Destined Martial God

Chapter 1178: Gift from the gibbons (five more)

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Death Valley, Inner Valley!

"Thank you, senior!" Yu Haoran thanked him immediately when he heard the gibbons promised to attend his wedding.

In fact, in addition to personally inviting the gibbons to the wedding, in addition to increasing the number and quality of male guests, it is also hoped that with the powerful strength of the gibbons, some ulterior motives will be shocked to ensure the wedding goes smoothly.

After all, marriage is not the same as engagement, and some things are not suitable for him to solve.

"Little friends don't need to be so polite!" After halting the invitation solemnly, the gibbons laughed and motioned.

"For half a month to fight against black gas, predecessors must be very tired now, and there are still some things for younger people to deal with, so leave first."

The time to prepare for the wedding is very urgent, and not only does not have time for meditation practice, but it is also necessary to return to Xianyang City to practice alchemy at any time.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who completed a mind, immediately quit with his fist.

"Okay, then I won't give you away!"

Nodded, the gibbons didn't hold too much.

Because it also urgently needs to restore its peak strength, and then go after the nine snakes who dare to attack behind.

However, when it saw that Yu Haoran had left, not only did he not leave the inner valley of the valley of death, but instead rushed into the depths of the inner valley, he couldn't help but ask God with doubt.

"Little friend, what are you going to do?"

"Seniors, according to what the juniors learned beforehand, it seems that in the inner valley of the valley of death, there is a blue blood Xuanyin flower with a grade of three.

Stopped, Yu Haoran did not hide his purpose of going deep into the inner valley, and said truthfully.

"And this green blood Xuanyin flower is exactly what the younger generation needs."

"Did you have nine turquoise petals, each with a red dot in the center of the petals?" After hearing Hao Ran's mention of the third-order one-pink green blood mysterious flower, the gibbons thought carefully, and then tone Some weren't sure.

"Yes!" Yu Haoran nodded quickly and confirmed.

"Little friend, do you know what the Linghua Guardian Beast is?" After being confirmed by Yu Haoran, the gibbons appeared in front of him and asked with a smile.


Facing the interrogation of the gibbons, Yu Haoran suddenly didn't know how to answer.

According to the past experience of smashing through the valley of death, the other beast guarding the blue blood Xuanyin flower is just an Xuanyin python with the ancient blood of ancient beasts and snakes.

But in this world, which is affected by the energy of the devil's tomb, who knows what state the Xuanyin python has reached.

"Little friend, you act too recklessly and easily lead you into a fatal crisis." Seeing that Hao Ran didn't even know the guardian beast of Bi Xuan Yin Hua, he dared to break into the depths of Neigu. The gibbon reminded solemnly.

"Senior is right!"

Without refuting the criticism of the gibbons, Yu Haoran accepted with an open heart.

"Little friend, the beast guarding the blue blood Xuanyin flower, is an Xuanyin python containing the ancient blood of the ancient beast, and it is also one of the only three exalted beasts in the valley of Death Valley."

Although he had known for a long time that the Xuanyin python containing the ancient blood of the ancient beast, the grade and strength would change dramatically, but what he never expected was that the Xuanyin python became a peerless beast.

Fortunately, with the help of Ta Ling, Xuanyin Python is not too dangerous.

Therefore, Yu Haoran was just shocked when he heard the news, and soon recovered his calm mood, and then thanked the Tongji monkey.

"Thank you for your reminder!"

Although Yu Haoran acted a little recklessly, his quick and calm mood showed that his own mood was improved.

This made the gibbons very satisfied, but also couldn't help but want to know his purpose in searching for the Bloody Xuanyinhua.

"Senior and junior fiancee have Xuan Yin Soul Fire. I want to use the blood of Xuan Yin Xuan Yin to upgrade the level of Xuan Yin Soul Fire, and assist her in training to be promoted to the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin in a short time so that she can compete in the Qianlong list Won a good ranking. "Vaguely guessed the intention of the gibbons interrogation, Yu Haoran said without concealment.

"So it is!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, the gibbons nodded to indicate that they understood.

Then it disappeared in place by a means that Yu Haoran couldn't understand.

Just twenty seconds later, the gibbons reappeared in place, holding a green **** mysterious flower uprooted in their hands.

"Senior, this ...!"

Although I have long guessed the intention of the gibbons, but when it really took the blood of the Xuan Yin Xuan Yin, Yu Haoran was agitated, instead he reached out to pick it up.

The demon power was used to wrap the Bixuexuanyinhua and sent directly to Haoran. The gibbons explained with a smile.

"Xiaoxuan has cultivated a total of Sanhuabixuexuanxuanhua over the years. One flower has been left for its own use, one flower has been given to its double repair companion, and the last one has been reserved for the old ape."

"Thanks to my old ape's current cultivation and strength, this green **** Xuanyin flower is no longer of much use. Today, I will present it to a friend by presenting a flower to the buddha!"

"Thank you for your gift!"

Take a jade box made of sapphire from the storage ring, put the jade box together with the soil at the root, and thank Haoran with his fists.

After waving hands, Hao Ran didn't need to be polite. The gibbons thought that a green-blooded Xuanyin flower could not compensate for the life-saving grace. He immediately stretched out his furry palm, and then tore the void in front of him.

Immediately after, thousands of precious treasures, such as fourth- and third-order spirit stones, grass, flowers, elixir, and sealed veins, floated from the torn void.

"Little friend, you and I put aside whatever you just saved."

Let go of the torn palm, and the gibbons smiled.

"Since I was invited to your wedding, as a senior, I deserve to give you some gifts."

Speaking of which, the gibbons pointed at the thousands of treasures floating in the air and gestured with a smile.

"Choose at will, choose whatever you want, as long as it can get into your eyes, all are taken away."

When Hao Ran originally wanted to postpone, Yu Haoran accidentally saw thousands of floating treasures, with a beautiful flower shaped like a butterfly.

He used the thought of God to send that flower to himself, Yu Haoran took a closer look, and his face suddenly showed a surprised look.

"Senior, this fifth-order nine-pink wooden butterfly flower, the younger accepted it cheekily!" Yu Haoran asked happily as she reached for her hand and pinched the flower.

"Little friend, I have said just now, as long as you like it, you can choose these treasures at will." Face to Hao Ran's request, the gibbons waved with a big hand.

In response, Yu Haoran nodded with a smile, then looked up and continued to observe the thousands of treasures floating in the air.

Later, he was absorbed by a bead exuding two flavors of water and fire.

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