Destined Martial God

Chapter 1179: Buddha Heart Fruit (one more)

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Death Valley, Inner Valley!

I also used God's thoughts to bring the beads that radiate fire and water to myself.

But before the inspection had actually started, he had been silent on the origins of the yin and yang different fires over Dan Tian, ​​and suddenly started to riot.

Quickly use God's thoughts to appease the origin of the yin and yang different fires of the riots. Yu Haoran carefully observed the beads floating in front of her eyes, and then a surprise expression appeared in her heart.

Because in front of this bead exuding the smell of water and fire, contains the huge and pure water and fire system of fire power.

The five elements are in harmony, and they are also in harmony!

If the flames of two different energies in this bead are absorbed by the yin and yang different fires, then the origin of the yin and yang different fires can be promoted, and he can also use the yin and yang different fires to perform a secret martial arts skill that is powerful enough to hurt Wu Zun realm Peerless powerhouse.

"Predecessor, this bead junior accepted it!" Using a special wooden box to shield the flames and avoid the restlessness of the origin of the yin and yang fire in Dantian, Yu Haoran still indicated with a negotiated tone.

In this regard, the gibbons just smiled and did not express and persuade too much.

"Yu Haoran, the most western shape is a fat fruit." Just when Haoran had just put away the wooden box with beads, the towering spirit in the sea reminded.

Using the divine thought to bring that spiritual fruit to himself, an atmosphere that can make the mind momentarily quiet, exudes from the spiritual fruit shaped like a fat man.

"Ta Ling, what is this?" Yu Haoran asked, reaching out to hold Linguo.

"Buddha fruit, the top spiritual fruit of the ten most precious treasures in the Buddhist martial arts in the Middle Ages, can assist the Buddha's physical grade to reach the level of Wuzun, which is also the achievement of the position of Luohan." Look, Taring said in a complex tone.

"Ta Ling, what effect does the Buddha Heart Fruit have on me?"

Yu Haoran is not very interested in Luo Han's position, he just wants to know what benefit this Buddha heart fruit can bring to himself.

"Although it has no effect on you, but it can help your master Feng Qingyun, the physical grade reaches the edge of Wu Zun's realm in one fell swoop, completely opening up his buddhist relationship." Ta Ling explained.

Holding the buddha's left hand a little harder, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a complex look.

In the end, he gave a long sigh, and then put the buddha fruit in the wooden box he took out, and when he was about to leave with his fist, the towering spirit in the sea reminded him again.

"Yu Haoran, did you see those nine beads in the southeast corner?"

"Saw it!" Looking up carefully, Yu Haoran nodded.

"Get it!" Taling said.

"Ta Ling, as the saying goes, nothing more!"

Facing Ta Ling's orders, Yu Haoran did not immediately follow suit but persuaded patiently.

"Although the Gibbon is grateful for my life-saving grace, let us choose these treasures, but we also need to understand the importance of not letting each other leave an insatiable impression."

"After all, when the wedding is officially held, I also need seniors of the gibbons to help calm down the ground so that no one can ruin the wedding ceremony."

Facing Hao Ran's persuasion, Ta Ling just smiled and said a word, and let him immediately change his mind, and use the divine thought to put nine beads into the tower.

"Yu Haoran, I can use these nine beads to make a set of offense and defense, and the power is not inferior to the state-of-the-art weapon."

"Yu Haoran, if there haven't been too many important things recently, try not to disturb me."

"Because I intend to use the time acceleration ability of Yuta, I can try to make these nine beads into a true stature instrument."

After carefully observing the quality of the nine beads, the tower was inspired by surprise, and a more bold idea was produced in the heart.

"I see!" Yu Haoran immediately agreed.

Then he laughed and signaled the gibbons.

"Seniors, juniors have been selected, and seniors can put away these treasures."

"Xiaoyou, there are many treasures in the remaining treasures, the quality and level of which are far better than the four treasures you just selected. Do you want to pick some?" Seeing that Hao Ran picked only four treasures , The gibbons couldn't help frowning.

"Seniors and juniors need to continue to be busy with the wedding, so leave for the time being!" Shaking his head, Yu Haoran signaled with a fist.

"That being the case, I won't say much."

Nodded, the gibbons waved away to collect more than a thousand treasures floating in the air, and then gave a guarantee.

"My friend, I will attend your wedding on time."

"Senior, goodbye!"

After nodding, Yu Haoran turned to leave the inner valley, and then headed straight for the outer valley of the valley of death.

"The heavenly machine is in chaos. The great realm of imperial realm and imperial realm is about to be born, and the strong realm of hidden gods will soon come. It seems that my old ape is about to leave this valley of death." Yu Haoran, a solemn look murmured in the eyes of the gibbons.


Xinyuemen, a third-rate sect of Baijiamen.

With the internal factional battle of Baichimen for nearly a hundred years, the overall strength was severely damaged, resulting in affiliated factions and family forces having different hearts.

The Xinyuemen is the sect that wants to get rid of the Baichimen most and seeks to find it alone.

Because according to the geographical location, closer to the north Xinyuemen station, they can harvest more sufficient heaven and earth aura.

At the same time, the successive two consecutive outstanding leaders have allowed Xinyuemen's overall strength to steadily improve, almost surpassing the 100-foot gate.

If it wasn't for Yu Haoran's emergence from the sky, or if Feng Qingyun exposed the practice of Wu Sheng, the strength had accumulated to the heart of the Moon Gate, I am afraid I would have declared independence.

However, after Yu Haoran left Baijimen, he did not return for more than a year, and Qing Zhongfeng's master brother Chu Zhongyu took the initiative to unload the door, and Feng Qingyun left Zongmen. Traveling, this re-ignited the independence ambition that Xinyuemen reluctantly suppressed.


Looking at the young man who appeared in front of the mountain gate, wearing a dark blue gown, with a slight smile on his face, the disciple of Xinyuemen who was responsible for guarding the mountain gate, shouted loudly.

"Trouble to inform Zhang Rou, and say that my old friend is visiting." Faced with the violent scolding of disciples from Xinyuemen, the young man in blue said nothing at all.

"Another disciple who does not know the heights and heights of the land, and covets the beauty of Sister Zhang." After hearing the young man in the blue clothes visiting Xinyuemen, the disciple who had just shouted loudly, said with a disdain to the teacher behind.

"Sister Zhang is already a woman who is determined by Master Brother. Whoever dares to fight with Master Zhang's idea is the enemy of Master Brother."

While nodding in agreement with his brother's speculation, Xiu was a brother-in-law who had only five grades of samurai, took out an ordinary sword of iron, and said with a sloppy smile on his face.

"Dare to be our enemy against our elder brother, that is to be against our entire heart and moon door."

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