Destined Martial God

Chapter 1368: Excessive and oppressive (second more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the central square!

The final rules of the Qianlong competition are actually the same as the second round of qualifying.

The only difference is that the number of contestants in the finals reaches one hundred, and the final ranking is determined according to the winning and losing points, and how much luck is gained by Qianlong.

At the same time, in order to allow each player who has received the blessing of Qianlong Qi to enjoy the full play, and also to allow the spectators in the surrounding stands to see the wonderful performance of each player, all the 100 platforms on the central square were removed. Then replaced a larger ring.

Looking up at the list shrouded in purple clouds over the square, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a look of expectation.

Before the final final officially opens, the ranking will be re-ranked based on the performance of the promoted players in the second round of the rematch, and then combined with the results of the first three rounds of assessment.

This time the ranking is related to the opponents and the order of the next players to enter the competition.

For example, if you are number one on the list, your opponent in the first game is the 100th player, the opponent in the second game is the 99th player, and so on.

Therefore, the higher your ranking on the list, the more you can not only gain higher points and more Qianlong luck in the early stage of the game, but also save more strength and hole cards to deal with the later stages of the game. Strong opponent.

Although the ranking of the list has always been normal, but whether the relationship can eventually reach the summit, Yu Haoran expects a little tension in his heart.

As the purple clouds covering the list gradually dissipated, both the 100 players who advanced to the final and the countless spectators around the stands immediately became nervous.

Everyone stared at the list that will soon reveal the true face of Lushan.

After the last purple cloud disappeared, a hundred bowl-sized names clearly appeared on the list.


As the list was announced, Meng Zhengkai couldn't help but make a sound of surprise.

If it is based on Yu Haoran's outstanding performance in the rematch, and then combined with the eighth ranking of the three stages of the preliminary round, this time the ranking should be improved.

But he looked through the top ten rankings and did not find Yu Haoran's name.

"The forty-ninth place!" Said Emperor Qin with a somber expression.

Xiu Wei and Xi Qin were stronger Qin Emperor. After not finding anything in the top ten rankings, he forcibly suppressed his doubts, and immediately continued to look down the rankings, and finally found that Yu Haoran ranked Single forty-ninth place.

In the first match of the rematch, all opponents did not dare to come forward to challenge by relying on a basic stick-based deterrent.

In the second match of the rematch, with the powerful physical body and stick method, it easily defeated nine powerful opponents.

With such a stunning performance, it is impossible to justify a few rankings without increasing the ranking, let alone directly dropping to the forty-ninth place. How can this not allow Qin Emperor's heart to appear an anonymous anger.

Looking at his own ranking not only did not rise, but fell directly to the forty-ninth place on the list, even if Yu Haoran remained normal in the rankings, at this time there was endless anger in his heart.

According to Taling's introduction to Qianlongbao and Qianlong list, although the rankings are ranked by Qianlong Qiyun based on the performance of the players in the preliminary and rematch, the final ranking can be artificially controlled.

The reason why the eighth place in his preliminary round fell to the forty-ninth place must be the seven top peers in Wuzun's loft.

"Horse horse, are you okay!" Qin Lingfei, who also found Yu Haoran's ranking down, asked worriedly.

At the same time, Yu Siqi, Jian Wuhen and Wu Zhengjun, and Jiang Jingya, who ignored him all the same, looked at him with anxiety.

"Rest assured, I'm fine!"

Forcibly suppressing the inner anger, Yu Haoran explained with a chuckle.

"The rankings are just clouds, and it is the finals that really determine the number of Qianlong's blessings."

Looking up at the list again, although Yu Haoran's face still had a smile on her face, a glimmer of cold light appeared when she scanned the names from the top to the 48th list.

Just when he was going to take his eyes off the list, he suddenly shot out seven different colors of energy from the list: black, white, cyan, green, red, blue, and purple.

Seven different colors of energy gradually condensed seven large dragon chairs of different colors in the air.

Then, six old men in black, white, green, green, red and blue robes appeared in front of the dragon chairs with the same color as their robes.

"Welcome to the coming of Zizun!" The six old men who appeared in front of the dragon chair did not sit immediately, but bowed in midair with one knee, shouting respectfully.

Along with the congratulations of six old men, a middle-aged strong man in a purple gown appeared slowly in front of a purple dragon chair.

Subsequently, a terror that was unbearable even for the top Wu Zun top powerhouses around the stands, slowly rose from the middle-aged power men in purple clothes.

If you don't want to be persecuted by the terror, then the strong men in the stands must stand up to greet them.

If you don't want to endure the pressure of terror, then all 100 players on the central square must kneel on one knee to greet them.

Just getting up and welcoming the coming of Zi Zun is nothing shameful, so even the top peerless Wu Zun from the Central Region immediately stood up obediently.

But for the one hundred players on the central square, the middle-aged and strong man in the purple clothes oppressed and yielded with one knee on his knees, but it aroused everyone's inner pride.

Not only did everyone immediately mobilize all their strength to resist the oppression of terror, but they all looked up and glared at the middle-aged man in purple clothes.

Seeing that none of the 100 players on the central square knelt down on one knee to greet themselves, although a slight smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged strong man in purple, but a terrible cold flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the horror radiated steadily increased, and was scattered across every player.

"Welcome to Zizun!" As the power of terror became stronger and stronger, some weak players at the scene could not bear the pressure of terror, and finally chose to kneel on the ground with one knee, and greeted with a loud voice like six old men .

After seeing the first batch of people kneeling on one knee to welcome three elite children from the royal family, Emperor Qin's face suddenly gloomed.

Of course, Meng Zhengkai's face was also quite ugly.

Because of the first group of people kneeling on one knee to welcome, there was the only one in the Montesserie family who advanced to the finals, and it was also one of his favorite younger children.

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