Destined Martial God

Chapter 1275: Welcome (second more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie!

In front of the Manma House!

"This is a wooden dragon with the purest blood of the dragon!" After seeing the blue dragon landing on the colorful Xiangyun Square, the elders of the Dongjia family continued to shout out of silence.


With the third pure dragon sound, the third blue dragon with a length of 99 meters landed slowly on Colorful Cloud Plaza.

"This is the water dragon with the purest blood of the dragon!"

Then, the fourth green dragon, the fifth grey dragon ...!

Up to the ninth, the length reached 99 meters, and the purple dragon appeared on the whole body. After slowly landing on the square of colorful clouds, the elders of Dongjia who awakened from shock and disappointment immediately rushed into the colorful clouds from the void. In the square, he looked to himself excitedly.

"The nine-color nine-series dragons are the most pure nine branch dragons in the Shenlong series. I never expected that Dong Zhengjun could see such a complete set of nine dragons in his lifetime."


Just after all the nine dragons of the nine-color nine-color series landed on the colorful Xiangyun Square, a roar like a dragon but not a dragon, a horse like a horse, and a cow like a cow was heard from inside the mane house.

Although the roar of the strange beast was slightly weird, an inexplicable force gradually calmed down the excitement of the crowd at the scene.

With the weird roar, the height of one head also reached 99 meters. It is a beautiful beast integrating a lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, moose body, dragon scales, and ox tail. Take off.

"This, this, this is the ancient **** beast unicorn, the real **** beast unicorn!" Watching the hoof stepping on the nine colorful fire clouds, slowly flying to the colorful beasts of colorful auspicious clouds square, the elders of Dong Jiasan finally recovered calmly, again because of emotion Shouted out of control.

"Kirin was born, the heavens descended auspiciously, did the wedding of Ma Ye and Princess Ling Fei be blessed by the heavens and the earth!" In the six official residences of Xianyang City, the ceremonial servant Hong Dongya sighed intricately.

"Kirin came to the world, Confucianism and Taoism are booming!" And standing behind him, more than a dozen surviving Confucian students knelt down in excitement, cheering loudly in tears.

With the Confucian scholars in the Ministry of Rites bowing and shouting, countless low-ranking warriors and ordinary people in the entire city of Xianyang came to the street and began to bow and shout.

Inside Yiyue Temple!

Looking at the nine-colored dragon crawling gently on Colorful Xiangyun Square, and watching the slowly descending beast unicorn, Zi Xuan's expression of pain in the center of the eye was replaced by shock and envy.

Especially after seeing the back of the foot-monstrous beast unicorn, giving both a gentle and elegant temperament and a blue-eyed youth who defied domineering, Zi Xuan looked at Qin Lingfei with envious eyes.

At this time Qin Lingfei showed happiness that could not be concealed.

"It seems that the horse has completed his promise to Xu Fei, and gave Ling Fei the promise." Looking at Yu Haoran, who is accompanied by nine dragons and nine dragons, Qin Emperor was deeply relieved.

Then he turned to Zi Xuan and said.

"Mrs. Queen, since the horses have prepared such a grand wedding for Princess Ling Fei, we, as mothers, cannot be petty."

"On the basis of adding all the dowry, the number is tripled!"


In this regard, Zi Xuan was so distressed and reluctant as she had just shown. She nodded in agreement and made Qin Lingfei's face suddenly happy.

"Since the queen mother has set off to welcome her, please hurry up and arrange for a ceremony to get married!" Emperor Qin commanded when he got up and left Yiyue Temple.

In front of the Manma House!

Just after the unicorn Kirin slowly landed on Colorful Xiangyun Plaza, the gate of the mansion opened automatically, and Yu Haoran, who had changed into a red top suit, stepped out.

After bowing out in front of the many guests who stepped out of the void, Yu Haoran stepped in front of the beast unicorn.

The tall and beautiful unicorn Kirin immediately bent down, and Ren Yinghao stepped on his head and stood on his back.

"Let's go!" Yu Haoran gave a light glance at the nine dragons.

"Hmm ...!"

After a roar from the sky, the nine dragons of the nine-colored nine-line dragon directly rose into the sky, and the beast Kirin also flew up in the air.

Subsequently, the red and blue dragons circled in front of the unicorn, the black and white dragons circled behind the unicorn, the green and green dragons circled to the left of the unicorn, and the gray and yellow dragons circled to the right of the unicorn. Finally A purple dragon is hovering above the unicorn.

Immediately after, led by the red and blue dragons, Yu Haoran stepped on the **** beast Kirin to leave Colorful Xiangyun Square, and then slowly landed on the main street of Xianyang City.

Watching the Shenlong and the beast Kirin appear in front of their eyes, the pedestrians on the street immediately retreated to the two sides, and the warriors and ordinary people below the Wuzong realm immediately bowed to the ground with emotion and excitement, and the masters below the Wuhuang realm bowed down .

"If Ma Ma is willing to host such a wedding for me, even if I am a puppet or a girl in a warm bed." It is because when Hao Ran stepped on the **** beast Kirin through a shop along the street, a man with flowers and moon looks Sighed envious girl.

"Yue girl, although you look good and you are noble enough, but you still want to be a grandma's chamber." A beautiful woman standing next to her, although she also showed envy, was very self-aware. Reminded.

"Sister Xing, you are really ruthless, can't you tolerate my fantasies!" A white eye interrupted her fantasy companion, a young girl called Yueya, complained with dissatisfaction.

It is not far from the Royal Palace to the horse palace. With the huge body of Kirin, it only took less than an hour to reach the palace smoothly.


Gently whispered to Kirin and the dragon, except that the purple dragon continued to hover above his head, the remaining eight dragons crawled on the ground obediently.

Yu Haoran jumped down from the back of Kirin, and then walked towards the tightly closed palace gate.

"Master Ma, although you are distinguished, today you are a groomed officer everywhere, so if you want us to open the door and let you in, you need a little meaning."

It was that when Hao Ran stepped in front of the gate of the palace, a group of women ridiculed suddenly from behind the gate.

Although I have discussed the wedding steps with the Emperor Qin long ago and cancelled the so-called procedure to block relatives, I think that many people in the harem who are dissatisfied with themselves will take this opportunity to export their bad feelings.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who had been prepared for a long time, laughed and took out one hundred fifth-order first-grade spirit stones from the storage ring, and twenty sixth-order one-grade elixir that can be directly upgraded, and placed them in the palace. The sides of the gate.

Then he turned to the crowd and said.

"Today is the day when Ben Ma is overjoyed. Ben Ma is very happy. These fifth-order spirit stones and sixth-order elixir have a share, and whoever is fast will be the one."

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