Destined Martial God

Chapter 1172: Holy, I want to marry Ling Fei (four more)

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Xianyang City, Yiyue Temple!

Looking at Teng Yunjie who disappeared into sight, Yu Haoran retracted his attention, then looked at Qin Lingfei with infinite tenderness in his eyes.

"Hao Ran!" Qin Lingfei shook her head shyly at the infinite tenderness in Hao Ran's eyes, shouting carefully.

"Boy, pay attention to your emotions and thoughts. The faint yin qi in Ling Fei's body has not really dissipated."

When he wanted to return to Yuta to continue refining his materials, he unexpectedly felt the dramatic ups and downs of Hao Ran. He took a quick look carefully.

After seeing the infinite tenderness in Yu Haoran's eyes and the shyness of Qin Lingfei Chunxin *, Ta Ling could not help but frowned and reminded.

"Ta Ling, I'm not Hao Ran who is thinking on the bottom half of my body. I know what I should do and what I shouldn't do." Facing the misunderstanding of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran could not help but refuted with his eyes rolled. .

Then he walked in front of Qin Lingfei, reached out and held her jade hand, and pulled her straight to the practice room of Yiyue Temple.

"Hao Ran, what kind of flower is this?" Qin Lingfei sat in the practice room while bending her knees. Qin Lingfei watched Yu Haoran take out a gorgeous flower like a disc from the storage ring and asked in surprise.

"Stupid girl, this flower is a spiritual flower used to enhance the physical grade, so that you can fuse the mysterious soul fire in your body as soon as possible, not to express my love."

Qin Lingfei showed a girl-like surprise in her eyes, allowing Yu Haoran to immediately guess her thoughts. When she felt speechless, she couldn't help but stretch her hand on her forehead.


"Haoran, I know!"

Reaching out and rubbing the forehead in the bullet, Qin Lingfei gave a slightly dissatisfied glance at Hao Ran, his eyes fell back on the gorgeous flowers again, and a surprise expression appeared in his eyes.

"Ling Fei, this flower is called Xueling Sculpting Flower. The petals and stamens contain strong vitality. It is one of the few top elixirs in Tianxuan Continent that can greatly improve the physical quality." The branched flowers were brought to Qin Lingfei, Yu Haoran explained.

At the beginning, in the sea of ​​flowers deep in the Dry Blood Mountains, facing the reality that he had to leave the sea of ​​flowers immediately, he was not willing to return empty-handed, and he entrusted Taling to use his powerful gods to help him collect ninety-nine flowers. The flowers are dominated by worm eggs.

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, Qin Lingfei pinched the broken flower path, and then started practicing the exercises to begin to absorb the vitality contained in the flowers.

Early Emperor Mipin!

Feeling the atmosphere fluctuations of Qin Lingfei's physical breakthrough, Yu Haoran nodded with satisfaction.

This shows that Qin Lingfei has not been too greedy to enter the country and has always attached great importance to the consolidation of her foundation.

Next, through Qin Lingfei's speed of absorbing the vitality contained in the flowers, and the effect of assisting the promotion of the physical grade, he left two branched flowers of the Blood Spirit Shaped Flower, and two elixir used to consolidate the physical grade breakthrough. , Got up and left the practice room.

Afterwards, he went straight to the study room of the Palace of Justice.


"The old slave has seen Grandma!"

Looking at Yu Haoran who appeared in front of the Palace of Government, General Jiang, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Mr Jiang doesn't need to be polite!"

Looking at the general manager Jiang who was kneeling down on one knee, Yu Haoran quickly reached out and raised his hand, and took out a storage bag containing a portion of the elixir and the fourth-order first-grade spirit stone and stuffed it directly into his hand.

"Master Ma, I can't ask the old slave." Looking at the storage bag in his hand, General Manager Jiang didn't even look and refused directly.

"Director Jiang, you don't know my Yu Haoran's temper, don't make me angry." With a complexion, Yu Haoran threatened.

"This ...!" Faced with the threat of Hao Ran's good intentions, General Manager Jiang did not immediately know what to say.

"Okay, you can accept it with peace of mind!"

Reached out and patted Mr. Jiang's shoulder, Yu Haoran stepped into the Palace of Ceremony with a smile, and then went straight to the study in the apse.

Looking at Yu Haoran who entered the Yizheng Hall, the general manager Jiang had a happy smile on his face, and then went into the storage bag intentionally, and wanted to see what kind of gift Master Ma gave him.

After seeing more than ten kinds of elixir used to improve cultivation and strength, and one hundred fourth-order first-grade spirit stones, the general manager immediately stopped.

"You're back!" Looking at Yu Haoran, who broke into the study himself without being informed by General Manager Jiang, Qin Emperor smiled indignantly.

"I am back!"

Nodded his head, sitting directly on the chair in front of the desk, Yu Haoran looked up at Emperor Qin and said solemnly.

"Holy, I want to marry Ling Fei as the wife in the shortest possible time."

The left hand clenching the twisted hands shook a bit, and Qin Emperor was both relieved and very puzzled.

"Horse, why are you anxious?"

"Explain!" Yu Haoran replied.

"What to confess? To whom?" Qin Emperor asked more confusedly.

"Give me a confession, give Ling Fei a confession, give a holy confession, and give a confession to some wrongdoers." Yu Haoran explained calmly.

"Horse horse, did you encounter some men ’s threats during this time out?"

Give an explanation to someone who has a bad idea!

Yu Haoran's last sentence explained that Qin Emperor vaguely guessed something, and asked with cold light in his eyes.

Nodding his head, Yu Haoran gave a brief introduction to the story of the Bristol Family and the Zhou Family trying to draw themselves together through marriage.


After hearing the wishful thinking of the Baili family and the Zhou family, Emperor Qin couldn't help humming.

Then he got up and left the dragon chair, walked to the window sill, and looked at the direction of the northern central region, speaking frostily.

"A hundred miles of families, the Zhou family, and the puppet army of the North March will sooner or later invade the Central Territory. You, the inherited family who fear the world will not be chaotic, will sooner or later die in front of the puppet army."

Looking at the direction of the central area of ​​the north for nearly half an hour, Qin Emperor, who readjusted his emotions, returned to the dragon chair, and said with relief and gratitude.

"Horse horse, for Ling Fei, for the Qin family, thank you for the Great Qin Empire!"

"Holy, you speak a lot!" Facing the thanks of Emperor Qin, Yu Haoran quickly got up and signaled.

"My grandmother, the queen mother heard the news some time ago, saying that she had successfully retrieved the key to unlock the mystery, and she would return to Xianyang City for up to half a month."

Signaling Hao Ran to sit, Emperor Qin banged on the desk while discussing.

"In this case, your wedding with Ling Fei must be held within half a month."

"Because this will not delay your participation in the mystery experience, nor will it affect the battle for the Qianlong list in the southern region that will start one month later."

Having said that, Emperor Qin could not help frowning.

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