Destined Martial God

Chapter 1345: Attack of mood repair (three)

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Qianlong Fort, inside the No. 9 courtyard!

Faced with the urging of Hao Ran's contemptuous tone, Qin Tianyi, who was instantly ignited with endless anger, felt the fists clenching and immediately came to follow Hao Ran desperately.

However, when he saw the eye-catching Qin Lingfei and Wu Zhengjun, saw Yu Siqi and Lin Xuan, and forty-three elite children from the royal family, the cautious character let him take a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his heart being ignited. anger.

Subsequently, after readjusting the violent mood, Qin Tianyi looked with a hint of proud provocation.

"Two years ago, you Hao Ran could only rely on the means by which the father and family ancestors relied on elixir to barely save a cheap life from the hands of the prince."

"Two years later, there is no shelter for the emperor and fathers of the family, and there is no way to make you famous and respected by the people. I don't know if you Yu Haoran can still save a cheap life from the prince."

In the face of Qin Tianyi's proud provocation, Yu Haoran replied without anger.

"Qin Tianyi, it's easy to know if Ben Ma can save his life from your hands. You and I just need to fight and see."

Through Ta Ling's examination using the divine mind just now, Yu Haoran knew that Qin Tianyi's cultivation was much higher than when he had drawn Shang Lin, Fan Chengfang and others.

At this moment, not only has his physical rank, elemental strength, soul power, and power of rules all been promoted to Wuzun realm, but even his state of mind has also successfully reached the limit of Wusheng Jiupin.

As long as you get the top ten in the Qianlong competition in this southern region, then you will be able to achieve Wuzun's peerless power in one fell swoop.

From Qin Tianyi's reliance on a group of livestock who are good at conspiracy and deception, he can also know that he hates his Tao Tian, ​​so Yu Haoran decided to solve him as soon as possible to avoid hurting his relatives and friends.

Faced with Hao Ran's counterattack, Qin Tianyi shook his head with a chuckle and refused in a self-righteous tone.

"His surname is Yu, this prince is not as stupid as you think, why would he fall into the trap you have already laid out."

"Qin Tianyi, since you can't see No. 9 in the other courtyard, and you don't want to have a final battle with Ben Ma, why do you appear in front of the other courtyard?" Yu Haoran asked with a look of doubt.

In fact, from Qin Tianyi's decisive refusal to demand a death battle, Yu Haoran had already guessed his motive before appearing in the other courtyard on the 9th.

I'm afraid that I want to show off his powerful cultivation and strength in front of myself, and also want to make a life and death bet with myself in the finals.

Of course, betting on life and death not only has his own thoughts, but also pressure from the Qingqiu Fox clan.

After all, the Qingqiu Fox clan entrusts the Sixiangzong's refined treasures and themselves, and they must be anxious to regain that treasure. This is also the real reason why the Qingqiu Foxes are willing to spend a lot of effort to cultivate Qin Tianyi.

Sure enough, Qin Tianyi directly inspired all strength to form a horrible momentum, and then proudly provoked.

"Yu Haoran, dare you make a life and death bet with the prince?"

"Qin Tianyi said that the foxes in the Qingqiu Mountains are the most intelligent and best conspiracy creatures in the Tianxuan continent. They have become their running dogs. Not only do they not have any obvious improvement in intelligence, they have a tendency to regress."

According to the rules of the Qianlong competition, the challenge between players can only be carried out after obtaining the consent of both parties.

Since Qin Tianyi wants to delay the gambling of life and death to the finals of the battle, then Yu Haoran must find ways to make his state of mind go wrong, and to avoid accidentally achieving the peerless power of Wu Zun during the game.

When I heard Yu Haoran mentioning that he had secretly committed to the Qingqiu Fox clan, Qin Tianyi's eyes clearly flashed a bit of chaos. The mood that finally calmed down suddenly became violent, and his mood was directly torn through a long gap.

Forcibly suppressing the panic, Qin Tianyi retorted stiffly.

"What is the fox tribe in the Qingqiu Mountains? This prince has never seen or heard of it."

In response to this, Yu Haoran, who has achieved his purpose, did not continue to attack, but continued to urge a little impatiently.

"Qin Tianyi, as I said just now, Ben Ma's time is very precious, no spare time is wasted on you, so what is the gambling agreement, you should say it as soon as possible!"

Yu Haoran suddenly gave up the backing attack behind him, and instead referred to the change in life and death gambling agreement, which made Qin Tianyi very uncomfortable. He just tried his best to counterattack. There was a sense of depression in nowhere. Let the state of mind grow further.

Taking a deep breath again, forcibly dissipating the discomfort that emerged in the heart, Qin Tianyi said proudly.

"Yu Haoran, based on your cultivation and strength, you can say that the preliminary and rematch of the competition is perfect, so do you have the courage to come to an endless battle of life and death in the finals."

"Qin Tianyi, do you know why I said just now that your IQ is degrading!"

Faced with the life and death bet proposed by Qin Tianyi, Yu Haoran, who had given up on continuing to attack, suddenly resumed his aggressive attack.

"With the hatred that is difficult to wash between you and me, as long as you can fight directly, there is no need to be bound by the gambling agreement, and the result must be endless. Why do you need to pass the gambling agreement between life and death!

"So, betting on life and death in the finals is all it takes!"

Suddenly launched a fierce offensive, because Ta Ling accidentally felt a strong breath hidden in the No. 4 other courtyard.

After using the energy of the ontology domain tower, he finally determined that the powerful breath hidden in the No. 4 Beacon came from an eight-tailed green fox.

The eight tail is the most obvious sign of the fox family that contains the blood of the nine-tailed sky fox of the ancient **** and beast king.

By the means of the eight-tailed green fox, I am afraid that at a glance, Qin Tianyi's mood has been repaired as a crack.

With the long time passed by the Qingqiu Fox clan, I am afraid that they have the means to repair the cracks in Qin Tianyi's mood.

Therefore, Yu Haoran decided to continue to strengthen the offensive means to further tear the width of the cracks in Qin Tianyi's state of mind, and finally formed the degree that even the eight-tailed green fox could not do anything.


Faced with Haoran's attack with obvious reasons, Qin Tianyi didn't know how to refute.

"Qin Tianyi, with your ingenuity, I think the idea of ​​betting on life and death through the finals is not your own idea. It should be from the backing behind you. Let the messy animals do! "

Having said that, Yu Haoran slowly rose into the sky, and continued to focus on the No. 4 courtyard.

"To be more precise, I am afraid that the eight-tailed green fox that entered Qianlongbao with you did it!"

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