Destined Martial God

Chapter 1280: Nine-star renju and star battle (two more)

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In the horse house!

After finally calming down, Qin Lingfei did not know how to express her gratitude when she put away the Dan bottle. In the end, she only said thank you.

In this regard, Yu Haoran chuckled and continued to take out the third Dan bottle, and still sent it to her by means of Yuanli parcel.

"Ling Fei, the elixir stored in the Dan bottle, is a third-order Jiupin Yuxin Dan that can point directly to the heart, so that you can find the deficiencies and defects in your overall practice."

"Zi ...!"

After hearing the fifth gift from Yu Haoran, it turned out to be Yuxin Dan, who had reached the third and ninth grade. Most of the guests at the scene couldn't help taking a breath.

Because it can directly point to the heart of Yuxin Dan, the difficulty of refining is far more than that of the third-order nine-pinned Zundan and Qibao Huihundan, so the original people just have some doubts whether Haoran has the ability to impact the realm of Dan.

Now, with the birth of the third-order Jiupin Yuxin Dan, everyone is 100% sure that Yu Haoran's Dan Dao Xiu can definitely be promoted to Dan Emperor within one year.


Since the medicine king Gu Yao, the most promising impact on Dandi ’s realm, has not appeared in Emperor Tianxuan for tens of thousands of years.

If Yu Haoran can successfully achieve the Emperor Dan's realm, then his status and influence will not be lost to a true Emperor Wudi.

Ignoring the shocking action of everyone taking a cool breath at the scene, Yu Haoran continued to smile and reminded.

"Ling Fei, when you break through the realm of Wusheng Nine Pins with the help of Bixuexuanyinhua, use Yuxindan to eliminate all hidden dangers in your body, and lay the strongest foundation for breaking through the realm of Wu Zun."

In fact, the third-ranking and nine-ranking Yu Xindan can be regarded as his own refining, or it can be said that he did not make it.

Because just after he had dealt with the complaints of Xiao Zhongyuan and hundreds of great Confucians, the first avatar succeeded in returning to the body with the Dan furnace under the imperial realm.

The third-rank and nine-pin Yuxin Dan is the elixir that he assisted in the first clone.

It's not clear that Qin Lingfei, Yu Xindan's precious, just put away the Dan bottle with delight, and then looked forward to Yu Haoran full of anticipation.

Because she knows Yu Haoran's character, she knows that he must give more than five gifts.

In the face of Qin Lingfei's full of anticipation, Yu Haoran did not disappoint her, and directly took out a piece of inferior artifice that Ta Ling had just refined for her, and nine star beads connected together.

"Ling Fei, this is a powerful instrument I have specially crafted based on your physique, which I have invited a Taoist repairer to reach the realm of the Emperor."

Without the support of any force, the Jiuxing Lianzhu instrument was affected by the breath and automatically floated in front of Qin Lingfei.

Just reaching out and holding the magical instrument under the dignity in front of him, the nine beads of Jiuxing Lianzhu were dispersed immediately, and then Qin Lingfei surrounded the group.

Immediately afterwards, the light of the nine dazzling stars burst into the sky, creating a weak connection with the nine special stars of distant sky and land.

"Gathering the power of the Big Dipper and the two stars of Youyi and Zuo Fu, they form an offensive and defensive weapon of esteem."

When the dazzling connection between the dazzling star light and the sky stars from the nine star beads, the vice-sovereign smelter from the smelter sect made copper, stood up, and said in shock.

"If you can practice the power of the stars to refine the physical body, then the accumulated star power can give this magical instrument an infinite hope of promotion, even in the future, it is not impossible to upgrade to the state of God."

The stunned voice of copper smelting shocked everyone at the scene, and looked at Hao Ran's eyes, showing a look of shock and horror.

Both shocked at the power and quality of the Jiuxing Lianzhu instrument, but also at the master who was able to make this instrument.

After all, when Yu Haoran introduced the magical instrument of Jiuxing Lianzhu just now, the instrumentalist who specifically mentioned the making of this magical instrument was a strong person who practiced Taoism to reach the realm of instrumental emperor.

"Master Ma, I don't know where the Qi Emperor is at this moment?" The sight shifted from Jiu Xing Lian Zhu's instrument to Yu Haoran, and the smelting copper eyes were filled with infinite reverence, and the expression was extremely excited.

"Ha ha!"

Facing the interrogation of copper smelting, Yu Haoran gave two chuckles, and then continued to pay attention to the nine-star renju that emits dazzling stars.

"Yu Haoran, let Ling Fei girl use her own blood and blood to make Jiu Xing Lian Zhu into her own destiny." When the dazzling star light gradually fainted, Ta Ling in the sea quickly reminded.

Originally when refining Jiuxing Renzhu, Ta Ling didn't think about letting Ling Fei refine it into a life-saving device, but when Kendo Qiyun forcibly cut off the mental harmony between Qin Lingfei and his life-sword weapon, he suddenly had An idea, a deputy sovereign copper smelter just shocked to introduce Jiuxing Lianzhu's idea.

"Ling Fei, using her own blood as a guide, refining Jiuxing Lianzhu as her life weapon."

In fact, even if Ta Ling didn't take the initiative to remind, Yu Haoran would let her refine the Jiuxing Lianzhu into a life-saving device.

Because he had the same thought flashing in his mind just like Ta Ling.

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, Qin Lingfei immediately forced a sip of blood and sprayed it onto nine star beads.

Nine star beads fused with essence and blood quickly recovered the dazzling starlight, and then merged into Qin Lingfei's Dantian.

"Horse!" Qin Lingfei, feeling the power of Jiuxing Lianzhu's magical instrument, was so excited that she didn't know what to say, she could only shout tenderly.

Fortunately, at the moment, Yu Haoran was discussing with Ta Ling whether he could give the Star Fight and did not notice Qin Lingfei's anomaly. Otherwise, he would be completely softened by the tender eyes like water.

Originally, she wanted to let Qin Lingfei pass the star-studying exercises to improve her strength while assisting Jiuxing Renju to advance to a higher grade.

Therefore, in response to Haoran's request, Ta Ling readily agreed, and used a blank jade bamboo slip to record the skills of the star battle.

"Ling Fei, this is a set of exercises that use the power of the stars to refine the physical body. It can better assist you in improving your strength, and it can also help Jiuxing Renju to upgrade to a higher grade!"

When presenting Jade Jane, which recorded the star-studded exercises, to Qin Lingfei, Yu Haoran opened his mouth and introduced the efficacy of the exercises while using God's thoughts to tell him.

"Ling Fei, this exercise method is called Xingdou Jie. It is a god-level exercise that ranks above heaven. Even in the face of holy interrogation, you cannot reveal any secret of Xingdou Jie."


The excitement made Qin Lingfei want to rush directly into Haoran's arms, and then expressed her gratitude with a kiss.

But in the large public hall, she could only resist the impulse and continued to look at Yu Haoran tenderly.

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