Destined Martial God

Chapter 1326: Corner point of Kendo luck (four more)

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At the auction venue!


After hearing the laughter and bidding of the crowd at the scene, Qingyue cursed with an iron face.

Because he did not expect that his carefully planned plot would be resolved by Yu Haoran so lightly.

The seated man sitting in the Taishi chair looked at Qingyue's gaze but disappointed.

"Qingyue, let Elder Hong be responsible for the plan to kill Yu Haoran. After the auction, you return directly to the Yuxu Palace, and then fully prepare for the Qianlong list of the Central and Five Realms to compete!"

After hearing the arrangement of the divine respect, Qingyue Tieqing's face was instantly replaced by paleness.

Qingyue knew that she had just been completely abandoned by the master just now, and had lost the opportunity to compete for the position of respect in the future. In the future, she could only be an ordinary elder.

At the same time, he was more aware of the personality of the master, knowing that even if he begged hard, he could not let the master change his mind.

The infinitely bright future that originally had was because Yu Haoran destroyed his carefully prepared plan three times in a row, and he lost his hope of fighting for his life. This made Qingyue look at Yu Haoran on the high stage, and his madness gradually appeared in his eyes. Eyes.

In this regard, Dazun did not mean to remind and relieve.

Because a sect of Yuxu Palace never pays attention to any sentiment, it only values ​​whether you use it. The higher the value you are used, the more treatment you get, and vice versa.

Even if Qingyue immediately rushed to the high platform to follow Yu Haoran desperately, the landlord would not take any action to stop him, let alone help him, and would just watch all this coldly.

If Qingyue can successfully kill Hao Ran, he will reconsider the idea of ​​focusing on cultivation of Qingyue.

If Hao Ran is beheaded by Qingfeng, then death is dead. He will not offend Hao Ran on the spot, affecting the next bidding plan.

Knowing that Yu Haoran had a guardian who even feared the land, Qingyue did not lose her mind and rush to the high stage.

The value of the sword product in the complete imperial realm is far more than the sum of the previous treasures, so the price of the auction not only quickly broke through two hundred ninth-order inferior veins, but the trend of rising prices has not weakened at all.

Just when the price of the auction exceeded one hundred nine-level subordinate spirit veins, Bian Shengrui, who had to give up the auction, had no choice but to look at the decision gradually when he looked at the penetrating sword that was inserted into the platform.

If the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce can become the first chamber of commerce in Tianxuan Continent.

If the chamber of commerce can monopolize all the business on the entire continent, then the dilemma of facing treasures like today will not arise.

The first step to achieving what you want is to truly control the power of the Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, the seeds for the struggle for power and power really took root in Bian Shengrui and began to take root.

When the auction price of the Broken Cloud Sword exceeded three hundred nine-tier lower-order spirit veins, the trend of crazy bidding finally began to slow down. Eventually, the owner of the No. 5 bag room succeeded at 348 nine-tier lower-order spirit veins. Gained ownership of Pinchuan Yunjian under the emperor's realm.

"Good sword!" After the transaction was completed and the seal that penetrated part of Yunjian was lifted, the owner of the No. 5 bag couldn't help but exclaimed in praise.

The owner of the No. 5 bag room couldn't help complimenting them, but also made those who lost the emperor's realm wearing the sword of Yun Jian full of extreme unwillingness.

However, when Yu Haoran took out a knife that also reached the level of Emperor Realm, his unwillingness was instantly replaced by eagerness, and his heart immediately ignited his fighting spirit.

"The complete knife knives in the realm of the emperor, with a slumbering device, have 108 aggressive formations and 81 defensive formations."

After slightly unlocking a part of the seal of Fandoudao, so that everyone at the scene can feel the power of the Emperor's device released by Fandoudao, Yu Haoran directly announced the auction price of Fandoudao.

"The starting price of the Pinduo Knife in the complete emperor's realm is one hundred nine-tier lower-order spirit veins, and the price of each auction cannot be lower than five nine-tier lower-order spirit veins, or 10,000 four-tier one-grade spirit stones."

The starting price of the sword wearing penetrating sword under the imperial realm is a nine-level, one-pin spirit stone.

Faced with such a disparate bidding price, the lord of the Tian Jianzong thought that he would definitely be angry, might go crazy directly, and then desperately followed Haoran desperately.

But as Yu Haoran's voice of bidding price fell, the lord of the Sword found that his heart was calm and peaceful. Not only did he not feel a bit of anger because of Kendo being severely humiliated again, but he also had a kind of Kendo in his heart. Shame thoughts.

In fact, the Emperor of the Tianjian Sect has not realized that Yu Haoran's humiliation on Kendo for the second time in a row has softened his belief in Kendo that he has always adhered to and pursued, and his heart has loosened his thoughts on training the earth sword and the human sword.

At the same time, all the sword repairs on the scene were also not found. With the weakening of the belief in kendo, the lord of the sword in the kendo holy land, the speed of kendo between the heavens and the earth is being lost.

"Two hundred ninth-order spirits."

Although there are not many warriors practicing the sword in Tianxuan mainland, the weapons that reach the level of the emperor are basically able to escape the restrictions of martial arts.

Therefore, at the same time that Hao Ran announced the start of the auction, the ancestor of the Zhou family in the No. 3 private room immediately gave double the auction price to show his determination to break the cloud knife is bound to be obtained.

"Two hundred and twenty-ninth-order spirit pulses."

"Two-hundred-and-one-step ninth grade inferior pulse."


The price of Broken Cloud Sword's climbing price is not lost to the penetrating sword. It quickly broke through the 300 mark and continued to sprint towards higher prices. Eventually, it surpassed the price of penetrating Yunjian's ninth-order inferior spirit vein. Earned by the ancestors of the Zhou family.

With the end of the auction of the eighth lot of Broken Cloud Knife, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. The strong men in the 36 private rooms all stood up and stared at Yu Haoran standing on the high platform.

Facing the attention of everyone at the scene, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, instead of immediately taking out the ninth lot, he closed his eyes slowly and began to communicate with Bian Shengrui with the thoughts.

"Elder, I'm very sorry, I'm afraid I will break the auction rules you have set, and the number of auctions will eventually reach ten."

Originally, according to his initial plan, he did not intend to auction the third-order first-order Huazundan, so he was able to use the ability of the tower time to accelerate, and prepared two drops of Taichu Xuanshen's ginseng solution in advance. The liquid replaces the third-order first-grade Zundan as the fourth lot.

But when he came to Shuangniu Mountain, he found that the vast majority of the sects and family celebrities who came to participate in the auction were running third-order, first-class Zundan.

So, in order to avoid arousing public anger at the scene and to leak the news of the protoss of the tribe with the help of Sanye, he finally decided to break the auction rules formulated by Bian Shengrui.

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