Destined Martial God

Chapter 1367: Temporary tolerance (1 more)

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Qianlong Fort, No. 87 in the courtyard!

When Gong Bin was unable to control his anger because of the humiliation and provocation of Yu Haoran Chiguoguo, Gong Donghui behind him suddenly reached out and held his shoulder, and shook his head to indicate that he should not act lightly.

Subsequently, Gong Donghui stared directly into Haoran's eyes, chuckling to expose the real cause of humiliation and provocation everywhere.

"Yu Haoran, we don't do secret things. I think the real reason why you suddenly came to your door is that I want to avenge Qin Lingfei's hatred against us for besieging her!"

After hearing Gong Donghui's revealing of Hao Ran's real intention, Gong Bin and Gong Dongwei's eyes flashed a moment of enlightenment.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Bin, who was more savvy, replied with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, isn't it just to suspect that the three of us stole your treasure, and would like to check our storage utensils, yes!"

Speaking of which, Gong Bin took off the storage ring on his finger and handed it to Yu Haoran, watching Yu Haoran with a mockery in his eyes.

"Don't say it's inspection. Even if you find any treasure in the storage device, you can remove it at will. I will never frown."

Gong Bin's counterattack method made Gong Donghui and Gong Dongwei's eyes shine. They also took off the storage ring on their finger and handed it to Yu Haoran.

Looking at the storage ring that the three Gongbins had delivered to themselves, Yu Haoran's face instantly gloomed. After glancing over the three Gongbins, he finally cast himself into the attic in the center of the square.

"Yu Haoran, I just took a look at the attic with the energy of the ontology domain tower and found that there are six peerless peaks of Wuzun Seven Pins and one peerless peak of Wu Zun Nine Pins in the loft."

Just when Hao Ranwang showed a dangerous chill to the gaze, the towering spirit in the sea quickly reminded.

"Moreover, all the seven peerless powers in the realm of Wu Zun are all the powerful terrorists who reach the top of the body and the power of law."

After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran's firm idea of ​​taking a risk was immediately hesitant.

The attitude of the old man in white robes gathered from the list, Yu Haoran clearly felt the hostility of the other party. He believes that if he forcibly kills the three Gongbins, the other party will likely rely on Qianlongbao's The rules take their lives.

Even if he could escape from Qianlong Fort with the help of Ta Ling, he would have lost the chance to continue to participate in the competition and then gain the blessing of Qian Long.

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future!

My patience now is just in exchange for even more crazy revenge in the future.

Taking a deep breath, through the self-regulation method, Yu Haoran suppressed his intense killing of the white robe old man, and then smiled and reached out to take over Gong Bin and the storage ring handed over by Gong Donghui and Gong Dongwei.

He didn't check the collection in the storage ring at all, he directly put the three storage rings into the domain tower, and then sneered while tearing the void in front of him.

"After my careful inspection, I found that these three storage rings are exactly the treasure I just lost."

Yu Haoran's callous behavior made the three of Gong Bin's faces change, but their inner vigilance finally made them stubbornly suppress the anger and watched Hao Ran bring their painstaking collection of storage methods Device into the void of the void.

"The three wastes without a trace of blood, your highest achievement in your life, but also the most ordinary Wu Zun strong." When stepping into the void crack, Yu Haoran did not conceal the scornful look in his eyes.

"Abominable!" Not only did he take away his lifelong collection, but he also humiliated himself before leaving, which made Gong Bin, who was watching the gap in the void gradually closing, unable to resist cursing with red eyes.

"Bin brother, because Hao Ran's personality must be reported, I'm afraid we won't let it go so easily, let's leave Qianlong Fortress overnight!" Gong Donghui, who is far better than his companion, managed successfully after three deep breathing adjustments. Remind after staying in anger.

"Return directly to the family in the Central Region, and use the mysterious realm of Lingyuan to break through the realm of Wu Zun's peerless power, and then find Yu Haoran to avenge Xue hate." After hearing Gong Donghui's reminder, Gong Bin, who immediately replaced the anger with fear, ordered.


After returning to the No. 9 courtyard through the cracks in the void, Yu Haoran returned directly to his room, then sat on the bed with his knees bent, his consciousness turned into a body, and he entered the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Talling, please tell me the origin of the Qianlong list in detail!" He walked up to the towering spirit sitting in front of the soul, and Yu Haoran opened his door and asked.

"Yu Haoran, when the Qianlong list came out was the time when the domain tower suffered the destruction of the heavy wounded spirit, so I don't know the true origin of the Qianlong list."

Shaking his head, Ta Ling's mood seemed a little depressed, and he readjusted his emotions and continued to explain.

"However, the strong man I have followed has secretly investigated the secrets of the Qianlong list and Qianlong fort, and found that there are manipulators behind each battle of the Qianlong list."

"The people behind the battle to control the Qianlong list are called lords. They are a group of horrors who possess the world's most wicked talents, practice the world's best skills, and master the world's most powerful weapon."

With that said, the towering spirit reminded solemnly.

"Yu Haoran, the reason why I didn't let you risk offending the people in the attic just now is because the strong man I used to follow through investigation and speculation found that the real strength of the Five Realms Qianlong Fortress was not lost, or even stronger The four guardian families. "

After hearing Ta Ling's explanation and reminder, Yu Haoran's eyes suddenly appeared confused.

Because he found that he could not understand the well-known Tianxuan Continent, the deviation between the experience of this life and the experience of the previous life is getting bigger and bigger.

If there were not a group of familiar relatives and friends around him, he even wondered if his reincarnation had made a mistake and he did not return to the familiar environment.

"Yu Haoran, there is no need to think too much about those levels that cannot be touched for the time being. You just need to continue your hard work and improve your cultivation and strength."

Seeing the confusion that appeared in Yu Haoran's eyes, although Ta Ling was able to understand his mood, he was more aware that too much immersion in this confused mood would definitely affect his state of mind, so he persuaded.

"As long as your cultivation and strength are strong enough, you can easily crush any forces and intrigues that threaten you."

After hearing Ta Ling's persuasion, Yu Haoran slowly closed his eyes, and then used his powerful state of mind to repair the inner confusion.

After reopening his eyes, the confusion in his eyes was replaced by calmness.

Subsequently, the consciousness returned to the ontology, and then continued to be immersed in the feelings of the Zu Wu martial arts.

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