Destined Martial God

Chapter 1312: The decision of Emperor Qin (second)

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Xianyang City, in the Imperial Palace!

Accompanied by the leaders of the four guards and nine guards of the pinnacles of the martial arts, the general manager Jiang walked in front of the crowd with two copies of the purpose.

Looking up at the elite children of the twenty-three royal families, President Jiang solemnly and directly launched a decree, and read the words like a sharp sword.

"It is carried in Fengtian, the emperor said, Qin Linghao, Qin Fengxing, Qin Lin broke ..., ignoring the kindness of the royal family and ignoring the affection of the royal family, seems to be ruthless and unjust."

"From now on, stop all the treatment of the royal children, collect all the harvest in Qianlong Wonderland, and keep behind closed doors for three years."

"Here it is, Shane!"

After hearing the first imperial edict read out by General Manager Jiang, all people at the scene were stunned, except Zi Xuan, who had been known beforehand.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean?" Qin Linghao, who is second only to his prince, clenched his fists and asked with a somber expression.

Glancing at Qin Linghao indifferently, General Jiang instructed the guard behind him.

"Let's execute the decree!"

One of the leaders of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin Pin turned his head and nodded to the subordinates of 23 Wu Sheng Qi Pin Pin.

Subsequently, the 23 guards at the peak of Wusheng Qipin each walked in front of a royal child, and then began to collect the storage utensils on them.

"Bold, can this **** slave be touched by this prince's noble body."

An only son from the royal family yelled at the anger, and then took out the natal knife directly, intending to kill the Guards who dared to collect their own storage tools.

But at this moment, a purple sword flashed, and the only son from the royal family's royal head fell to the ground instantly, and the spirits disappeared.

Later, Zi Xuan looked at the 22 royal elite children indifferently, as a frosty warning.

"Who dares to disobey the holy order will let his soul smash away!"

The grandson's only son said to kill and kill, and other royal sons who were going to resist immediately surrendered the storage utensils, and were then pressed back to their respective mansions by the guards.

"Carried in heaven, the emperor said, Fan Chengfang, Li Chenhao ..., betrayed his faith, defied the law, and had negative holy gratitude. He drove the strange beasts to attack Master Ma and his princess in Qianlong Wonderland.

"The Guards were immediately forced into death row and awaiting trial!"

"Here it is, Shane!"

Just after the royal elite children were forced to leave the forbidden area of ​​the palace, the general manager Jiang continued to read the second decree.

Through the thunder of Qin Emperor's elite children, although Fan Chengfang and others have already guessed the content of the second imperial edict, they must be targeted at those who have besieged the horses and princesses, but after really hearing the content of the imperial edict, their His face paled instantly.

Although he wanted to use his life-saving hole card, after seeing Zi Xuan's murderous eyes, Fan Chengfang and others finally gave up the resistance, and let the Guards seal their own practice, and then were forced into death row!


In the horse house!

After taking Qin Lingfei, Yu Siqi and Wu Zhengjun returned to the Maoma Mansion, Yu Haoran flew directly to the statue of the white tiger, and then used the divine mind to observe the behavior of Emperor Qin.

When he saw Qin Emperor holding the full version of the sword sword in the emperor's realm, he went straight to the slums of Nancheng, and knew that he had completely cut off the affection between his father and son, and planned to kill Qin Tianyi, who had fallen into the evil way.

Unfortunately, when Emperor Qin arrived at a dilapidated courtyard in Nancheng, he found that Qin Tianyi had already left early, and finally left Nancheng reluctantly, and then headed straight to Luoma House.

"Ling Fei, you are now bringing four dragons to help the father to calm down the riots that may be found in Xianyang City." Jumping down from the white tiger statue, Yu Haoran instructed Qin Ling Fei.

Nodded, Qin Lingfei directly summoned the four dragons that were desperately absorbing the yellowish air in the mansion, and then brought them to the Qin Emperor who was rushing to him.

After seeing four pure dragons that reached the middle of Wuzun and nine grades, and hearing Qin Lingfei's instructions from Hao Ran, Qin Emperor immediately took Qin Lingfei back to the palace, and then began to wash the second hidden danger in the Great Qin Empire. It is the erosion of power by the powerful family and the royal maggots.

"Sister, Zhengjun, it is less than five days before the start of the battle for Qianlong list in the southern region. During this time, you stay in the mansion to fully digest and consolidate the harvest of the mysterious experience, and then use the elixir I gave you. And martial arts, fully promote their own cultivation and strength. "After Qin Lingfei left, Yu Haoran ordered to Yu Siqi and Wu Zhengjun.

Nodded his head, Wu Zhengjun turned around and returned to his own courtyard.

"Xiao Ran, how about you?" You can see that Yu Haoran was about to leave, Yu Siqi quickly interrogated.

"Sister, after a brief break, I will immediately rush to the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce in Shuangniushan and Youniucheng, and cooperate with the president of the chamber of commerce and the elders to hold a spectacular auction in France." Hao Ran said with anticipation.

"Okay, pay attention to safety!" It is only to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce in the heavens to hold an auction, not to risk adventure, so Yu Siqi reassuredly exhorted.

"Sister, I know!" Nodded, Yu Haoran stepped towards his own courtyard.

"The third-ranked and nine-ranked Huazun Dan, the second-ranked and first-ranked Shou Yuandan, the second-ranked and first-ranked Emperor Yuandan, a sword with respect to the highest quality, a sword with respect to the highest quality, and a sword with the highest quality Sword, and a knife from the imperial realm. "

Looking at the Dan bottle and the magical instrument in front of him, Yu Haoran frowned slightly, and a look of thought flashed in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, any of the seven treasures can be sold at a sky-high price. Is there anything else you are not satisfied with?" Ta Ling asked a little puzzled after seeing Yu Haoran's frown slightly.

"Taling, when I was negotiating with Bian Shengrui and Wu Sicheng after auction, I wiped out the eight lots prepared by the heavens and earth, only one Poseidon from the South China Sea Dragon.

Facing Ta Ling's questioning, Yu Haoran said the reason for his frown just now.

"According to the principle of the top auction set by Bian Shengrui, no less than nine lots must be prepared, so I also need to come up with a treasure that is not lost to these elixir and magic instruments."

"this is very simple!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, Ta Ling replied with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, next I used the tower of the ontology domain to accelerate the maximum time, and then combined with the rich aura in the fifth-order spirit vein, two to three drops of ginseng ginseng fluid could be collected in one day."

"I think three drops of ginseng ginseng's ginseng solution are far more valuable and effective than the top-grade magical instruments of the Supreme Realm!"

"Ta Ling, a drop of ginseng is enough!"

Ta Ling's proposal brightened Yu Haoran's eyes. Considering that he needed nine drops of ginseng solution to refine Emperor Yuan Dan, Teng Jiaxue might need more ginseng solution to break through Wuzun's realm. He eventually Decided to take out a drop of ginseng solution for the lot.

"Okay!" Taling nodded in agreement.

Take out the second-order and first-grade Shou Yuandan and Emperor Yuandan, as well as the Emperor Level instruments, and harvest a large number of spiritual pulses. The most important thing is to hope that through this auction, the hidden peerlessness will be completely elicited. The strong and the powerful.

Therefore, being able to save two drops of ginseng solution can also be regarded as a capital-protected sale.

Putting three pill jars and seven artifacts into a separate storage ring, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and continued the cultivation of Yuanli, Divine Soul and Flesh.

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