Destined Martial God

Chapter 1209: Refining the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan (one more)

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A void in the mountains!

"Bloodhand Demon, I didn't expect that I would help you out with good intentions, but in the end I got you such a sinister heart."

Faced with the provocation of the blood hand demon Zunguo Guo, Yu Haoran shook his head with a bitter smile, and there was a kind of depression that shot a stone and hit his own feet.

But he didn't have the slightest confusion in his eyes, put away a depressed smirk, and explained calmly.

"If the nine nine-nine condensed magic potion contains the medicine power and there is no contact with each other, then they can never explode."

"If it is taken alone with Huadan, then it has a powerful effect to help Wu Zun's peerless powerhouse break through one to three small realms."

"And, there are no side effects guaranteed."

Faced with Hao Ran's swearing explanation, the blood-handed demon could not help sneering.

"Master Yu, do you dare to swear by the rules of heaven to prove that everything you just said is true."

"Blood Hand Demon, I was originally under no obligation to give anyone a promise and guarantee for the effects of Jiu Jiu Ning Mo Dan and Hua Zun Dan."

In the face of the fierce generals of Blood Hand Demon Zun, Yu Haoran's expression had not changed at all, and he looked at Feng Xu and others with a slight smile on his face.

But when he saw the glamorous girl standing next to Zhou Fengxu, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

However, he didn't pay much attention to the glamorous girl, and re-gazed at the provocative eyes of Blood Hand Demon, said with a smile.

"But in order to break your conspiracy."

Having said that, he slowly raised his left hand and vowed.

"I swear by the rules of heaven!"

"If there was a lie about the introduction to the effects of Jiu Jiu Ju Mo Dan and Hua Mo Dan just now.

Seeing Yu Haoran swear by the rules of heaven without hesitation, proving his innocence, a trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of the blood-handed demon.

However, as a mighty powerman who robbed the realm of Emperor Wudi, his powerful state of mind was to calm him down quickly, and then re-prepared for an attack, but Yu Haoran suddenly reminded him.

"Bloodhand Demon, everyone who knows me about Hao Ran knows that not only is my heart very narrow, but it is also particularly easy to avenge."

Seeing that the corner of the mouth of the Blood Hand Demon is slightly tilted, obviously he doesn't want to let himself go easily. Yu Haoran doesn't want to continue to trouble himself, so he directly blocks his intention to continue to provoke alienation.

"Since you are kindly used as a weapon to attack me, then I'm sorry, you can wait for death quietly!"

After finally re-stabilizing his emotions, and when he found a way to really give the opponent a fatal blow, Yu Haoran relied on him, so that the blood fighter had a weightless feeling of heavy boxing in the air, which made him almost depressed. Blood.

"Master Yu, the deity has less than three hundred years of life left, do you really have the heart to see the deity die?" The blood-handed demon begged bitterly.

"Bloodhand Lord, I will choose to turn a blind eye."

Nodded his head, Yu Haoran sat down with his hands bent on his knees, and then began to seal his fingers, re-condensing the independent space of the fire of Dan Tian, ​​preparing to start the second refining of Qiming Xuanmen Dan.

Yu Haoran's move to prepare alchemy has fully explained his attitude.

This caused the blood-handed demon to spit out a spit of blood, and also completely extinguished the thought of wanting to continue to sow discord, and asked the doubts that erupted when the ninth Jiu Jiu Ju Mo Dan burst.

"Master Yu, although Qipin Heilian is in a master-slave relationship, we have never signed any contract, and there is no relationship between them."

"Why did I have a strong suction when I decided to give up the thought of saving Qipin Heilian and wanted to pull back to avoid the elixir of elixir?"

Yu Haoran, who was preparing to refine the medicinal materials, explained that he had temporarily put down the medicinal materials that he was going to put into the independent space of Dantian Fire after hearing the doubts of the Blood Hand Demon.

"As the saying goes, people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and the world is always praying for cicadas!"

"Blood Hand Demon, Huazun Dan's ability to eliminate the magic in the Jiu Jiu Devil is mainly due to strong suction."

"Driven by insatiable drive, you not only seized the Jiuju Judan, but also let go of the nine Huazun Dans, which are of no use to you."

"So you end up in ruins, and it's also your own greed."

After hearing Yu Haoran's confusion, the Blood Hand Demon Zun felt blame, and his heart also had a deep dread of Hao Ran.

Whether it is able to control the self-explosion ability of nine nine-nine magic monsters, or seemingly unintentional, the deadly trap has already been laid out. It is enough to prove how gloomy his mentality is, how thorough he understands human nature, and his layout How cautious.

If the Blood Demon Sect wants to continue to inherit, but also wants to be stronger when the world is awake, it is best not to offend Haoran.

Thinking of this, the Blood Hand Demon immediately took out a blank jade Jank from the storage ring, and then used the remaining 100 years of life to leave his own heritage and a warning to the Blood Demon Sect.

With the method of smashing bones, tearing the void across the mountain, and directly sending Jade Jane and the storage ring back to the Blood Demon Sect in the northern region, the blood hand demon slowly closed his eyes.

At the moment when the breath of life of the Blood Hand Demon was completely extinguished, Wu Zun Jiupin's body suddenly spontaneously ignited, eventually turning into countless ashes, and falling in the corners and corners of Hengduan Mountains.

Yu Guang glanced at the blood hand demon statue turned into ashes, Yu Haoran could not help but sighed.

Afterwards, he immediately withdrew Yu Guang from his eyes and began to refine Qiming Xuanmen Dan with full concentration.

Although the Qiming Xuanmen Dan was first refined, it was destroyed by Qipin Heilien by means of soul-separating, but that only happened after the steps of dividing Dan, the previous steps of refining medicinal materials, Ningdan and preliminary dividing Dan It's exactly the same.

Therefore, with the experience of just refining, this time the process of refining Qiming Xuanmen Dan is not only easier, but also consumes less.

Forty minutes later, the nine elixirs that were successfully separated began to enter the warming process of pulling and devouring heaven and earth.

And this time, the process of sub-dan warming, did not encounter any changes, and successfully reached the level of Dan Chengdu robbery.

Or it may be because the hordes of annihilation suffered by Jiu Jiu Ju Dan consumed too much thunder horde force, or it may be because of the laxity of the Tiandao rules for monitoring the Tianxuan continent. Strong.

Although Nine Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan finally survived the lightning strike by Dan, all the rewards given by the rules of heaven after the event only allowed his cultivation and physical grade to be promoted to the middle of Wusheng Jiupin, far lower than his first. Expected to start.

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