Destined Martial God

Chapter 1328: Hidden world strong appeared (six more)

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Inside the auction venue!

"Many people, originally in accordance with the rules of the Heavenly Earth Chamber of Commerce's top auction, this auction has only a total of nine treasures for auction."

Seeing everyone's attention at the scene returned to themselves, Yu Haoran readjusted his emotions and explained with a smile.

"However, some time ago Ben Ma got an unexpected treasure, an anti-sky treasure that can assist the warrior to greatly improve his cultivation and strength."

"However, Ben Ma does not want to rely on external forces to improve his cultivation and strength, but he cannot resist the strong temptation brought by this heavy treasure for a long time."

"So, after much thought, Ben Ma finally decided to take out this anti-sky treasure to be auctioned, so that it can not only harvest a lot of spiritual veins to assist in spiritual practice, but also eliminate the impact of anti-sky treasures on the soul."

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, some strong people at the scene suddenly thought that before the auction officially started, a rumor suddenly circulated in Right Niucheng.

According to rumors, Yu Haoran will auction an elixir at this auction, an anti-celestial elixir that can assist Wuzun Jiupin Peak and Zhunwu Emperor to break through Emperor Wudi's realm.

Of course, they scoff at the truth of this rumor.

Because they simply do not believe that anyone in this world can resist and abandon the anti-celestial medicine that can help break through Emperor Wu's realm.

But from Yu Haoran's explanation just now, they vaguely felt that the rumors seemed to be true. The ambitious young man in front of him was likely to be the legendary anti-tannic medicine.

At this point, the calm void above the auction suddenly began to stir.

Along with the wandering of the dark clouds, a gloomy and thin old man stepped out of the dark clouds, then looked up at the calming dark clouds, and the thin old man closed his eyes slowly.

Three seconds later, the thin old man suddenly opened two white rays in his eyes, and the two white rays shot like void pythons in different positions in the void.

"Lao Xiao, what are you doing?"

With the white light emitted from the left eye, when he hit the void cloud on the left with precision, the angry accusation sounded immediately.

With an angry accusation, a kind old man with white hair and white robe stepped out from the dark clouds.

At the same time, in the dark cloud hit by another white light, a cold old man with black hair and black clothes came out.

"Brother Cang, Brother Lu, the last lot that the young man is going to take out is likely to be the second-order first-grade Emperor Yuandan who helped break through Wudi's realm."

Ignoring the accusations of the old man with white hair and white robe, the thin old man said solemnly.

"So, in order to ensure that we can successfully win Emperor Yuandan, the three of us must unite and fight against those opponents whose strength and financial resources far exceed our opponents."

"Brother Xiao, the union is not a problem, the problem is the successful ownership of Emperor Yuandan." The white-haired and white-paved old man who walked in front of the thin old man, asked with a kind smile on his face.

"Brother Cang, among the three of us, Brother Lu is the strongest and most talented, and the one who is most hopeful to use Emperor Yuandan to break through the realm of Emperor Wu directly."

Facing the question of Emperor Yuandan's ultimate ownership, the thin old man gave no selfish answer.

"As long as Brother Lu can successfully break through the Emperor Wudi with the help of Emperor Yuandan, then he has the strength to take us into the depths of the Death Swamp to compete with the indigenous people in the Forbidden Land for the second-order first-grade emperor flower.

Taking a deep breath, the thin old man continued with an excited look.

"Brother Cang, as long as you can get a petal of the second-order first-grade emperor flower, you and I can also break through the realm of Wu Emperor and become an immortal powerful one."

The thin old man's intentions based on the overall situation and the arrangements for future practice made the white-haired and white-robed old man move and immediately nodded in agreement with his proposal.

The old man with dark hair and black clothes with a cold look showed a touch of nod to the skinny old man.

Subsequently, the three men rushed to the auction venue below.

Just when the three little skinny men had just left the void, a white-haired old man in a star robe appeared in the void.

Looking at the three thin old men who rushed to the auction venue, the star robe old man flashed a disdainful sneer, and the whole person directly turned into a fist-sized star core, and then directly hit the auction venue.

However, just less than three meters from the auction venue, the star core instantly became the star robe old man, and then quickly rushed into the auction venue.

Just after the old man of Star Robe rushed into the auction venue, another one appeared from time to time in the void, or two old men exuding the vicissitudes of the sea. They either rushed into the auction venue without saying a word, or spoke to themselves. A few words of irony rushed to the auction venue.

"Master Ma, don't know what the treasure you are talking about?" With the friendly friendship established between the patriarch and Zhou Fengxu and Yu Haoran, the ancestors of the Zhou family took the lead in asking.

Looking up at the top of the auction venue, Yu Haoran withdrew his gaze directly from the storage ring to take out a bottle of Dan, opened it, poured out the medicine in the bottle, and introduced it to the crowd.

"That is the second-order first-grade Emperor Yuandan that can help break through the realm of Wudi's power!"

Looking at Yu Haoran's palms of elixir, and listening to his detailed introduction, everyone at the scene couldn't help but take a breath and looked at Yu Haoran stupidly.

Although it has been guessed that the tenth lot is likely to be the elixir with anti-sky effect, but after Hao Ran really took it out, it was difficult for everyone at the scene to accept this reality.

When the crowd fell into stagnation, the three thin old men who rushed into the auction hall instantly saw the elixir in Yu Haoran's palm, and the thin old man who was slightly proficient in Dan Dao immediately confirmed with excitement.

"Yes, it really is Emperor Yuandan of the second order and first product!"

Seeing the three elders who suddenly rushed into the auction venue, Yu Haoran turned his elixir back into the Dan bottle slightly, then shook his head at Bian Sheng who was going to reprimand, indicating that he didn't need to pay too much attention.

At the same time, the towering spirit also saw the cultivation of three people instantly by virtue of the use of the power of the tower of the ontology domain.

"Yu Haoran, the skinny old man and the white-haired old man just broke through the realm of the Three Emperor Zhunwu Emperor.

After hearing Ta Ling's introduction, Yu Haoran nodded silently, but when he saw the white-haired old man with a kind smile on his face, a flash of horrible cold flashed, his heart was immediately alert. Reminded Taling.

"Ta Ling, immediately steal away the emperor Yuandan in the flask."


Yu Haoran's reminder also reminded Ta Ling of a possibility, and immediately took advantage of the special secret method to silently remove the emperor Yuandan in the bottle.

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