Destined Martial God

Chapter 1390: Secrets that can change a part of the body (one more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

Although the ancient white-haired old man explained to himself just now that there is nothing wrong, but Hao Ran's shrewdness will certainly not do such a stupid thing, and there must be follow-up measures to deal with purple thunder and lightning.

Therefore, everyone at the scene stared at the torn void, watching Yu Haoran so deal with the purple thunder and lightning that escaped the crack in the void.

But beyond everyone's surprise at the scene, the hundreds of purple lightning bolts that were transferred into the void crack seemed to disappear from nothing, until the second wave of purple lightning bolts shot out from the dark clouds above Qianlongbao, the purple lightning bolts in the void gap. Nor did it appear.

"Yu Haoran, all purple thunder and lightning have been sealed in the Yuta!"

After getting a reply from Ta Ling in the sea, Yu Haoran let out a secret sigh of relief, and rushed directly to the purple thunderbolt. In addition to deliberately penetrating the dozen or so purple thunderbolts needed for the elixir crossing, All the purple thunderbolts below were sealed into the domain tower through the void crack.

Although everyone at the scene was attracted by the mighty Dan Jie, no one paid attention to the look of the old white-haired old man in Gujia, but the old white-haired old man in Gujia who felt severely hit his face immediately felt hot.

If he didn't want to know what kind of elixir Yu Haoran had refined, if he didn't want to see with his own eyes how Gu Sheng defeated and chopped Yu Haoran step by step, I am afraid he would have got up and left Qianlong Fortress.

After all, it's shameful to feel like you're proactively sticking out your face and letting the other fan go!

It seemed as if the insidious means of Yu Haoran's robberies were thoroughly enraged. The remaining 7,000 purple thunderbolts in the dark clouds suddenly ejected all of his brain, and the target of the attack was only Yu Haoran.

"Talling, are you sure?" Yu Haoran asked a little bit worriedly as the purple thunder exploded in the sky.

"Yu Haoran, as long as you can transfer all these purple thunder and lightning into the void crack, then I have full confidence to use all the towers of the ontology domain to seal." The towering spirit replied with confidence.

After receiving a confident response from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran nodded silently, then took a deep breath, directly inspiring the body of the ancestors and witches, and began to perform the ancient twelve ancestors' secret methods just grasped.

With the implementation of the ancient twelve ancestors' witchcraft, Yu Haoran's body has not changed, but his arms and palms have begun to grow longer and larger.

"What's the secret method?" Asked the Hao Ran who had evaluated the top Wu Zun peerless powerhouse on the north side three times. He looked at the arms and palms that grew and grew, and asked in shock.

"I don't know." Another top Wu Zun peerless strong man shook his head with a doubtful look in his eyes and replied.

Regardless of the transformation method that is performed with the help of the blood of another beast, or the transformation method that is used in the blood of inheritance, it is an overall change. I have never heard of which method can change a certain part of the body.

However, in the face of this secret method that can change a certain part of the body, there are some impure male warriors on the scene, but the image of the mind is unbearable.

Even some mighty fighters who are eager to enjoy are thinking about how they can exchange this secret method from Yu Haoran's hands, and then regain their man's heroism.

When the arm was stretched by 100 meters and the palm of the hand was as big as a mountain, Yu Haoran then applied the secret method of the ancestor to tear the void and directly tore a huge crack that was about kilometer long and about hundreds of meters wide. The purple thunder and lightning that just washed down all rushed into the void crack like a waterfall.

Because Wuyun suddenly released all the purple thunder and lightning that had gathered, the thunder robbery that originally had to withstand nine times of Dan was carried out only three times, and it was unable to continue.

Looking up at the milky white liquid that gradually condensed in the dark clouds, Yu Haoran felt a little and knew that the reward of Dan Jielei's punishment this time was specifically for the soul.

And that's exactly what he needs now.

So, slowly landed to the same level as the nine pills, and then sat down with a bent knee.

Doing so will not affect the formation of the final grade of elixir, but you can also obtain sufficient pure soul power, so that the realm of the spirit can be promoted to the early stage of Wuzun as the physical grade.

As the milky white soul fluid exuding pure soul power descended from the sky, and then divided into ten strands and merged into Haoran and nine elixirs, envious expressions appeared in the eyes of everyone at the scene.

The higher the level of Dan Dao in the Tianxuan mainland, the more you can get enough respect. The reason is that in addition to being able to refine higher-quality elixir, they can also use special high-quality elixir to improve their cultivation and strength. .

Therefore, the higher the Dan Shi's realm of Dan Dao, the faster Dan Shi Xiu can improve.

Of course, cultivation is not equal to strength, and realm is not equal to combat.

Because Danshi was too addicted to the study of elixir, little attention was paid to the cultivation of martial arts skills. At the same time, their special status also determines that they rarely have **** conflicts with other people, which has led to the fact that Dan Shi obviously has a high degree of cultivation, but his combat effectiveness is very ordinary.

If this is not the case, why the medicine king valley, which has more than ten Dan Dao masters and two Dan Dao masters, will be suppressed by the Great Qin Empire.

If this is not the case, how can the Sun family, who inherited the Dan God in the ancient times, be left to be driven and threatened by others.

But Yu Haoran is different.

He not only possesses the wicked Dan Dao talent that far surpasses most of the peerless masters, but also his talents and potential in martial arts, his persistent pursuit of the peak of martial arts, and the fear of life and death are not comparable to other Dan masters .

Therefore, everyone at the scene saw Yu Haoran who used pure thunder to reward pure soul power to improve his cultivation. In addition to the envious look in his eyes, he still had deep admiration and worship.

The second-order and first-class product Yishendan suffered the power of Dandan, far exceeding all the elixir that he had previously made that could trigger Dandan.

In addition, the use of warrior spirits as the main medicine for the dignity and benefit of the **** Dan is completely an outrageous act of the heavens and the earth, and the power of Dan's robbery is even more horrible.

Anything so called has two sides.

The greater the power of Danjie, the greater the risk that Danyao and Alchemy Danshi will cross, but the benefits after successful crossing are far beyond imagination.

After fully absorbing the milky pure soul fluid for nearly half an hour, the dark clouds above Qianlongbao were slowly dispersed.

I felt the effect of Lei Jie rewarding pure soul fluid absorption, Yu Haoran couldn't suppress his inner joy and let a smile on his face.

Because the absorption of pure spiritual fluid for nearly half an hour, not only allows the spiritual soul to formally surpass the physical level, to reach the high-level realm of Wu Zun, but at the same time the spiritual realm is upgraded, it also increases the tendency to control the power of the law.

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