Destined Martial God

Chapter 1274: Maybe I confessed the wrong person (1)

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In front of the Manma House!

The reminder from Ta Ling made Yu Haoran wake up from the sad and angry memories.

Thinking of Ling Fei's true feelings, thinking of the promise he had promised her, taking a deep breath, he desperately suppressed the constant emotional excitement.

Fortunately, his powerful mood repaired him, and when his three people, such as Zhou Fengxu, slowly landed on Colorful Xiangyun Plaza, his mood had completely restored to peace.

"Senior Zhou!" Try to make a happy smile appear on his face, Yu Haoran took the initiative to welcome him.

"Master Ma, introduce me to you!"

Facing Yu Haoran who took the initiative, Zhou Fengxu pointed at Zhou Youze in a respectful manner and introduced.

"This is Zhou Youze, the chief of my Zhou family!"

The body shook slightly, and a shocked look flashed in Yu Haoran's eyes.

After the refining of the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan in the Hengduan Mountains, he once heard Ta Ling specifically explain the origins of the Zhou family, knowing how brilliant the Zhou family was in the Middle Ages, and also very clear about how the Zhou family is passed down to this day powerful.

The patriarch of the dignified Zhou family came to attend his wedding in person, no matter what the purpose was, it was enough to show his face, so Yu Haoran was shocked and hurriedly saluted.

"The junior Yu Haoran, met the patriarch Zhou!"

"You Ma Ye polite!" Zhou Youze responded with a gentle attitude.

"Zhou Mengling has met Master Ma!" Just after Zhou Youze responded, the girl in white standing next to him took the initiative to see the courtesy.

Frowning slightly, Yu Haoran also smiled and responded.

"Haoran met with Master Zhou."

"Chief Zhou, Elder Zhou, Sister Zhou, please!"

After greeting Zhou Mengling, Yu Haoran suppressed the continuous doubts in his heart, and waved his hands with a smile, his emotions were not affected by Zhou Mengling at all.

"Yu Haoran, are you sure that you have had an emotional struggle with this Zhou Mengling girl in the previous life?" Just when Hao Ran led the three members of the Zhou family to register in front of the mansion, Ta Ling in the sea frowned.

"Ta Ling, what did you find?" Originally, Zhou Mengling was suspicious because of the name. Ta Ling's interrogation added the truth of the doubt, so Yu Haoran immediately asked.

"Yu Haoran, this Zhou Mengling girl is not simple. Not only does she have a peerless look that is astonishing to heaven, but her mood, body, power, soul, and rules are all promoted to the state of Wu Zun. Wu Zun's realm only takes a moment. "

"If you play against her now, the winning percentage is less than 30%."

The towering spirit introduced solemnly.

"Moreover, according to my speculation, the reason why Zhou Mengling has been suppressing Xiu's breakthrough is that I want to compete for the first place in the five-domain Qianlong battle, and then use the huge Qianlong luck to directly impact Wuzun's three products. realm."

Introduced here, Ta Ling frowned again, and asked in doubt.

"If you return to the previous life, even if there is no energy to feed back after the devil's tomb blew up, Zhou Mengling will still be the heavenly coquettish girl, how can you have emotional entanglement with her."

"Taling, maybe I admit the wrong person!"

Ta Ling's detailed introduction of Zhou Mengling's strength completely eliminated Yu Haoran's inner doubts, and she immediately replied easily.

"In the previous life, although the girl was also named Zhou, her name was Zhou Xuefei. Although she also had a peerless appearance, she had very ordinary talents and qualifications."

"Yu Haoran, then why did you mistake Zhou Mengling for that girl in the beginning?" Ta Ling did not disappear because of Yu Haoran's explanation, he continued to ask.

"An airy temperament, gloomy and warm eyes." Yu Haoran gave reasons and explanations for admitting mistakes.

In this regard, although Ta Ling didn't say much, the confused eyes in his eyes not only disappeared, but also became stronger.

Because he suddenly thought of a secret method in ancient times, a detached secret method that can cut off his martial arts constitution.

"Zhou Youze, the elder of the Zhou clan, Zhou Fengxu, the elder, and Zhou Mengling, the patriarch's beloved daughter, wished her grandfather Mayor and her princess Zhong Zhonggu to enjoy it.

"Gift three pieces of sacred magical instruments, three pieces of sacred magical instruments, three seventh-order top-grade spirit veins, three drops of Qianyao spiritual milk, three third-order elixir, and three Donghai soul beads."

Compared to the gifts given by Yuanzu and the gibbons, the number of gifts sent by the Zhou family seemed a bit shabby, but no one dared to despise the scene.

After all, it is already a glorious honor for the clan chiefs to come to the wedding in person.

After watching the three members of the Zhou family enter the mansion, Yu Haoran ignored the strong Yunyun Zong who came out of the void and ordered the little **** who ran a leg to ask General Jiang and the ancestor of Meng family to welcome him instead.

"Abominable!" Elder Xu, who had just rushed back, saw Hu Hao ignoring himself and his deputy into the mansion, and immediately yelled darkly.

With a slight frown, Liu Shouzong's Deputy Sovereign Sun Shouyu's eyes also flashed a little discomfort.

Although Liu Yunzong's strength and fame cannot be compared with the Zhou family, but as one of the top seven denominations in the Tianxuan continent, Yu Haoran greeted him personally and respectfully.

However, when nine pure dragon sounds suddenly sounded from the Ma Mansion, Sun Shouyu immediately calculated the time, and immediately knew the reason why Hao Ran was not actively welcoming guests.

Thinking of Zhou Youze still being able to maintain a stable state of mind in an environment of constant conditions, Sun Shouyu's heart suddenly appeared with deep fear.

"Elder Xu, Ji Shi has arrived, and Yu Haoran needs to kiss himself by himself, not to deliberately despise us."

After a reminder to Elder Xu with a faint look, Sun Shouyu slowly flew to Qise Xiangyun Plaza. He knew that Yu Haoran would arrange other people to meet the late guests.


Accompanied by the purest dragon sound, a red dragon with a length of 99 meters rushed out of the mansion, and then slowly landed on the colorful cloud square.

"This is a fire dragon with the purest blood of the dragon!"

After seeing the red dragon landing on the colorful auspicious cloud square, the three elders from the Dong family who are proficient at beast control, shouted in a cloud of void.

In fact, there is no need for the elders of Dong Jiasan to silently point out that everyone at the scene can also see the extraordinaryness of the red dragon.

After all, the beautiful lines, dazzling dragon scales, and majestic atmosphere far outweigh those of the beasts and dragons that contain the blood of the **** dragon.


With the second pure dragon sound, the second cyan dragon with a length of 99 meters rushed out of the mansion and landed on the colorful cloud square slowly.

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