Destined Martial God

Chapter 1237: The house that was held up (fourth)

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The empty sky above Xianma Mansion in Xianyang City!


When the nine drops of blood from Hao Ran knew the sea, and under the action of the seal coagulated by the second clone, the disappearance of the shadow disappeared completely. Means, continue to drink heavily.

With the thunderous sound of the towering spirit, the blood of the nine alien beasts disappearing in the sea of ​​knowledge suddenly appeared above the nine flags, and then quickly integrated into the flags.

"Hmm ...!"

Nine array flags incorporating nine drops of blood from the beast suddenly began to speed up the distortion.

When the flag was broken by the twisted level, the flag gradually condensed into a demon that had been rampant in ancient times for a long time and was given to the extermination tribe by the nine kings of beasts.

Nine ancient demons up to 100 meters in height clenched their fists and slapped their chests, and then made a deafening roar.

The deafening roar immediately shocked everyone in Xianyang City.

In order to reach the masters above Wuzong, Xiu flew to Luomafu.

The warriors trained under Wu Zong are performing their martial arts skills, and also rushed to Luomafu.

As for the ordinary people in the city, they trembled and hid at home.

Soon, the number of people gathered outside Luomafu exceeded 10,000.

After all the nine array flags condensed into ancient demons, the towering spirit took a deep breath, and then extracted part of the energy from the tower of the ontology domain, and directly integrated into the bodies of the nine ancient demons.

The ancient demons, which blended into the energy of the domain tower, not only looked more horrible in shape, but also quickly reached a kilometer in height.

"Get up!"

Crossing his fingers together, Ta Ling slammed into the void with his left foot and continued to drink.

With the thunderous drinking of the towering spirit, nine ancient demons with a height of up to a kilometer stepped away from the mansion, and then stood around the mansion.

Immediately after, the nine demons inserted their huge palms into the ground around the mansion, and then lifted them together.

The mansion, covering an area of ​​nearly 1,000 acres, was slowly lifted off the ground by nine demons up to a kilometer in height, and then quickly lifted off the ground.

"This, this, this is not the taboo one-nine-one return method at all, but a completely new one!" Watching the nine kilometers of demons condensed by the nine-line flags, he was lifting the mansion with all his strength. At that time, Prince Yifeng's face showed an incredible look, and he muttered to himself.

While Zhou Fengxu and Yuan Zu glanced at each other, they found the horrors emerging from their respective eyes.

"Senior Teng, Senior Chou, what kind of formation is the horse?"

As an empire, although Qin Emperor was not proficient in the method of formation, he still had some understanding of some well-known formation methods.

Therefore, like Prince Yifeng, he also recognized that Hao Ran's formation was not a taboo nine-nine return formation, which made him secretly relieved.

However, after seeing the nine ancient demons capable of concentrating through the banner to reach the realm of three martial arts, Qin Emperor was full of curiosity about the formation method that Yu Haoran was laying out, and could not help but prove to Yuanzu and Zhou Fengxu Road.

Yuan Zu nodded to Zhou Fengxu, and then Zhou Fengxu took the initiative to explain.

"Holy, Zhou Ma is unheard of in the formation method that Ma Ma is setting up, and he cannot give the exact origin of the formation method."

But then, Zhou Fengxu took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the shock that had just appeared in his heart, and solemnly speculated.

"Holy, although Zhou can't recognize the specific origin of the formation method, through the detailed records of the power of different levels of formation methods in the Chou Jing Pavilion of the Zhou Family, Zhou can tell you with certainty."

Having said that, Zhou Fengxu's eyes turned to the nine ancient deities, saying word by word.

"The grade of the formation method that Ma Maye is laying out has reached the **** level."

"Senior Zhou, what did you just say?" Suddenly he turned his head, Qin Emperor looked at Zhou Fengxu with wide eyes, and asked with a quivering voice.

"Holy, Zhou said just now that the formation method that Ma Maye is laying out has already reached the legendary **** level!" Qin Fengxu explained in more detail because he could understand the incredible mood of Emperor Qin.

"Senior Teng, is senior Zhou's statement just true?"

It's less than a year since Yu Haoran showed the master's realm.

With his amazing talent in formation, in less than a year, it is normal to break through the realm of the formation master, and he can barely accept the promotion to the formation formation emperor.

But the formation of magic!

"Holy, Brother Feng Xu was right."

Facing Qin Emperor's verification, Yuanzu nodded solemnly and confirmed.

"Ye Ma Ye is currently laying out the array method, the grade does exceed the heavenly order, reaching the level of the **** order."

"Senior Teng, Senior Chou, is it possible that the horse has been promoted to the battlefield and became the legendary battlefield god!"

After being confirmed by Yuan Zu, the feelings that emerged from the Emperor Qin's heart were not a surprise, but rather a bit of a panic.

If Yu Haoran's formation law was promoted to a **** state, then his performance has far exceeded the category of the evil genius.

For Princess Ling Fei and the Great Qin Empire, this is no longer a blessing, but a disaster!

"Holy, whether it is the martial arts martial arts realm or the **** realm of the auxiliary training system, as long as it is promoted to this realm, there will be a vision of heaven and earth that alarms all living beings."

Seeing Emperor Qin's look sometimes bitter, sometimes anxious, sometimes resolute, sometimes distressed, Yuanzu knew that Qin Emperor had been disturbed by his own speculation.

If we do not rush to eliminate the disturbed mind, it is likely that Qin Emperor will fundamentally change Hao Ran's attitude.

This is also an unbearable and painful loss for the Great Qin Empire and Tianwumen.

So Yuan Zu quickly reminded.

"In the past year, there has not been any vision of heaven and earth in the Tianxuan continent, which shows that Ma Maye's method of formation has not broken through the divine realm."

"Perhaps he can now arrange a god-level formation, which is directly related to the nine formation flags he uses."

After hearing Yuan Zu's reminder, the flustered mood calmed down instantly. Emperor Qin looked at Yu Haoran, who was only a hundred meters away from him, and said expectantly.

"It seems that he can only wait for the horseman to arrange the array and explain it by himself."

"The second clone, immediately took out the nine veins of the eighth-order top grade, the six veins of the seventh-order top grade, and the three veins of the sixth-order top grade." Waiting for the nine thousand kilometers of demons, he held the residence to 999 At the height of meters, Taling immediately ordered to the second avatar in the sea.

Instantly returned to the second avatar in the domain tower, immediately took out eighteen veins of different grades, and then quickly removed the spell attached to the veins and directly threw out the space to recognize the sea.

Author Yan Yunyu said: I want to celebrate a housewarming with a friend at night, so I owe a chapter that I owe tomorrow.

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