Destined Martial God

Chapter 1267: Declare war (four more)

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After the essence of the last broken sword remains was absorbed, Ruyi Zhong suddenly got rid of Yu Haoran's conscious control, and then the bell mouth like a black hole directly covered the sword dragon.

"Taling, what's going on?"

Although Ruyi Zhong is not the innate instrument that blends with the mind and spirit, it is also refined and cultivated step by step by him. There is a close connection between the mind and the soul. In theory, it should not be out of control.

Therefore, in the face of sudden changes, Yu Haoran immediately sought help from the towering spirit in the sea.

"Yu Haoran, when I was making Ruyi clock, not only did I use the most advanced materials, but the overall structure of the clock body also completely borrowed from the chaotic clock."

"It can be said that there is no difference between Ruyi Bell and Chaos Bell except for the core imprint of chaotic origin."

Indicating that Yu Haoran should not be anxious for the time being, while Ta Ling explained in detail the reason for Zhong Ruyi's out of control, a thought that was called anti-sky and madness gradually emerged in his heart.

"Yu Haoran, as the grade of Ruyi Zhong is getting higher and higher, and the strength of the ontological consciousness is getting stronger, there will be more and more situations like this out of mind control."

"Taling, what should I do?"

Ruyi Zhong can be said to be the wish that he has always wanted to accomplish after his rebirth. Otherwise, he would not be able to give priority to choosing various instruments that can assist Ru Yizhong in his every treasure trove.

"The solution is actually very simple!"

He used sharp eyes to stop Xuanyuan who wanted to intervene, Ta Ling said with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, anyway, you have self-destructed the sword of birth, you might as well refine Ruyi Bell into your own sword."

"In this case, it is controlled by the integration of the mind and the mind, no matter how the grade of Ruyi Bell is promoted, and no matter how powerful the ontological consciousness is, it can never get rid of your conscious control."

"I know!"

Yu Haoran nodded without hesitation, and decided to follow Ta Ling's proposal, refining Ruyi Bell as his new natal instrument.

"Ta Ling, what exactly do you want to do?" Knowing that Hao Ran's consciousness may pay attention to the situation of understanding the sea at any time, Xuanyuan can only roar and ask by means of divine transmission.

"Xuanyuan, you know, I'll tell you one by one."

Facing Xuanyuan's divine shouting, Ta Ling glanced at him indifferently and threatened with a straight mouth.

"But you should n’t know what you know, it's best to shut up immediately, otherwise, be careful, I will suppress your body directly, and in the future, I will be upgraded to Ruyi Zhong's higher-level magic essence.

Being able to feel the killing intention in the threat of Ta Ling, Xuan Yuan immediately calmed down, and looked at his eyes with a strong expression of fear.

Maybe it was because the sword dragon had suffered a heavy blow just now, or it was because Ruyi Zhong was able to restrain it.

Facing the bell that came from Ruyi, the speed of the sword dragon avoiding was obviously much slower, and eventually Ruyi Bell completely engulfed the body.

After the sword dragon was swallowed up by Ruyi God, all the swords in the Tianxuan continent, in Dantian, and the swords in the storage utensils all issued a slight wailing at the same time.

Looking at Ruyi Bell, which quickly reduced its size and reintegrated into the soul, Yu Haoran carefully observed, and further strengthened his determination to refine Ruyi Bell into a natal weapon.

However, before that, he has one more important thing to deal with, which is to remove Lu Yuan's biggest obstacle in his future kendo practice.

"Yu Haoran, what do you want to do!"

Losing the guardianship of Xuanyuan Sword and Jiandao Qiyun, Jianying is just a more talented ordinary disciple.

So in the face of Yu Haoran, he asked in horror.

"Sent you back to the embrace of the sword god." While walking close to Jianying in the void, Yu Haoran replied with a chuckle.

"Yu Haoran, I was wrong. I shouldn't have been so arrogant and ignorant. I shouldn't have provoked you. Please let me go!"

Although Yu Haoran had a faint smile on his face, Jianying could clearly feel the strong murderous power emanating from him, knowing that he had already killed himself.

Therefore, while Jianying was soft and begging for mercy, she quickly rushed to the main gate Jianyuan, who was standing on the colorful Xiangyun Square.

"Yu Haoran, Jianying is my Tian Jianzong's hope. His safety is more important than everything."

Although very disappointed with Jianying's cowardice, but thinking of his Tianjian identity and resuming the guardianship of Sancheng Jiandao Qiyun, Jianyuan had to help.

"If you dare to hurt him, my Tian Jianzong and you will never die."

"Jian Yuan, can I take the threat you just made as your decision of Heavenly Sword Sect." Stopped a hundred meters away from Jian Yuan, the white stick in his hand pointed at Jian Yuan, and Jian Ying hiding behind him. Yu Haoran asked with a cold look.


Although his identity was only the deputy ancestor, when thinking of the identity of Jianying Tianjian, the attitude of the suzerain and Wu Zun ancestors, Jian Yuan proudly responded to Haoran's question.

"That being the case, then Yu Haoran accepted the endless challenge of Tian Jianzong." Facing Jian Yuan's declaration of war on behalf of Tian Jianzong, Yu Haoran held up the white stick in his hand, as if Hong Zhong's response.

Endlessly end up with the first-class sect Tianjian Sect with strong attack power. If you change to another person, everyone on the scene will certainly ridicule his ignorance and arrogance.

But when faced with a fearless response, everyone at the scene took it for granted, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for Tian Jianzong.

After all, because Hao Ran is enough to stir the alchemy ability of countless strong men in the entire Tianxuan continent, only a few pieces of Huazun Dan and Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan are needed to be refined, and there will be countless top strong men who are willing to kill Tianjian for him Case.

"My Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce announced that from now on, all business dealings with Tian Jianzong will be cut off."

It was because Haoran officially declared war with Tian Jianzong, the voice of Bian Shengrui's strong support came from the horse house immediately.

After hearing Bian Shengrui's strong support for Yu Haoran, although Jian Yuan was somewhat surprised, he didn't really care.

Because the business of the Heavenly Human Chamber of Commerce is mostly aimed at the powerful people with huge wealth and top strength, there is not much contact with their Tian Jianzong, and there is no loss or impact in breaking business.

However, with the imperial edict issued by Emperor Qin Emperor in the Palace of Yiyue, Jian Yuan's expression changed.

"From now on, except for Elder Jianyu and Son Lu Yuan, the gatekeepers of the Tianjian Sect are forbidden to enter the Southern Region."

"If there is an intruder, kill without amnesty!"

"If there are those who are sheltering themselves, the Nine Nation!"

In view of the tendency of the Great Qin Empire to unify the southern region, everyone at the scene knew that the imperial edict of the Emperor Qin was not a joke.

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