Destined Martial God

Chapter 1313: To respect (three)

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Shuangniu Mountain, right Niucheng!

Since more than a month ago, Yu Haoran decided to auction the third-order, first-class refined Zundan that he personally refined through an auction held by the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce, and many strong men from sects and families emerged in Youniu City, leading to the The inn grew nervous.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of free courtyards and lofts in Youniu City, which can temporarily meet the conditions for the strong influx to enter the city.

But nine days ago, when Wu Sicheng, the president of the Heavenly Earth Chamber of Commerce, and Elder Bian Shengrui, and four peerless powers in Wuzun realm suddenly came to Right Niucheng, and began to expand the originally auctioned tower, Tianxuan Continental Many of the forces gradually felt a bit wrong.

Later, from the deacon and folks of the Heavenly Earth Chamber of Commerce, the real reason for the expansion of the auction was revealed that Yu Haoran would not only come up with a third-order, first-grade Zundan that he himself refined, but also more top-notch elixir And the instrument as the lot.

It is said that among the elixir Yu Haoran brought out this time, there is a third-order first-grade Shouyuandan that can break the life limit, and Zun Lingdan that can greatly enhance the realm of Wuzun.

Although the truth of the rumors is not high, judging from the simultaneous advent of the two giants of heaven and earth and the expansion of the auction house, I am afraid that this time the auction of Hao Ran and heavenly forces will show a lot of rare treasures.

Therefore, in addition to the Yuxu Palace, the six top sects, eleven first-class sects, and more than twenty strong families of inherited families have come to Shuangniucheng in preparation for participating in this grand auction.

The entry of top powerhouses and forces not only caused all the inns and other courtyards in the right Niucheng to be full, but even the left Niucheng, which was several kilometers apart, was overcrowded.

Fortunately, everyone came to participate in the auction, each restrained their temper and anger, so that there was not much conflict.

However, this calm and restrained momentum changed the day before the auction was officially held.

The reason is that a female disciple from Ling Xiaoge, from Yu Haoran's personal disciple Yun Xiang, heard a few auctions of this auction in her own ears, and then in Right Bull Town, it was completely messed up.

First, some strong men living in Zuo Niu Cheng, but following low-key behaviors, began to forcibly drive out the first-class denominations and ordinary inherited families in order to gain a favorable position.

Secondly, the original Yuxu Palace did not look down on the auction at all. After receiving a part of the lot, the Lord of the Palace personally led 32 strong men in the realm of Zunwu Zun and four peerless strong men in the realm of Wu Zun. Coming to Youniu, and directly occupying three inns near the chamber of commerce.

In the end, a group of mysterious people with terrifying strength began to drive away all the people in the Right Niucheng except the seven top denominations and the inherited family.

It is precisely because of these three reasons that in the right bull town that has been calm for thousands of years, not only the momentum suddenly rises, but also **** incidents occur frequently.

In the Yiyuan Pavilion in the backyard of the shop on the earth, Wu Sicheng and Bian Shengrue sat dignified on the stone pavilion chairs, while Yun Xiang looked at them carefully, with a little annoyance and anger flashing in his eyes.

Because she did not expect a girlfriend who has been a very good friend since childhood, she not only used friendship to set her own words, but also spread it afterwards, which caused the chamber of commerce to become extremely passive.

"Elder, do you think the postponement of the auction will be postponed?" Taking a deep breath, Wu Sicheng began to seek out Bian Shengrui's opinion.


Facing Wu Sicheng's testimony, Lian Shengrui simply shook his head and refused.

"President, this time the auction has already shocked Tianxuan mainland nearly 70% of the forces and strong."

"If we postpone the auction, I am afraid it will cause the dissatisfaction and anger of the most powerful people gathered in Shuang Niu Cheng. With the strength of our heavenly human chamber of commerce, we cannot face the anger of so many strong people."

Speaking of this, Bian Shengrui looked up at the direction of the Great Qin Empire, a look of hesitation appeared in his eyes.

"What's more, Ye Ma is willing to entrust so many rare treasures to our heavenly world for auction. It is to believe in the strength and credibility of our chamber of commerce. We must not let Ye Ma be disappointed."

"Elder, that being said, but even the Yuxu Palace has now appeared, and I'm afraid it will cause unpredictable unrest in the end."

Although he nodded in agreement with Bian Shengrui's explanation, Wu Sicheng still wanted to postpone the auction.

"President, or else, directly wake up the dedication of the two emperor Zhunwu Emperor in the dormant state, and let them come to deter many forces in Right Niucheng." Frowning frowning edge Shengrui, carefully interrogated.


Similarly, without any consideration, Wu Sicheng shook his head and refused.

"Even if you abandon this auction, you must not awaken the two offerings before the end of the five-domain Qianlong competition."

Seeing Wu Sicheng's attitude was very resolute, Bian Shengrui flashed a look of disappointment, and then continued to consider how to ensure that the auction will be held normally.

"The arrival of the lord of the earth palace in the magnificent Yuxu Palace is to give you the honor of the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce. Your president and elders have not rushed to open the door to greet them, but it has been rude. Do you want to let the distinguished deity stand at the door Wait for you to report! "

When Bian Shengrui was thinking about how to ensure that the auction would be held normally, he suddenly heard the voice of the chamber of commerce repelling his staff.

A glance at each other, Bian Shengrui and Wu Sicheng both found the dignity emerging in their eyes.

"Since the Lord of the Palace of the Yuxu Palace came to visit in person, if you and I do not welcome you, you will certainly give them an excuse for trouble." Putting his dignity in his eyes, Wu Sicheng stood up and reminded.


Although he did not want to take the initiative to greet the respect, but thinking of the domineering and poisonousness of Yuxu Palace, Bian Shengrui nodded helplessly, and followed Wu Sicheng to the front of the courtyard.

"Wu Sicheng has met the Lord of the Palace!" After opening the gate of the courtyard, a humble smile appeared on Wu Sicheng's face.

Facing Wu Sicheng's humble salute, a middle-aged man, about forty years old, with a stout body and a handsome appearance, stared at the cold star, with two curved eyebrows like paint, nodded indifferently.

Later, under the leadership of a Wuzun peerless powerhouse, he stepped into Yiyuan Pavilion without paying any attention to Bian Shengrui and Yunxiang who also met with respect.

However, a young man who followed behind Dianzun saw a slightly upturned corner of his mouth after seeing Yunxiang with a peerless face, and a special look flashed in his eyes.

Looking up at Sheng Rui and Yun Xiang, Wu Sicheng sighed, and then quickly followed the strong man in Yuxu Palace into Yiyuan Pavilion.

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