Destined Martial God

Chapter 1279: About to break through Dandi? (One more)

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In the horse house!

The promotion of Xuanyin Soul Fire not only allowed Xiuwei to directly break through the peak of Wusheng Qipin, but also completely cleared the Xuanyin cold air remaining in the body.

Thinking of the horse that Ma Ma once said, the moment when Xuanyin's cold air was cleared was when she became a real woman, the desire that suddenly appeared in her heart made Qin Lingfei couldn't help but bow her head in shame.

After all, it's a bit shame that a girl longs for that kind of thing.

Fortunately, the grade was directly promoted to the blue magpie at the peak of the Seven Realms of the Holy Land, and the extremely roaring excitement made her calm down from shame.

"Master, you are so outstanding. Being able to sign a beast pet contract with you is the most important decision made by Laner, and it is also the most sensible choice of Laner's life." After roaring, Lan Yue quickly narrowed down to a dozen The small snake, centimeter, lingered on Qin Lingfei's shoulder, boasting excitedly.


Seeing Lan Xi's shameless boast, Yu Haoran, who was afraid of causing Qin Lingfei, could not help but cough, reminding him to pay attention to his words and deeds.

A dreadful glance glanced at Hao Ran, Lan Yan quickly rushed into Qin Lingfei's sleeve, and then wrapped her arm tightly, and began to consolidate the newly promoted grade.

"Ling Fei, I didn't expect that when you signed the animal pet contract with Lan Yao, there would be such an amazing change."

After Lan Yan hid in Qin Lingfei's sleeve, Yu Haoran said with a smile.

"However, such a change is a good thing. It can make the second treasure I give you more powerful."

Having said that, he took a jade box out of the storage ring and used Yuanli's wrapping method to bring it to Qin Lingfei and explained.

"Ling Fei, there is a third-order, first-grade blue blood Xuanyin flower in the jade box, which can continue to help Xuan Yin soul fire while upgrading, and you can directly repair your ascension to Wu Sheng Jiupin."

"Horse horse, thank you!" Without opening the jade box for inspection, Qin Lingfei directly put the jade box into the storage ring and thanked him happily.

After all, even the gibbous monkey, the overlord of the hundreds of millions of strange beasts in the southern region, personally came to the door to participate in the wedding, so it was normal for Yu Haoran to get the blood of the black blood in the valley of Death Valley.

Seeing Qin Lingfei pack up the jade box, Yu Haoran then took out a dan bottle and sent it to her in the same way using Yuanli parcel.

"Ling Fei, there is a third-order, first-grade Huazun Dan in the Dan bottle, which is the third gift I gave you."

The Royal Palace, Kunning Palace!

"Mrs. queen, do you still have a dowry for Ling Fei!" Looking at the third gift that Yu Haoran gave to Ling Fei, was Hua Zun Dan who can help Wu Sheng and Zhun Wu Zun to break through Wu Zun's realm and come here. Emperor Qin who visited and comforted Zi Xuan said with a smile.

"Really he has a conscience!"

Although the words on her mouth were still stiff, the smile that appeared on her face showed that she was in a good mood at this time.

"The horse is not only capable, but has always been a very filial child." A newly-conducted concubine hurriedly patted the horse after hearing Qin Emperor's praise for Hao Ran and the happy smile on the queen mother's face. Fart's affiliation.

"What a concubine is saying!"

Thinking of being able to successively break through the heart-struck and body-strikes of the realm of Jun Wu Zun, and thinking of his ability to quickly gather the fortunes of the Southern Region, Yu Haoran played a vital role. When Qin Emperor nodded and praised, his eyes showed praise. She looked at her concubine.

In the horse house!

"Horse, Ling Fei, thank you for your queen mother!"

Put away the Dan bottle containing the third-order first-grade Zundan, Qin Lingfei directly arranged the ownership of Huazun Dan.

At the speed of the Great Qin Empire's expedition to the southern region, before the battle for the Qianlong list in the southern region began, the Emperor Qin must be able to break through the realm of Wu Zun with great luck, so the third-order first-class Zun Dan presented by himself would be given to others.

Taking Zi Xuan's cultivation and status as well as her special relationship with Emperor Qin, although Yu Haoran had long guessed that the person giving her was her, after hearing Qin Lingfei's arrangement, her heart was still a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the powerful state of mind was fixed so that his face still had a smile on his face, and did not let Zi Xuan of Kunning Palace see any abnormalities.

Subsequently, he then took out a dan bottle from the storage ring and continued to use Qin Lingfei to deliver it to Qin Lingfei, introducing it with a smile.

"Ling Fei, the elixir stored in the Dan bottle is still a Huazun Dan, but the grade reaches the third grade and nine grades."

The jade hand that just held the Dan bottle suddenly exerted force, Qin Lingfei looked at Yu Haoran with a surprised look.

"Is it possible that Dantao Xiu could not be defeated for the impending breakthrough of Dandi!"

Hearing that the fourth treasure presented by Yu Haoran turned out to be Huazun Dan, who had reached the third and ninth grade, he had just picked up the ancestor of the wine glass, and when he was emotional, he directly crushed the wine glass in his hand.

Because he suddenly thought that the sea of ​​knowledge that he was about to collapse could be restored, and it was also because of Hao Ran's personal preparation of the third-order nine-pin seven treasures to return to the soul.

The two top-notch elixirs not only succeeded in refining them, but also reached the third-rank and nine-rank grades, which made Yuanzu's speculation impossible.

Because it was an emotional loss, all the guests in the VIP area heard his speculation about the cultivation of Yu Haoran.

After drinking the glass of wine in one sip, the gibbons slowly closed their eyes and began to check their own medicinal reserves.

Because it wants Yu Haoran to help him to make an elixir that can awaken more bloodline inheritance memories, so as to help the palace's Xuanhuangqi break through the imperial realm as soon as possible.

The hands placed in the sleeves clenched tightly. Zhou Youze turned to look at Zhou Mengling, with the requested look in his eyes.

When he nodded, Zhou Mengling responded to Zhou Youze's request with a calm expression like clear water.

"Elder Xu, immediately dissipate any dissatisfaction with Yu Haoran in your heart." Sun Shouyu, who also clasped his wine glass, solemnly instructed Elder Xu.

"Vice Lord Sun, my subordinates know!"

Thinking that Hao Ran was about to break through the realm of Emperor Dan, Elder Xu's inner dissatisfaction with Hao Ran disappeared without a trace.

In Kuning Palace!

Zi Xuan and Emperor Qin glanced at each other and found the horrors emerging in their respective eyes.

"Holy, what are you going to do with the third-ranking and nine-ranking Huazundan?" Taking a deep breath, barely suppressing Zi Xuan's horror, she couldn't help asking.

"Find a way to awaken the Prince of Blood Wu, let him break through Wu Zun's peerless realm with the help of the third-ranking, nine-pins, and then completely dominate the southern region for the puppet." Closed his eyes and considered for a while, Qin Emperor solemnly said.

"Are you sure!" When hearing the Emperor Qin intending to awaken Prince Wu Wu who was seriously injured and stunned for more than 20 years, Zi Xuan couldn't help but shivered with a trembling voice.


Nodded his head, Emperor Qin looked at Yu Haoran in the Dingma Mansion, and said with trusting eyes in his eyes.

"I believe that the horse has both the ability to awaken the Prince of Blood and the means to control the Prince of Blood."

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