Destined Martial God

Chapter 1276: Shocked welcome (three)

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Xianyang City, in front of the Royal Palace!

"Master Ma, you are sure!" A young man at the peak of the martial arts Jiupin immediately asked in surprise.

"What do you say!" Yu Haoran asked with a smile, taking a step back, a gesture of Ren Jun taking away.

"My spirit and elixir are mine."

After being confirmed by Yu Haoran, the young man howled and rushed towards the gate of the palace.

After hearing the movement outside the gate, the eunuchs and court ladies who were preparing to prevent Hao Ran from entering the palace immediately opened the gate and joined the robberies of spirit stone and elixir.

And Yu Haoran rushed into the palace, and then hurried to the Yueyue Temple.

Fortunately, the women in the harem knew that Yu Haoran was not very good-tempered and did not dare to go too far, so he did not prepare too many obstacles to allow him to smoothly come to the front of Yiyue Temple.

He waved to the drummer, the ceremony team and the crowd carrying Huaqiao, and Yu Haoran signaled that they would all withdraw.

"Master Ma, this is not in line with royal etiquette and rules." The Deputy Chief Eunuch in charge of the marriage process reminded Yu Haoran with a smile on his face.

Because in his opinion, Yu Haoran definitely wanted to lead His Royal Highness Princess directly from Yiyue Palace, leave the palace, and then return to Luoma Mansion by Kirin, the beast of the gods.

However, according to the rules of welcoming relatives, before the three knees and nine concubines are sent to the cave, the groom and the bride should have no contact, and the bride's feet should not touch the ground. Otherwise, it will be considered unlucky.

"Mr. Liu, rest assured, Ben Ma will not break the rules."

After signalling the relief of the deputy head of the House of Government, Yu Haoran looked up at the void above the palace and called softly.

"Little Butterfly!"

As Yu Haoran whispered, the clouds and mists of the virtual palace above the imperial palace were scattered by the breeze, revealing a cloud-spreading foot with more than 90 meters, showing nine gorgeous colors and beautiful and noble giant butterflies.

Fanning the giant butterfly with wings, it started to descend slowly, stopped at a distance of about a kilometer from the palace, and then began to dance.

With a beautiful dance, a faint fragrance spread quickly.

Ten miles, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles, in less than a minute, the fragrance emitted by giant butterflies has expanded to thousands of miles.

And every butterfly-shaped beast that smells a faint fragrance, whether it is the Xinghai Baiyun butterfly that has reached the level of honor, and the ordinary clever Qingling flower butterfly, it will immediately flap its wings to fly to Xianyang City, Fly towards the palace.

"Look, butterflies, so many butterflies!"

The huge butterfly that was originally dancing to the people attracted the people of Xianyang City, and was quickly shocked by the violent wind howling from behind.

When I turned my head and watched, I was immediately attracted by countless butterflies flying fast. One of the girls in the realm of Wuwang shouted aloud because of excessive excitement.

The VIP area in the Manma House!

"this is…!"

Zhou Youze, who was greeting several lineage clan patriarchs and elders who had just entered the VIP area, had a vague sense of familiarity when the giant butterfly emerged from the cloud and mist, but he could not remember the origin of the giant butterfly.

And when the giant butterfly began to use the dancing means to summon countless butterfly-like strange beasts, the memories of the instant recall made him shout out of shock.

"Extreme Beast Nine Heavens Cloud Butterfly!"

Zhou Youze's shouting cry also awakened many guests who were vaguely familiar at the scene but could not remember it for a while.

Taking a look at each other, nearly 80% of the guests immediately signaled to the principal **** and took them away from the residence for a short time to observe the nine-day cloud butterfly.

Because of the law, the Luma Mansion was banned from flying and flying.

With the consent of Yu Siqi, except for a few powerful men in the realm of Zhunwu Emperor, and three real elders who were slightly inferior to the Zhou family did not leave, the rest left the house.

Of course, there is also a view of the mansion just after visiting the mansion, but the isolated gibbous ape that was given to everyone remains in the mansion.

"Extreme clouds appear in nine days, and utterly annihilate Fanchen!"

Looking at the nine-day cloud butterfly dancing above the imperial palace, the gibbons didn't lower their voices and sighed.

"It seems that the time from the world calamity is getting closer and closer. I don't know who is responsible for this calamity. I don't know who will survive the calamity in the end."

The sigh of the gibbons agitated Zhou Youze's expression, and his eyes showed a deep anticipation.

Above the palace!

With the number of butterfly beasts around Jiutian Cloud Butterfly exceeding one million, Jiutian Cloud Butterfly stopped dancing and then slowly fell beside Haoran.

"Little butterfly, please trouble you!" Looking at the beautiful nine-day cloud butterfly, Yu Haoran said abnormally mildly.

Slightly fanned the wings in response, Jiutian cloud butterfly exuded a trace of divine thoughts.

After the wave of divine thoughts disappeared, all the butterfly beasts with spread wings over sixty meters and showing five colors all landed in Xianyang City, and then paved from Yiyue Temple to Luomafu, forming a five-color butterfly road.

Immediately afterwards, eight seven-colored wind-butterfly butterflies with two wings of 20 meters spread out and slowly and disturbed together to form a huge seven-colored butterfly flower bridge.

As for the remaining million butterflies, the petite figure is flying on both sides of the five-color butterfly road, and the huge figure is a means of mobilizing magic power and preparing to show more surprises.

"Mr. Liu, you can go to the princess to go to the sedan!" Seeing that everything was ready, Yu Haoran turned his head and reminded Mr. Liu who was completely stupid.

According to the normal wedding process, the drummer and the sedan should be prepared by the man. Yu Haoran has not prepared in advance. He wants to use the influence of Jiutian Cloud Butterfly on all butterfly beasts to give Qin Lingfei an unforgettable welcome process.

"Ah! Oh! Okay!"

Shocked, awake, nodded, reminding Hao Ran, General Manager Liu walked into the Yiyue Temple with great enthusiasm.

Three minutes later, Qin Lingfei, wearing a phoenix crown, and a red hijab, came to the palace door with the help of eight court ladies.

"Little Butterfly!" Turning his head to remind Jiutian Cloud Butterfly.

Subsequently, under the influence of the fluctuation of the mind, a spotted blue deep-sea butterfly slowly landed in front of Qin Lingfei, and the spreading wings just connected Qin Lingfei and Huajiao.

"Rest assured, do you still not believe in the way of the grandma?" Qin Lingfei reminded softly when she saw that the eight women who supported her were afraid to set foot on butterfly wings.

At the reminder of Qin Lingfei, the eight court ladies stepped on the butterfly wings carefully and settled her safely into the huge flower sedan.

When stepping into the sedan chair, Qin Lingfei slightly raised a corner of his hijab, eyes full of happiness and love, and glanced at Yu Haoran with a smile on his face.

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