Destined Martial God

Chapter 1211: The stingy selfish Lu Xianmin (three)

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A void in the mountains!

"Hao Ran, how about the gift the husband prepared for you?"

After Qin Emperor Qin Lingfei's reminder, after recovering the elated laughter, Yuan Zu gave a storage ring with a smile.

Reaching out to receive the storage ring that Yuanzu sent to him, Yu Haoran and Ta Ling continued to look at the ring collection at the same time.

"I did not expect that the treasures prepared by the ancestors of the Teng family did not lose any value to the surname Zhou."

Looking at the storage ring, there is a thumb-sized earth-centered chalcedony, nine drops of dragon blood from the beginning of the first product, an ice crystal washing bone marrow fluid, and a third-order nine-pin ice-horned blood dragon ginseng. , And two third-order, first-grade serenity flowers that can be used to calm the mind, Ta Ling couldn't help but sigh.

"Senior, these gifts are too precious!" Yu Haoran quickly postponed after Yi idea quit her storage ring.

"Hao Ran, relying on a seven-life Xuanmen Dan that you gave Yun Jie, these gifts will be free for you." Nian Zuo said very proudly about Hao Ran's postponement.

"That being the case, then the junior will come up with three Qiming Xuanmen Dan to exchange these gifts!"

I can hear the sincerity in Yuan Zu's arrogance. Of course, Yu Haoran couldn't seem too stingy. He poured three elixir directly from the bottle and sent it to Yuan Zu.


It is also clear that the precious ancestors of Qiming Xuanmen Dan were suddenly embarrassed by the three Qiming Xuanmen Dan sent by Hao Ran in one breath.

If you accept, the gift you just brought out is not worth the three pills.

If he refused, he was very reluctant.

After all, there are several students and younger generations in Tianwumen who have a good relationship with him, and they also need to use the Seventh Life Xuanmendan to survive the heartbreak in the triple calamity in order to enhance the Teng family ’s right to speak in Tianwumen.

Seeing the Yuanzu who was in distress, Yu Haoran didn't persuade him much, and directly sent the three elixirs to Teng Yunjie, and then commanded.

"Brother Teng, please take these three Qiming Xuanmen Dan for your predecessors."

Teng Yunjie, who has a good relationship with Yu Haoran, apparently didn't have so many concerns. After reaching for three pills, he handed them directly to Yuanzu.


After seeing Yu Haoran accepting the gift of elixir through this method, Yuan Zu finally nodded to take the elixir, and also decided that when Haoran and Qin Lingfei were married, he sent a gift that would shock the entire Tianxuan continent.

In just two exchanges, eight Qiming Xuanmen Dan had been sent out six, which immediately anxious everyone at the scene.

Knowing that Liu Yunzong, who had despised his mistakes just now, added a few more treasures to the original basis, when he planned to come forward for an exchange, Lu Xianmin from the first family of the Tianxuan mainland took the lead.

Although Liu Yunzonggui is one of the top seven denominations, compared to the Lu family, it is still inferior.

Therefore, Liu Yunzong's strong man could only watch Lu Xianmin hand over the storage bag of the elixir to Yu Haoran.

One of the seven peaks of the Holy Land, one of the first three peaks of the Holy Realm, and six of the peaks of the Nine Pins of the Imperial Realm!

Looking at the quantity and quality of the puppets exchanged by Lu Xianmin, Yu Haoran frowned.

Because of the value of these puppets, it was impossible to exchange for a Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan, but he did not want to offend Lu Xianmin too much in order to affect some of his subsequent plans.

"Yu Haoran, promised his deal and gave him a panacea." Just when Haoran was in a dilemma, Ta Ling in the sea suddenly ordered.

"Why?" Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

"Because I can use the method of formation, continue to upgrade these rampant grades, so that they can truly become your strongest help." Ta Ling explained with a smile.

After getting the explanation from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran immediately had a decision in his heart.

However, thinking that Lu Xianmin knew the real value of Qiming Xuanmen Dan, he deliberately took out a puppet that was less than half the value of the elixir, and didn't want to be so cheap.

In addition, Zhou Fengxu and Yuanzu used the storage tools to store treasures, but he used storage bags that did not meet each other's identity at all, obviously despising himself.

So, looking up at Lu Xianmin, Yu Haoran couldn't help sighing, and hesitantly glanced at Baili Yueran and others. The hesitantness in his eyes immediately became firm.

The change in Yu Haoran's eyes made Lu Xianmin's expressions unbearable, and with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes, he immediately said with a smile.

"Master Yu, presumably you may not be very satisfied with the treasure just given by the husband, but I'm really sorry, the husband didn't have enough preparation in advance and can only take out these things temporarily."

Having said that, Lu Xianmin promised with a clap on his chest.

"However, Master Yu, please rest assured. When the old man returns to the Lu family, he will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Although the chest shot was thumping, according to Lu Xianmin's stingy behavior using the storage bag just now, he must be assured that it was not as good as a fart.

Therefore, Yu Haoran did not easily promise the transaction because of the other party's guarantee, and still frowned to remind.

"Senior Lu, don't you have some of the more precious spirit flowers, grasses and fruits in your hands?"


Although not asking for a higher-grade puppet, Lu Xianmin, who is selfish, is still reluctant to take out more treasures.

Therefore, facing the reminder of Hao Ran, he seemed a little embarrassed.

"Forget it!"

Even some medicinal materials that can be used for alchemy are unwilling to take out. Yu Haoran can really see through Lu Xianmin and the family of the Lu family. At the same time, he feels extremely disappointed, but also completely breaks the cooperation with each other and even continues to deal with idea.

"It seems that the seniors are really ashamed. This seven-life Xuanmendan is a gift for you from the younger generation!"

Although it was a meeting ceremony, from the indifferent expression and distant tone of Yu Haoran, everyone at the scene could see his strong dissatisfaction with Lu Xianmin.

It's just that I don't want to sacrifice the other person's family background and don't want to offend too much!

In this regard, Lu Xianmin would not care about Hao Ran's attitude, as long as he can get the seven-life Xuanmen Dan he desperately needs at the lowest low price.

Looking at Lu Xianmin, who was ecstatic to pack the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan, Yuan Zu and Zhou Fengxu shook their heads, a look of disgust flashed in their eyes.

"Master Yu, please look at the gift that Yue Ran gave you."

Immediately before Liu Yunzong's strong man spoke, Bai Li rushed directly to Hao Ran, and then sent a storage ring to him.

Although he wants to participate in the competition, he thinks that Baili is a powerful power in the realm of Zhunwu Emperor, and the strength of the Baili family is not inferior to Liu Yunzong.

Liu Yunzong's strong man finally only looked at Yu Haoran with his teeth gnashing his teeth, praying in his heart that he should never promise to exchange with Baili Yueran.

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