a magical instrument of sublime quality, and overdrawn by one-third of their original power and soul power, a hint of doubt emerged from the heart. This made him unable to resist the questioning.

"It seems to be the emperor Zhunwu realm that the law of perfection has just been integrated into the soul!" Combined with Teng Yunjie's request for refining Qiming Xuanmendan, Yu Haoran guessed.

"Yu Haoran, you better check with that kid."

Hearing that Hao Ran is not 100% sure of the real practice of the Teng family ancestors, Ta Ling reminded.

"Because I suspect that the injury of the ancestor of the Teng family is far from as easy as he said."

"Brother Teng, what is the true cultivation of your father?"

The reminder of Ta Ling made Yu Haoran suddenly think of the horror power displayed when the simian monkey was born to catch the python. He was also worried that a Jiuyang Huishun Dan could not really heal his injuries, so he obeyed Ta Ling's orders and looked seriously. Road.

"Brother Yu, my ancestor was just promoted to Zhunwu Emperor half a year ago!"

Since it was Yu Haoran's request to refining the top healing elixir, Teng Yunjie was also embarrassed to continue to conceal his ancestor's true cultivation, and answered truthfully.

"When you entered the realm of Zhun Wudi for the first time, you could only escape the life if you were struck by the spirits. You too underestimated the power of the box arm apes to perform boxing." When the ancestor of the Teng family heard that the emperor was only in the realm of Zhun Wudi, Ta Ling could not bear it. Live a sneer, sarcastic.

"Ta Ling, what do you mean?" Yu Haoran immediately asked why he did not understand the reason for Ta Ling's sneer and satire.

"Yu Haoran, although I have not witnessed the battle between the ancestors of the Teng family and the gibbons, but according to my understanding of that gibbons, when facing the opponent of the Emperor Wu realm, it must have performed the blood of the ancestors. It ’s sleepy. ”

Taring explained in detail.

"With the strength of that gibbous ape, and using the boxing skills that are trapped in heaven and earth, the power will reach the realm of the Three Emperor Zhunwu Emperor."

"With the strength of entering the realm of Zhunwu Emperor in the first place, the final results can be known in the face of the three martial arts of Zhunwu Emperor.

"If the guess is correct, the spirit of the ancestor of the Meng family may be on the verge of collapse at this moment."

After hearing Taling's detailed explanation, Yu Haoran could not help but fall into meditation.

Jiuyang Huishun Dan, which is a third-order and first-grade product, is the top healing elixir for healing the spirits, but in the face of the impending collapse, it is not just the healing elixir, but the poison that is life-saving.

After repeated thinking, Yu Haoran finally decided to let Ta Ling check the injury of the ancestor of the Meng family personally. After determining his true condition, he took the right medicine.

"Brother Teng, with my current Dan Dao Xiu, the power of refining third-order, first-order and nine-level Huihundan is as high as 90%."

Seeing the joy that appeared on Teng Yunjie's face, Yu Haoran had to relentlessly refuse.

"But I can't help making it for you."

The smile that had just appeared on his face was instantly frozen, and Teng Yunjie was both a little disappointed and angrily questioned.


"Brother Teng, I can neither make you a murderer to murder your ancestors, nor let you become a sinner of eternity in Tianwumen." Without any questioning by Teng Yunjie, Yu Haoran said sincerely.

"Brother Yu, I don't understand!" Teng Yunjie faced Hao Ran's sincere response, and his anger instantly disappeared, asking with confusion.

"Brother Teng, I once entered the Inner Valley of the Valley of Death and not only knew but also had a certain friendship with the gibbous monkey that severely damaged your father."

"So, I know its true strengths very well."

Later, Yu Haoran informed Teng Yunjie about Taling's boxing skills that the articulated apes might perform, the power of the boxing skills, and the true state of the ancestors of the Teng family.

Hearing Yu Haoran's detailed introduction to the strength of the gibbons, and speculation about his ancestor's injuries, Teng Yunjie was even more self-blame, but also panicked.

"Brother Yu, what should I do?"

"Brother Teng, if you definitely believe me, then it is best to take your ancestor to Xianyang City, and after my careful inspection, decide the final treatment plan." Yu Haoran proposed.

"Brother Yu, the identity of my ancestor is too important. It can be said that I am affected by the whole body. With my position and strength, I have no right to decide whether I can take my ancestor to Xianyang City." Teng Yunjie said with a bitter smile.

"Brother Teng, then go back and tell you the hosts and elders of Tianwumen, and say that I am in a good mood recently, and plan to make a furnace of Qiming Xuanmen Dan in advance."

Yu Haoran understood Teng Yunjie's difficulties, so he had already figured out a solution for him, and said solemnly.

"If you want to get a Qiming Xuanmendan in advance, then it is best to rush to Xianyang City within five days, otherwise, when my mood is normal, it is possible to refine the success rate of Qiming Xuanmendan To less than 10%. "

"Master Yu, thank you!"

The success rate of refining elixir will increase with the refinement of Danshidan Dao, and there is no possibility of lowering it, unless it is artificially controlled by Danshi.

Therefore, Teng Yunjie knew that it was Yu Haoran who threatened the doorkeeper and brought his ancestor to Xianyang City for himself. How could he not be excited?

"Brother Teng, it's not too late. You'd better return to Tianwumen right now and try to get your ancestors to Xianyang City in the shortest possible time." He waved to Teng Yunjie not to be so polite, Yu Haoran suggested.

"Princess Ling Fei, can you please tell the Holy One that Teng Yunjie will rush back to Tianwumen in advance." Nodded, Teng Yunjie turned his head and asked Qin Lingfei.

"Even though Yunjie left safely, Ling Fei will explain it to you and Father Huang." Nodded, Qin Lingfei signaled sympathetically.

"Brother Yu, thank you!"

He gave a fist thanks, and Teng Yunjie rose into the air, then left Xianyang City quickly.

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