Destined Martial God

Chapter 1210: All shots (second more)

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A void in the mountains!

Looking at the nine crystal clear seven-death Xuanmendan floating in the air, Zhou Fengxu and others, although showing strong desire, no one dared to step forward to snatch.

After all, the bloodless demon statue and Qipin Heilian's dead bones just happened in front of them. They dare not easily provoke Yu Haoran who can control the elixir of elixir.

He got up and beckoned against the elixir floating in the air. Nine seven-life Xuanmen Dan obediently fell into the Dan bottle he had prepared in advance.

Leaving a Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan carefully examined it, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a look of disappointment.

Originally, based on his current Dan Dao Xiu, and then combined with the countervailing effect of the Nether Dan Ning technique, although he did not dare to guarantee the final amount of Dan, he could guarantee that the final rank of Dan would reach the third-rank third-rank and fifth-rank.

But unfortunately, due to the influence of the Jiu Ji Ju Mo Dan crossing, the nine Qiming Xuanmen Dan all have only the third-order first grade.

Fortunately, the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan of the third order and one product also fulfilled his original agreement with Teng Yunjie.

Throwing the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan just checked to Teng Yunjie directly, Yu Haoran said to Zhou Fengxu and others.

"The junior Yu Haoran, thank you all for coming to watch the ceremony."

"Polite Master Yu!" Facing Haoran's gratitude, Zhou Fengxu and others did not dare to give a big greeting.

"Seniors, juniors know that you want to exchange for the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan that the kid has just refined."

Withdrawing his raised hands, Yu Haoran smiled and clarified the thoughts of the crowd, and also gave the answer that made everyone at the scene happy.

"The junior is just the cultivation of Wusheng Jiupin in the middle of the year. It is still 80 thousand miles away from breaking through the realm of Zhunwu Emperor, and the seven lives of Xuanmen Dan are just occupying more space for storage utensils."

"Therefore, the younger generation of eight three-ranked, one-ranked Qiming Xuanmen Dan is willing to take all shots."

"Grandmaster Yu, a sword weapon of exalted quality, and a defensive armor of exquisite quality, how about a Seven-Life Xuanmendan?"

Hearing that Yu Haoran was willing to exchange all the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan, Wu Zun's peerless power from Liu Yunzong, immediately gave the terms of the exchange.

In this regard, Yu Haoran just had a faint smile on his face, neither agreed to exchange, nor refused categorically.

"Master Yu, please take a look at the conditions given by the old man."

Every ordinary sword sword and divine defense weapon in the divine realm wanted to exchange a Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan that could assist the powerful Emperor Zhunwu to successfully pass through the heartbreak, Zhou Fengxu gave a scornful glance at the other .

Later, he took out the storage ring prepared in advance and sent it to Hao Ran in front of him by means of Yuanli Wrapping, and signaled with a smile.

Nodded his head, reached out to receive the storage ring, Yu Haoran passed the Taling in the sea of ​​knowledge, and two people used the idea to check at the same time.

"Yu Haoran, the old man named Zhou is really generous!"

Looking at the five drops of Qianyao Lingmilk stored in the storage ring, a sword weapon of superior quality, a blood dragon wood about one meter long, eight top-level elixir of three grades and nine grades, and a piece that can be used After the celestial sound of the Tianyin stone, Ta Ling couldn't help but sigh.

While directly storing the storage ring, Yu Haoran took out the Dan bottle containing Qiming Xuanmen Dan, and then poured out three elixir from it. He also used Yuanli to send it to Zhou Fengxu, smiling.

"Senior Zhou, the conditions you gave are too generous, enough to exchange for three Qiming Xuanmen Dan."

Looking at the three elixirs that were delivered to him, Zhou Fengxu looked trembling, and looked at Yu Haoran incredibly.

As a mighty power in the realm of Zhunwu Emperor, Zhou Fengxu knew the power and danger of the triple calamity in Zhunwu Emperor's realm.

Because no matter how talented you are, no matter how strong your perseverance, out of ten powerful powers in the Zhunwu emperor realm, there are less than four people who can successfully survive a heavy calamity and less than two who can successfully survive a double calamity. In the end, only one person can survive the triple calamity.

Therefore, Zhou Fengxu, who was very clear about the importance of Qiming Xuanmen Dan to the Emperor Zhunwu's mighty power, thought that he could only exchange one Qi Ming Xuanmen Dan at most.

But what he didn't expect was that Yu Haoran's shot would be so generous, and he directly gave three Qiming Xuanmen Dan.

This also indirectly proves Yu Haoran's vision and self-confidence in his Dan Tao ability.

"Master Yu, Feng Xu owes you a favor. If you want something in the future, as long as Zhou is within his power, Feng Xu will go all out."

After reaching out to receive the three elixirs, he checked it slightly, and Zhou Fengxu immediately made an exciting promise.

Except for those ancestors who fell asleep, the Zhou family has awakened or is about to break through the realm of Zhunwu Emperor, with a total of eight people.

Now, with the help of three Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan, three out of eight people can survive the calamity and become a powerful man in the realm of Zhunwu Emperor.

And how powerful the Emperor Zhunwu Emperor might be, it can be seen from the fact that the Blood Hand Demon can crush three Zhunwu Emperors and eight Emperors Wuzun.

Regardless of whether her granddaughter Qianyi is finally able to win Yu Haoran's favor, with the harvest of three seven-life Xuanmendan, the family will definitely give him credit once, and his status and treatment will change dramatically.

It is with all these benefits that Zhou Fengxu will make a promise when he is excited.

Although the requirements within his ability limit the practicability of the promise, in the absence of acquaintance, Zhou Fengxu was able to give such a guarantee, which also made Yu Haoran very pleased.

"Horse horse, since you want to sell all the seven lives of Xuanmen Dan, why don't you tell him?"

Seeing Yu Haoran exchanging three Zhoumingxuan Xuanmen Dan for Zhou Fengxu in one breath, he had no intention of leaving one or two elixir for his loved ones. Qin Emperor and Yuanzu, who were hidden in the void, couldn't wait any longer.

Rushing out of the void quickly, Qin Emperor, relying on the special relationship with Yu Haoran, couldn't help complaining.

"Holy, even if I give you a Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan now, what can you do!"

In the face of Qin Emperor's complaints, Yu Haoran could not help but roll his eyes and retort.

"Moreover, after I married Ling Fei, you are my father-in-law, and I will lose your panacea in the future."

"Haha ...!"

Yu Haoran's unpleasant refutation not only did not make Emperor Qin angry, but made him laugh loudly.

The ancestors of Yuan Zu, Zhou Fengxu and others who looked at Emperor Qin revealed unenvious envy and envy.

"Father Emperor!"

Seeing that Qin Emperor and Yuanzu had already come forward, Qin Lingfei and Teng Yunjie did not continue to stay on the edge of the mountain, took off and took off beside Yu Haoran, and she could not help reminding her of the ecstatic father.

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