Destined Martial God

Chapter 1224: Lost to treasure (1 more)

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On the top of a mountain peak about 7,000 kilometers away from Xiangyang City, Yu Haoran sat on a huge rock with his knees bent.

The mind awakened the sleeping black bear in the beast pet space, and ordered it to protect the law for itself, and all consciousness immediately entered the domain tower.

"Talling, don't be too greedy to be a human, it's enough to understand!"

Yu Haoran smiled and comforted to see Ta Ling, whose face was gloomy like water, still tangled in the imperial realm's best black beads.

"The ten treasures and emperor's tools in the sixth floor of the God's Stealth Treasury, we got a full nine, which can be said to be a lot of gains ...!"

Facing Haoran's consolation, Ta Ling's next sentence made him dumb, while his face was directly gloomy like Ta Ling.

"Yu Haoran, the superb black pearl in the emperor's realm is called Zhenhai Zhu, and it is the most precious weapon born at the same time as my main body tower, Xuanyuan sword, Xuanhuang sword, Liantian pot and Void Realm.

The body transformed into consciousness sat directly opposite the towering spirit, Yu Haoran asked with a somber expression.

"Ta Ling, since Zhenhai Zhu is so important, why didn't you tell me directly?"

Facing Haoran's questioning, Ta Ling took a deep breath, and said his somber expression gradually eased.

"There are twenty-four Zhenhai pearls born in ancient times. If separated separately, each Zhenhai pearl can only exert the power of the imperial realm."

"Only twenty-four Zhenhai pearls are merged together and then sacrificed through a special refining technique. Then they can exert their power not to lose in the void."

With that said, a look of memory emerged from Ta Ling's eyes.

"When it was destroyed in ancient times, one of your top human beings, in order to be able to guard the inheritance of countless souls, at the cost of burning one's own path, with the help of twenty-four Zhenhai pearls, one side has been developed for countless Souls can escape the crisis of destruction. "

"But it turned out that some people were greedy for the strength of Zhenhai Zhu. In the world of Zhenhai Zhu's evolution, he wanted to seize control of 24 Zhenhai Zhu by the method of blood sacrifice."

"The result!" Seeing Ta Ling who was suddenly silent, Yu Haoran couldn't help asking.

"Burning Daoji is a means of exchanging more powerful energies for the Divine Power, which is more painful than the cost of burning the Divine Soul directly. So when Zhenhai Zhu evolved into a world, the top Divine Power had completely died. . "

"And those who intend to rob Zhenhai Zhu not only have the power of the **** level, but also directly sacrifice all the creatures in one world, and the results can be imagined."

"How could there be such a heartbroken man in this world!"

Just in order to compete for a magic weapon, it will directly exterminate the vitality of countless souls. Even after experiencing countless cruel and inhuman experiences in previous lives, Yu Haoran still cannot understand those people's practices.

Those who have not really experienced the crisis of the destruction of heaven and earth are unable to understand the despair and madness when the heaven and earth are about to be destroyed.

Therefore, in the face of Hao Ran's anger, Ta Ling continued to talk about his memories without much persuasion.

"The people who robbed Zhenhai Zhu were not a group, so in the face of the upcoming treasure, a very fierce internal fighting occurred between them. The end result was that Zhenhai Zhu was completely divided up."

Having said that, Ta Ling looked directly into Haoran's eyes and began to explain why he had not explained it in advance.

"Yu Haoran, who can evolve into a world that avoids the annihilation of the world, it is not enough to rely only on the burning period of the top powerful in the realm of God. It also needs to consume Zhenhaizhu's original energy."

"Therefore, although the Zhenhaizhu in the sixth floor of God's Stealth Treasury retains the best quality of the Emperor Realm, the original energy consumed at the time has not really recovered. This is also the fact that I cannot rely on the origin to sense the true origin of the other party. the reason."

After hearing Ta Ling's explanation, Yu Haoran nodded, and then began to consider how to recapture Zhenhai Zhu in the sixth floor of the Treasure Door Treasury.

In the style that God stole the door for hundreds of thousands of years, he knew that someone had found their hidden Zongmen resident and lost hundreds of thousands of years of collection. After panic, he would immediately move to the place of Zongmen.

It may not be easy to find their place again.

However, thinking of the traitor inserted in that sect, and the status and goal of that traitor, he may be able to find a new place for God's Thought from him.

After the five-armed Qianlong list battle ended, he could use the huge Qianlong luck to break through the realm of Wu Zun. At that time, he will be able to join forces with Ta Ling to capture the superb Zhenhai Zhu of Emperor Realm.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran explained his thoughts and plans to Ta Ling in detail.

"Okay!" After hearing Hao Ran's plans and ideas, Ta Ling thought for a moment, and nodded in agreement.

After making a plan to seize Zhenhai Zhu in the future, Yu Haoran's mind immediately returned to the seven exalted instruments, the white stick that brought him the bloodline call.

Hearing that there was a blood echo between the white sticks and Yu Haoran, when Taling was surprised, he immediately released the suppressed white sticks from the domain tower.

"Who, who dares to suppress my ancestral witch mad!" Just after the suppression of the white stick just left the Yuta, the stick spirit, who had woke up, yelled angrily after leaving the body.

"I understand!"

Seeing the space away from the white stick and the ten-meter-tall giant appearing in the sea, Yu Haoran finally knew why he and the white stick would have a blood echo.

"It's me!" He got up and walked in front of the Wanmi giant, Yu Haoran extracted a part of the energy of the soul, so that the body of conscious transformation became Wanmi, and then looked at the spirit of the white stick.

"Boy, why did I feel the breath of the ancient ancestors in your veins?"

Although they are also giants of 10,000 meters each, Yu Haoran uses the power of the soul to transform into a body that does not have any attack and defense power, so the instrumental spirit gave him a scornful glance.

But a scornful glance made it feel a familiar breath in Hao Ran's consciousness, and immediately asked emotionally.

"As long as you promise to be honest, I can answer your question."

The emotional response of the white stick's spirit confirmed the guess he had just made, which gave him more confidence to be able to subdue the opponent.

But on the premise that it can neither make trouble nor run away, otherwise, Yu Haoran would not dare to let the white stick out of the suppression of the domain tower.

"Boy, you don't need to answer, my deity comes to check in person."

Faced with Hao Ran's request, the white stick's instrument smirked and then stretched out his huge palm to grasp the body of consciousness, intending to search his memory directly.


Facing the huge palm stretched out by Qi Ling, Yu Haoran dismissed a cold hum, and bowed his head to Ta Ling.

"Ta Ling, teach it how to be an instrumental consciousness."

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