Destined Martial God

Chapter 1225: Crazy respect instrument spirit (two more)

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Know the sea space!

Shining body appeared in front of Hao Ran's towering spirit, and stretched out his finger slightly to the giant palm grasped by Qi Ling.

While the giant palm was instantly anchored, a special force of law began to quickly deprive the energy of the cohesive giant palm, which made the seemingly heavy giant palm gradually begin to illuminate.

"who are you?"

It can quickly deprive the energy contained in the giant palm, so that the white spirit of the stick quickly retracts the giant palm, and the attention is immediately turned to the tower spirit.

After seeing the middle-aged man wearing a black yellow robe in front of his eyes, he looked exactly like his own form, all of which were the spirit of a magic weapon.

Facing the question of the white stick spirit, the tower spirit ignored the idea and directly mobilized a part of the energy of the tower in the ontology domain, and began to suppress and seal the power of the white stick spirit so that its grade quickly fell to the holy realm, the imperial realm Wang Jing.

It wasn't until the level of the white stick spirit was dropped to the level of the realm that the tower spirit finally closed.

However, in the face of the rapid fall of his own grade, the white stick's instrumental spirit only looked at the towering spirit gloomily, but he didn't mean to give up.

Faced with the threat of his strength falling to collapse, the spirit of the white stick was still so tough, which completely stirred up the inner spirit of Ta Ling.

Ta Ling sang softly while the ten fingers quickly printed.


With a soft drink, a small flame with a burning scent appeared instantly in front of the towering spirit.

Looking at the small flames floating in the air, although Yu Haoran only felt a scorching scent, to the spirit of the white stick, it seemed as if he had heard the voice of a deadly enemy.

"Fire of the gods!"

"Yu Haoran, the so-called fire of the instrument **** refers to a special flame condensed by the refiner's instrument training to reach a certain level."

Ta Ling, who knew that Yu Haoran didn't know much about the refiner's way, saw the doubts on his face, and explained with a smile while controlling the small flame to fly to the white stick.

"Although the fire of the instrument **** does not have a strong attack and defense force, it has the ability of natural restraint to the instrument spirit bred by the instrument."

"So it is!"

Listening to Ta Ling's explanation of Qi Shen's fire, looking at the panic Qi Ling, Yu Haoran nodded.

Facing the fire of the **** of spirits capable of burning spirits, the spirit of the white stick calmed down after the initial panic.

Subsequently, it closed its eyes directly, and even if it was destroyed, it would never speak softly.

And this is also in line with Zu Wuning's unyielding character.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who was very satisfied with the performance of the white stick spirit, signaled the tower spirit to recover the fire of the spirit of the **** that was about to fall on the opponent.

"Souls, come with me!" Then, the conscious body gradually spread away, Yu Haoran instructed indifferently.

After hearing Yu Haoran's orders, the white stick's instrumental spirit opened his eyes. First, he looked at the towering spirit who recovered the fire of the **** of gods, and then looked at Yu Haoran, who had left the space to know the sea.

"Tool spirit, after leaving the space where you know the sea, you will know why I have the blood of ancestors and witches, and why I just let the tower spirit go away!"

After the consciousness returned to the body, Yu Haoran continued to remind while seeing the white stick's instrumental spirit still in the sea-conscious space.

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, the spirit of the white stick temporarily put away the doubts in his heart, the consciousness quickly merged into the white stick of the body, and was then sent directly out of the sea-conscious space by the tower spirit.

However, when he saw the height of more than two kilometers and exuded the purest ancestral spirit, his doubts were replaced by joy.

"Kuangzun has seen the master!" Qi Ling, who had left the body space again, bowed in a respectful manner and recognized the way.


Nodded, while Yu Haoran stretched out his huge palm and grabbed the white stick directly, he signaled the towering spirit to lift the seal of Qi Lingzun's respect.

Immediately after the grade seal was lifted off, and after seeing the huge palm stretched out by Yu Haoran, Kuangzun immediately merged into the sticks of the body, and then began to increase the length and thickness of the sticks in order to allow Yu Haoran to maintain the ancestral witch shape. Better use of sticks.

Just when the white stick was in his hand, the blood of the calm ancestor woke up immediately.

Along with the blood of the ancestral witch, Yu Haoran felt that the physical strength was becoming stronger, while the white stick in his hand seemed to get rid of a kind of puppet, and was more closely connected with his flesh and blood.

"A stick in the sky!"

Hold the white stick tightly and rise directly into the sky, and then use a trick of the monkey emperor's inheritance to direct the sky to the thousands of peaks that have just been sitting.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the white stick, the black bear also rose into the sky without hesitation, and quickly away from the peak of the mountain.


Along with the deafening roar, thousands of high peaks were not only directly blasted into powder by the stick force, but the strong penetrating power produced by the stick also blasted the bottom of the peak out of the pit of nearly 100 meters.

"The power of Wuzun Yipin's pinnacle!" Looking at the 100-meter deep pit, Ta Ling said a little bit unsatisfactorily.

After all, the white stick is not only a top-level magic weapon, but also an instrumental help that maintains the peak of the realm, and it should play a stronger role.

"Ta Ling, I just used the physical power of Zuzu."

When Ta Ling pointed out that he had just exerted the power of the sky-cranking method, and slightly dissatisfied, Yu Haoran, who had dispelled the ancestral witch's body, said quietly.

"The energy contained in the magic weapon!" After hearing Hao Ran's introduction, Ta Ling couldn't help asking.

"Pure stick power!"

"How about the magical power of the magic weapon!" Ta Ling asked in a slightly excited tone.

"Just watch!"

"Yu Haoran, what if you used all your strength and then supplemented it with all the power of the magic weapon?" Ta Ling continued to ask more excitedly.

"If you use the full power of the stick magic weapon, you should be able to exert the strength of Wuzun Sanpin."

Close your eyes and make a careful estimation, Yu Haoran said in a somewhat unsure tone.

"If you have the mad Zun instrument, you should be able to play the peak of Wu Zun's sixth grade."

Hearing Yu Haoran's different strengths that can be exerted at different levels by using high-quality sticks in the realm, Ta Ling said with great excitement.

"Yu Haoran, now with the help of a stick weapon, you will surely be able to reach the top of the Qianlong competition in the Southern Region, and there is also a great hope to break into the top ten in the Five Dragons competition.

The battle for the Qianlong list in the Southern Region and the final ranking for the Five Dragons list will determine the number of Qianlong Qiyun blessings.

The amount of Qianlong Qiyun blessing is more or less the auxiliary effect for Wu Zun's breakthrough.

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