Destined Martial God

Chapter 1346: Normal heart (four more)

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Qianlong Fortress, in the No. 9 Courtyard!


Not only guessing that the strategy of betting on birth and death comes from the Qingqiu Fox clan, but also knows that there is an eight-tailed green fox of the highest grade hidden around him, and Yu Haoran's aggressive attacks make Qin Tianyi completely confused.

"Qin Tianyi, go back and tell that self-righteous eight-tailed green fox, I don't want to smell the scent of it in Qianlongbao, otherwise, I have countless means to leave it in Qianlongbao forever." Re Yu Haoran, who landed among others, threatened indifferently.

"Yu Haoran, I ...!"

He tried to deny that he had secretly trusted the Fox clan in the Qingqiu Mountains, but Yu Haoran directly interrupted his rebuttal.

"Qin Tianyi, the final bet on life and death bet me Hao Ran, and now you can leave the No. 9 courtyard."

With a wave of his sleeves, a powerful force directly plunged his mind into panic, and Qin Tianyi had no time to make any resistance to fan out of the hospital.

"Hey, don't need to consider the feelings of my father and the emperor. In the finals, Qin Tianyi was defeated directly." After seeing Hao Ran using his mighty power to drive Qin Tianyi out of the hospital, Qin Lingfei quickly walked to him Beside him, he looked directly into his eyes and begged.

"Ling Fei, I only have friends and relatives in Yu Haoran's eyes. Since Qin Tianyi chooses to be my enemy, then Hun Fei San is his ultimate return."

Reaching out and touching Qin Lingfei's hair, Yu Haoran solemnly promised.

"So, you don't have to worry about my mercy when confronting Qin Tianyi."

"Hmm ...!"

It was because Hao Ran's voice assured Qin Lingfei had just fallen, and the whole deafening sound of sudden dragon sound suddenly sounded throughout Qianlong Fort.

With the sound of pure dragonine, a thick white cloud suddenly appeared around the square leading to the central platform of the castle.

"The preliminary round of the Qianlong list battle has officially started." Yu Haoran said suddenly, nervously, looking at the thick white clouds that appeared around the central square of the castle.

"Let's go!" Landed again in the courtyard, Yu Haoran instructed more than forty people in the courtyard.


"Ling Fei, sister, remember the preliminary test steps I introduced to you, and the details that need to be paid attention to during the test." Looking at the competitors who are constantly rushing into the white clouds, Yu Haoran is facing Qin Lingfei and Yu Si. Qi reminded.

"Remember!" Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi both nodded and said.

"Go in!" Yu Haoran turned his head and signaled to all the people.

After the last royal elite child entered the white clouds, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and also stepped into the white clouds.

The 999 steps leading directly to the clouds, this is the picture after he stepped into the white clouds.

At the same time, only he was standing alone under the steps, there were no Qin Lingfei and others, and no other players.

Facing such a weird scene, Yu Haoran was not surprised at all.

Because the steps in front of us can be said to be both illusory and real.

Illusion refers to the 999 steps that are transformed from white clouds and fog, while reality is the reality that is formed by matrix formation in the transformation of white clouds and fog.

At the same time, his previous experience and understanding of the battle for the Qianlong list made him very clear that the 999 steps in front of him are the three tests of the preliminary round.

The three hundred and thirty-three steps in front are the first level, testing the players' performance, speed and endurance.

Only after passing the 333 steps within the prescribed time, will the player be eligible to continue participating in the second level.

Only the higher your practice and the faster your speed will be able to get a higher ranking and occupy a certain advantage in the final qualifying.

Of course, if the test is not completed within the prescribed time, then you will be expelled from the white clouds, or you will choose to leave Qianlongbao, or wait for the white clouds to disperse to become an audience on the stand.

Directly inspired the physical power of Zuzu, and then started to climb the steps with big feet.

As long as he can successfully pass the preliminary and rematch, Yu Haoran does not pay much attention to the ranking before the final.

Even if the ranking of the preliminary and rematch is the first, then the strong enemies that should be encountered in the finals will be met sooner or later.

Therefore, maintaining a smooth running speed, Yu Haoran successfully reached 333 steps within the deadline set.

Just when the white clouds appeared, a huge list like the sky suddenly appeared over the castle's central square, and many names appeared on the list.

In the stands around the central square of Chengbao, there were countless spectators and strong people from the Five Realms.

"Look, Brother Yan's name appears in the 98th place on the list."

In the middle of the south stands, a bright and attractive young girl in the age of sixteen or seventeen, staring hard at the list with her eyes wide open.

After seeing the name she was familiar with, the girl in yellow immediately shouted excitedly at the people around her.

"Yan'er is already the peak of Wusheng Jiupin's cultivation, and possesses the strength of a real martial arts realm. The 98th ranking is not a reflection of his ultimate strength." A white sitting beside the girl The old man said with a kind smile.

"Grandfather Five, you mean that Brother Yan's ranking will continue to improve!" After hearing the evaluation of the kind old man, the girl in yellow immediately asked excitedly.


While confirming his nod, his eyes swept across the top 100 of the list, and then combined with the family's investigation of the wicked genius who is qualified to participate in the battle for the Qianlong Dragons in the Southern Region, the elderly gentleman speculated.

"After the third round of the preliminary round, Yaner's ranking should be around fifty."


"The 50 players in the Southern Dragon Vessel Ranking Competition are not only eligible to participate in the Five Dragons Qianlong Standing Competition, but they can also get a certain amount of Qianlong Qi luck blessings."

Hearing the kindness of the elder Cixiang about the final ranking of Brother Yan, the young girl in the yellow clothes clenched her Xiuquan with excitement, and an excited self-proclaimed murmur appeared in her eyes.

"With the talent of Yange's evil spirit level, with the help of two certain amount of Qianlong Qiyun blessing, he must be able to achieve the peerless power of Wuzun realm."

"In this case, our Huang family will have a new hope of breaking away from the rule of the Qin Empire, and will never be exploited and oppressed."


After hearing the young girl in the yellow clothes talking to herself, the old gentleman said a bit of cold light.

"If Yaner can successfully achieve Wu Zun's peerless powerhouse, my Huang family can not only get rid of the rule of the Qin Empire, but also cancel the humiliating engagement between you and Yinger and the royal family of Qin, and let you pursue your own happiness . "

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