Destined Martial God

Chapter 1236: Taboo formation (three)

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The empty sky above Xianma Mansion in Xianyang City!

Watching floating above the mansion, Yu Haoran quietly felt that the five elements and five musts array formed the milky white energy. Emperor Qin tried to control the inner shocked emotion as much as possible, and asked in a calm tone.

"Senior Teng, Senior Chou, is the Ma Ma really as Prince Yifeng said just now.


After looking at each other, Yuan Zu, who had a closer relationship, nodded and confirmed.

"Holy, Ma Maye uses the Five Elements and Five Elements arrays arranged by the Five Elements Array Flag. The milky white energy formed by the final fusion contains the destroying power that can rebuild Wu Zun and Zhun Wu Emperor."

"Only when the formation law is to reach the power of the emperor, can this step be truly achieved."

After being further confirmed by Yuan Zu, Qin Emperor could no longer suppress the shock in his heart, and sighed with a wry smile.

"Horse horse, so evil!"

In this regard, Yuan Zu and Zhou Fengxu nodded sympathetically.

However, compared to the sighs of Emperor Qin and Yuan Zu, Zhou Fengxu considered more.

After all, the Zhou family has been secretly accumulating strength in order to awaken the sleeping ancestors, and then lead the Zhou family to reappear the glory of the Middle Ages.

But whether it is to wake up the ancestors who have slept for countless years, or to conquer the world like the Great Qin Empire, Dan Dao and Zhen Dao are indispensable important means.

And Yu Haoran's stunning performance on Dan Dao and the front made Zhou Fengxu even more serious about soliciting and attracting him.

At this moment, he worried that his granddaughter Zhou Yiqian was not good enough to successfully attract Haoran's attention.

At this moment, he is considering whether to use special means to notify the patriarch and let him send the real killer of the Zhou family.


At the scene, everyone was watching in the air with complex thoughts, and continued to arrange Yu Haoran with a more advanced array method, and a low and depressing bell sounded suddenly in the entire city of Xianyang.

"This, this, this is the sound of the unjust bell!" The ancestor of the Yan family, who had been responsible for the revision of the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty, shouted abruptly after hearing the low and depressing bell chirp.

"Who, who is ringing the bell?"

Since the founding bell of the founding fathers of the Great Qin Dynasty, they have sounded a total of three times, and the time since the last ringing has been 999 years.

And each time the bell of the grievance rings, it represents the moment when the Qin Empire is about to face a life and death decision.

Therefore, after hearing the cries of the ancestors of the Yan family, Emperor Qin immediately asked with a somber expression.

"The words of returning to the holy kingdom are the former cabinet bachelor of the thirteenth year to the official, and emperor Xiao Zhongyuan and Xiao Ge are ringing the bell." Meng Zhengkai, who used the divine thought to quickly scan the palace, hurried forward to report.

"How wrongfully Xiaoge Lao has suffered, he needs to ring the bell to complain."

Hearing the ringing bell was the old Xiaoge, although Qin Emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the tone of interrogation had to be cautious.

Because Xiao Ge's identity is too special, and the person standing behind is too powerful, his every move has a huge impact on the Great Qin Empire.

Stunned by the vision generated when Hao Ran arranged the formation, he gathered in the empty space above the Manma House. For the conflict that just happened in front of the Mansion, more than a dozen strong men in the realm of Zunwu have never paid attention to it. .

Therefore, in the face of Qin Emperor's interrogation, everyone glanced at each other and found out that no one knows why Xiaoge Lao rang the bell.

"Holy Lord, let the old minister investigate it!" As the last prime minister, Xiao Ge's old colleague, a former friend, the Yan family ancestor came forward to ask for instructions.

"Then trouble the old Prime Minister Yan, take a hard trip!" Qin Di politely.

In fact, no matter Xiao Ge's grievances or the ringing of the grievance bell, Emperor Qin, the king of a country, must deal with it immediately.

But with Yu Haoran floating above the mansion, he also took out nine flags of different colors, and the sudden changes in the faces of Prince Yifeng, Zhou Fengxu, and Yuanzu left him with no heart to deal with Xiao Ge's ringing bell. .

Feeling the power of the fusion of the five elements and five arrays, Taling nodded with satisfaction, and continued to command the second avatar.

"Second avatar, take the flag for a while!"

"Yes, tower old!"

He nodded solemnly, and the second clone carefully sent out nine different colors of flags.

"Ta Ling, although my formation is not as tall as you and the second one, I who had practiced the formation method in the previous life also knows that returning to the ranks in 1999 is included in the taboo formation."

Hearing the name of the formation method mentioned by Taling when he ordered the second clone, and seeing the nine nine-color array flags sent by the second clone, he has always followed the prior agreement, and he allowed Yu Haoran to transform the horse house at will Can't stop questioning.

"I want to know now, what the **** are you doing?"

"Yu Haoran, the nine-nine-one-in-one formation method listed in the taboo is fundamentally different from the nine-nine-in-one formation method laid out by my tower spirit."

While replying to Hao Ran's question, Ta Ling mobilized the divine mind to control nine flags of different colors, and then inserted them in different corners of the mansion.

"Because the nine-nine-one-at-a-time array method laid out by my towering spirit is to extract the aura from the nine spirit veins, and then gather the power of the stars above the nine days, not only can it truly create the cave heaven fairyland, but it can also gather the gods of the star gods and beasts. Order matrix. "

With the voice of explanation falling, Ta Ling quickly lifted off several kilometers, less than a hundred meters away from Qin Emperor and others.

However, he simply ignored Qin Emperor and others above his head, and yelled at the nine flags of the mansion while quickly printing his ten fingers.


With the loud drinking, the nine banner flags integrated into the mark began to forcibly absorb the milky white energy formed by the five elements and five arrays.

After forcibly absorbing milky energy, the nine flags began to expand and soon became giant flags about 100 meters high.

"Second avatar, nine kinds of alien beast blood that contains the blood of the beast!"

When the height of the nine array flags reached one hundred meters, the towering spirit speeded up the speed of the ten-finger seal, while commanding to the second avatar in the tower.

Using Yuanli to envelop nine drops of blood from the beast containing the blood of the beast, the second clone leaves the tower of the domain, and then floats in the space of the sea.

Then he began to make the same mark with Taling.

But the difference is that the mark produced by the tower spirit is integrated into the flag array, and the mark produced by the second clone is integrated into the essence of the other beast.

With the passage of time, the nine hundred-meter array flags imprinted into the spirit of the towering spirit gradually began to distort, and the nine drops of the blood of the other beast imprinted into the imprint of the second avatar gradually began to illuminate.

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