Destined Martial God

Chapter 1266: Competing for the Essence of Broken Sword Remains

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"Brother Yu, how about you and me?"

Although Kendo Qiyun obediently returned Jianyu's destiny sword weapon and took the initiative to hurt his heart, Lu Yuan did not give up the idea of ​​attack.

"Brother Lu, go down!" Shaking his head, Yu Haoran signaled with a slight smile.

Later, he looked up at the sword dragon that had been fully formed, and said with a slight glance in his eyes.

"Although the sword weapon dragons condensed by Kendo have reached the peak of Wuzun Nine Pins, the countless grievances gathered by the natal swords make it impossible to exert too much strength."

"Within three moves, I must defeat the sword dragon."


The trust in Yu Haoran in the heart made Lu Yuan nod his consent without any hesitation, and then returned to the square of colorful clouds.

Although it was easy to say, Yu Haoran was very nervous.

After all, the difference in strength between Wu Zunxiu's every small realm is like a world of difference.

Even if it is affected by the resentment of thousands of destiny, the sword dragon can not exert the strength of Wuzun's nine pinnacles.

But with Kendo Qiyun's ability to control the swordsmanship to the limit, he can also exert the power of Wuzun Bapin.

Therefore, in the case of little difference in strength between each other, it is not easy to solve the battle within three moves.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran directly waved the white stick in his hand, and taught the last trick of Pear Blossom Rain with Sticky Spirit to test the strength and methods of the sword dragon.

Although the 2,000-year-old ancestral witch's body gives him a clumsy feeling, under the control of the newly sublimated state of mind, Yu Haoran was not affected by the ancestor-witch's body at all, and formed a sky full of ghosts and sticks like The storm began to besiege the sword dragon.

"Dang, Dang, Dang ...!"

The sky full of ghosts and dazzling sword light not only prevented the people around us from using the physical body to watch, but even the gods could not enter the center of the battle. They could only hear the clash of sticks and swords.

For thirty seconds, Yu Haoran successively attacked 3,650 sticks with the help of Lihua's heavy rain.

Retracting the stick and backing the kilometers, Yu Haoran gasped, looking up at the sword dragon that was thousands of kilometers away.

Although the sword dragon has successfully resisted each stick attack by virtue of its deep sword skills, but due to the influence of condensing the body sword grade, nearly one-third of the sword is either broken or broken. Boom into powder, which also makes the sword dragon look very embarrassed.

Yiyue Temple!


Qin Lingfei couldn't help cheering at seeing Hao Ran hit the sword dragon so hard with only one stroke.

The distressed Qin Emperor and Zi Xuan, with slightly pale faces, also showed happy smiles.

After all, just now Lu Yuan asked Jianyu's birth sword, and Yu Haoran's evaluation of the sword dragon, and then combined with his understanding of kendo luck, they already knew the approximate reason for losing the sword.

Just to protect a disciple with the best talent in Kendo, he directly deprived thousands of swordsmen from hard-working and training of the native sword weapon. The way of Kendo luck completely hurt Emperor Qin and Zi Xuan.

Although they will not completely give up the kendo, the reunited natal weapon will not choose the sword weapon either.

But the happy smile on his face didn't last long, and Zi Xuan on the tip of his eyes saw that Yu Haoran's face was a bit out of order, and reminded quickly.

"Holy, Ling Fei, look at the horse!"


It seems that the attack just took the absolute advantage, but the broken and smashed fragment of the natal sword did not fall off. Instead, it was sucked into the body by the sword dragon, which made it more concentrated and the strength it could exert. powerful.

"Yu Haoran, if you want to prevent the sword dragon from absorbing the essence of the sword, you need to directly open its body, and you need to find a way to capture the essence of the sword." Taling reminded quickly.

Capture the essence!

Upon hearing the reminder from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran immediately flashed a surprise thought in his mind. He suddenly stepped into the void, and at the same time the volley air flew up, he took out the wishful bell that melted into the soul.


By using the stick attack of Ewha Rainstorm just now, Yu Haoran knew that the sword dragon that had been condensed in Kendo's air force could barely reach the beginning of Wuhuang Bapin.

If not for the deep swordsmanship, just like the stormy attack, the sword dragon has long been blasted into slag.

However, considering that the sword dragon has just absorbed the essence of one third of the wreckage of the sword, the strength must be improved.

Therefore, when using the second stroke stick method inherited from Monkey Emperor, he continued to overdraw part of the blood of the ancestral witch, which also allowed the power of the river stick method to reach the peak of Wuzun Bapin mid-term.

Feeling the deadly danger brought by the river stick method, the sword dragon with condensed air force swung the dragon body quickly, hoping to avoid the attack of the stick method.

There are many ways to avoid attacks in swordplay, but the premise must be flexible pace and body.

The dragon body condensed with thousands of swords is not only up to a kilometer in length, but also suffers from resentment, and the sensitivity of the sword dragon is greatly affected.

In the end, the power reached the pinnacle of Wuzun Bapin's mid-term peak, and he was bombarded with the dragon tail of the sword dragon.


Along with the strong roar, more than 700 swords at the tail of the dragon were condensed by the stick method.

Seeing countless broken sword wreckages rushing to the sword dragon, Yu Haoran directly threw the Ruyi bell prepared in advance to the dragon's tail.

I feel that I can quickly assist myself to advance to higher grades and help myself to nurture the pure energy of the spiritual consciousness faster. I do n’t need Hao Ran ’s mind control at all, quickly restore the wishful clock of hundreds of meters, and start crazy with sword dragon Compete for the essence of the sword wreckage.

Compared with ordinary magic instruments, this sword contains more essence and higher quality.

Therefore, after capturing the essence of two-thirds of the sword wreckage, the color of Ruyi Bell began to show a hint of yellow, and the height of the volume reached nearly 400 meters.

"Ta Ling, what's going on?" He pointed at Ruyi Bell, who was absorbing the essence of the sword weapon wreck, Xuanyuan looked excitedly.

"Yu Haoran once saw the image left by the Chaos Bell, and then asked me to refine the look of the Chaos Bell." Facing Xuanyuan's roar, the towering spirit replied casually.

But he wasn't calm at all.

Because the successful promotion of Ruyi Bell in the holy realm just now, whether it is the color presented or the momentum of the bell body, it is getting closer to the chaotic clock.

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