Destined Martial God

Chapter 1327: Declare oath (five more)

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Inside the auction venue!

Facing Haoran's apology, Bian Shengrui also used God's thought to smile and relieved.

"Master Ma, the so-called top auction of nine treasures rules is just my personal victory, and you do not need to abide by this rule. If you want to auction a few treasures, just auction a few."

"Thank you for your understanding!"

After thanking him, Yu Haoran slowly opened his eyes, and then took out a very quaint Dan bottle from the storage ring, directly opened the Dan bottle and poured out an elixir with the smell of the sea and mulberry fields.

"This is Shou Yuan Dan, which has reached the second-order first-grade product and can extend its life span by 3,000 years."

In the hall, Jun Wuzun, who is proficient in Dan Tao, exhaled the breath of the sea through the medicine, and immediately discerned the true origin of the medicine in Hao Ran's hands.

Although one of the nine treasures auctioned by Haoran had been known in advance for one of the top elixir drugs that could prolong lifespan, everyone participating in the auction was still confused.

After all, although Tianxuan Continent does not lack elixir and treasures that can prolong lifespan, it can ignore the limitations of the realm and can break the crickets of lifespan. It can directly extend the lifespan of second-order Yipin Shouyuandan for 3,000 years. Already.

Therefore, after seeing Shou Yuandan taken out by Yu Haoran, after receiving the shouting cry of the strong man from Sanxiu Road, the atmosphere at the scene was not only quieter, but also a hint of depression in the silence.

"The predecessor was right. The elixir in the hands of the junior is the second-order first-grade Shouyuandan that can directly extend the life span of three thousand years."

Nodded to the strong man who just pointed out the origin of the medicine, Yu Haoran regained the medicine, and gave the bid price of the second-order one-product Shouyuandan with a chuckle.

"The starting price for the second-order one-product Shouyuandan is three hundred nine-level lower-level pulses. Each auction must be no less than ten nine-level lower-level pulses. At the same time, it does not accept any grade-level spiritual stones."

"The bidding for the second-order Yipin Shouyuandan starts now!"

Unlike the previous eight treasure auctions, as Yu Haoran announced that the auction sound had fallen, the scene not only did not immediately sound the auction sound, but became more silent. Even the sudden heartbeat of some people can be clearly heard.

In this regard, Yu Haoran stood on the high platform without any anxiety, waiting quietly for the first person to break the silence.

"Four hundred spirit pulses of the ninth grade."

With the sound of the auction coming from the No. 5 private room, the quiet atmosphere was instantly broken. The price of the second-order Yipin Shouyuandan auction was like sitting on a rocket to surpass the limits that ordinary sects and family strong men could bear. Quickly break through the threshold of six hundred spirit veins.

But even if it broke through the 600-veined vein mark, the trend of rising prices has only slowed down a little bit, and it continues to create auction records at the price of ten to twenty.

"Eight hundred ninth-order inferior pulses."

When the auction price reached 750, the first room owner suddenly used the sky-high price of 50 spirit veins to increase the price. After shocking the crowd, he opened the door of the private room and appeared in the corridor on the second floor. in.

"The second-order and first-grade Shou Yuandan is a must-have for my Yuxu Palace. The deity now swears on behalf of the deity and respect. Whether it is a top sect or a family that has been inherited for millions of years, if you continue to bid for Shou Yuandan with the deity, then It was a formal declaration of war with the Yuxu Palace. "

"Afterwards, our landlord will definitely lead the numerous powerful men in Yuxu Palace, destroying one person, one beast, one flower and one grass of his power."

After hearing the divine swearing swearing, several strong men in the private room had reached the price of the mouth and swallowed back, then looked at the divine standing in the corridor gloomily.

Because they did not expect that Dzun would use the method of breaking the dead net to bid for the second-order and first-grade Shou Yuandan. Even the ancestors of the Zhou family who had no fear of Yuxu Palace had to remain silent.

After all, the sleeping ancestors of the Zhou family did not really wake up, and for the time being, it was not suitable for a large-scale direct conflict with the Yuxu Palace.

Looking at standing on the corridor with a proud look of respect, Yu Haoran's face was also gloomy.

Although he had previously guessed that in order to obtain Shou Yuandan, Di Zun would definitely use all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, but he also did not expect that Di Zun would use the means of declaring war to force everyone on the scene to take the initiative to give up Shou Yuan. Dan's auction.

This allowed him to estimate that Shou Yuandan could break through the transaction price of one thousand spirit veins, and had to shrink significantly to eighty nine spirit veins.

Anger returns to anger. In the face of the means of declaring war and taking an oath, Yu Haoran also has no solution.

Now, he can only hope that the old monsters hidden in the void above the auction cannot resist Shou Yuandan's fatal attraction, and finally choose to take part in the auction.

Unfortunately, after waiting almost three minutes, the old monsters hiding in the void did not shoot.

In desperation, Yu Haoran can only start the countdown to Shou Yuandan's auction.

"The 800th Nine Steps of Xiapin Lingmai for the first time!"

Waiting for thirty seconds, the scene was still very quiet, Yu Haoran continued to count down.

"Eight hundred ninth steps of Xipin Lingmai for the second time!"

After waiting for almost a minute, no one broke the deadlock created by the Supreme Master at the critical moment. Yu Haoran shook his head in disappointment and then announced Shou Yuandan's final ownership.

"Eight hundred ninth steps of Xipin Lingmai for the third time!"

"Now I announce that the second-order, first-grade Shouyuandan is owned by Yuxu Palace Emperor for the price of eight hundred nine-level lower-grade spirit veins."

Seeing that Yu Haoran did not use any conspiracy to destroy Shou Yuandan's final belonging, he was ready to tear his face, and the two martial arts peers in the private room were completely trapped.

Because they did not expect that Hao Ran, who would never suffer, actually chose to succumb to the threat of declaring war vows.

"Grand respect, spirit pulse!" Yu Haoran reminded indifferently when he sent the bottle containing Shou Yuandan to the respect, using the means of Yuanli parcel.

Immediately tidy up the 800 veins of the 9th-order subordinates, and after the deity was sent to Haoran in the same way, the two sides simultaneously stowed the storage utensil and the Dan bottle.

Seeing the successful completion of the transaction by Hao Ran and Di Zun, no matter it was everyone in the lobby or the strong man in the private room, he couldn't help sighing, and then got up and planned to leave the auction venue.


But at this moment, a sudden cough came from Yu Haoran's use of soul power.

The strong man in the private room stopped pushing the door open, and everyone in the hall turned around and looked at Yu Haoran on the high platform.

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