Destined Martial God

Chapter 1238: Wonderland (make up)

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Xianyang City, Luma House in the air!

"Hmm ...!"

With the sound of eighteen dragons ringing through the clouds, eighteen white dragons of varying lengths and exuberant spirits suddenly appeared over the horse's mansion.

Eighteen white dragons flew towards Xianyang City in all directions while making a deafening roar on the sky.

"This, this, this is the legendary dragon!"

Among the more than 100,000 warriors who have gathered in front of the mansion, more than a dozen white-haired veterans who have been trained only in the realm of martial arts. When they saw eighteen white dragons suddenly appearing above the mansion, they quickly fell to the ground with excitement and high. Shouted.

The actions of more than a dozen martial arts elders immediately infected many warriors who were low in cultivation around them. They also fell to the ground and prayed while worshiping.

"This is nine eight-order top-grade spiritual pulses, six seventh-order top-grade spiritual pulses, and three sixth-order top-grade spiritual pulses. What are you trying to do?

Also watching the eighteen white dragons appearing in the air of the mansion, Yuanzu couldn't help asking a frown after pointing out the true nature and grade of the white dragon.

But neither Zhou Fengxu, who is equal to him, nor Qin Emperor, who knows a lot about Lingmai, can't answer his question.

Looking at the unveiled spells, the eighteen white dragons that restored the spirit veins are about to escape, and the towering spirits floating in the air have no intention of blocking, but just look at the mansion in peace and slowly open Nine ancient demons with big mouths.


Just as the three white dragons of the sixth-order Shangpin spirit vein were about to fly out of the mansion, three ancient demons located on the north side of the mansion suddenly opened a long blood-red tongue in their wide mouths.

The blood-red tongue was like lightning, directly entangling the body of the veins, and the strong pulling force pulled the three veins back forcibly, and was swallowed little by little.


The three demons on the east side of the mansion also used blood-red tongues to devour six seventh-order top-grade spirit veins.


Two demons on the west side of the mansion, and one demon on the south side of the mansion, devoured nine eight-step top-grade spirit veins.

The nine demons that devoured the eighteen spirit veins soon reached a height of 3,650 meters, and their expressions became even more terrifying.

"No, Shenlong was defeated by a powerful demon and will soon be swallowed up. We rush to help the dragon."

Just as nine ancient demons used blood-red tongues to devour eighteen spirit veins, some warriors who were worshipping and praying rose up and withdrew their weapons, intending to attack the ancient demons and rescue the white dragon that was being swallowed.

Fortunately, Lin Yuanxiang led a hundred elite soldiers transferred from the North Army, using his strong murderous power to deter ordinary warriors who wanted to attack ancient demons.

Otherwise, the tower spirit's indifference to the personality of all living things will definitely kill the ordinary warriors, and it will certainly affect the reputation that Hao Ran finally managed to accumulate.

After seeing the nine ancient demons successfully devouring the Eighteen Spirit Veins and reaching the ideal height, the Taling floating in midair continued to command the second clone.

"Take a spirit pulse of the fifth-order top grade!"

After lifting the seal's charm, he quickly threw the fifth-order top-grade spirit veins into the second clone of the space in his mind. Looking at the mansion with anticipation in his eyes, and watching the Lingma Mansion created by Ta Ling himself, it will eventually evolve into a terrifying wonderland.

Fifth order!

For the spiritual veins of the Tianxuan continent, the fifth-order is a watershed of quality transformation.

Spirit pulses below the fifth level, the length of the spirit body will not exceed five kilometers, and can only act by instinct.

Spirit pulses above the fifth level can not only give birth to sages, but also can exceed the limit of five kilometers in length and eventually reach and exceed 10,000 meters.

"Look, the real dragon is here to get revenge, and the nine **** demons are in danger!"

Looking at the sky above the mansion, not only the body length is more than 10,000 meters, but also the majestic white dragon was shocked by the strong murderous power of Lin Yuanxiang and others. They were sad for the ordinary warriors who were devoured by the demon. Shouted.

"Holy, those spirit veins that Master Ma has just taken out will not be your gifts!" Zhou Fengxu asked in shock, looking at the fifth-order top-quality spirit veins that incarnate more than 10,000 meters of dragons.

Although the time of the Zhou family can be traced back to Middle Ages, but due to the influence of the heaven and earth environment and the consumption of special reasons, the number of spiritual veins accumulated by the entire Zhou family is not large, let alone more than the fifth-order or higher. Grade spirit veins.

And Yu Haoran, who has only debuted for two years, has been able to take out such a large number of high-quality spiritual pulses without changing his face. How can Zhou Fengxu not be shocked and confused?

In fact, not only Zhou Fengxu was shocked and confused, but also the sights of Yuanzu and Prince Yifeng all looked at Emperor Qin.

"Predecessor Zhou, senior Teng, although my Great Qin Empire is about to dominate the entire southern region, the richness of the heaven and earth aura in the southern region, and the number of natural treasures, must be very clear to you."

In the face of everyone's attention, Emperor Qin could not help but reminded with a grin.

"Don't say that it is impossible for my Great Qin Empire to accumulate so many veins. Even if there is one, it is impossible for all of you to give it to the horse."

"What's more, there is a fifth-order top-grade spirit vein suitable for improving Dragon Vessel's luck."

"It seems that Ma Maye is not only a martial arts genius, but also a darling who has been protected by the heavens and the earth."

The reminder of Emperor Qin's bitter smile made Zhou Fengxu and others immediately realize that the spirit veins that Yu Haoran had just taken out were all probably his own chance.

Seeing that Yu Haoran, a giant palm with the power of the Yuan and soul, was suppressing the fifth-order top-quality spirits that were about to escape, Zhou Fengxu couldn't help but sigh, and finally decided to persuade the patriarch to use the family's real killer .


Watching the restoration of Wan Mi Ling's body, intending to escape the fifth-order top-grade spirit veins over the mansion, Ta Ling could not help humming.

Later, he used the strength of Hao Ran's Dantian and his own soul power to condense a giant palm covering the sky and then hold the white dragon transforming.

Immediately afterwards, holding the giant palm of the fifth-order top-grade spirit vein, he slammed hard at the mansion housed by nine ancient demons.

Imagine that the fragmented picture of the Zhongfu Mansion did not appear, and the giant palm and spirit vein completely integrated into the Mansion.

Just three seconds later, countless pure auras emerged frantically from the mansion, and then blended with the milky white energy formed by the five elements and five arrays method, completely rendering the entire mansion like a fairyland.

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