Destined Martial God

Chapter 1391: The sensation brought about by Respect Yishen Dan (second)

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Qianlong Fortress, mid-air!

At this moment, without the need for any external assistance or the help of Qianlong Qiyun, he can easily break through the realm of Wu Zun's peerless powerhouse, and can even upgrade it to the highest level of Wu Zun.

Of course, in order to break through the realm of Wu Zun's peerless power, to achieve the ultimate achievement of talent and potential, Yu Haoran finally forced himself to suppress the impulse to break through.

Subsequently, he turned his attention to the nine gods that benefited the pure soul for half an hour.

After raising his hand and sucking a Zunjing Yishen Dan Shen, Yu Haoran was also surprised to find that Zunjing Yishen Dan finally reached the rank of second-rank and third-rank, which was far beyond his initial expectations.

At the same time, the internal energy of the elixir contains more energy to enhance Wu Zun's peerless power, which is more conducive to his completion of the next plan.

After taking out nine empty dan bottles, each containing nine second-order and third-grade honorable goddess Yishendan, Yu Haoran slowly landed on the ring, and then thanked the list over his head.

After all, the time for alchemy, thunder, and the absorption of pure soul power is far beyond his promise with Qianlong.

However, Qianlong Qiyun did not destroy the opportunity he gained because of exceeding the agreed time, and gave him time to make full use of pure soul fluid to improve his spiritual cultivation.

This sentiment Yu Haoran needs to use gratitude to remind Qian Longqi Yun that he has already remembered it.

"In half an hour you can process the refined elixir."

Thanks to Yu Haoran's interest, while Qianlong Qiyun was very satisfied, he also gave envy and jealousy to countless people at the scene, making the middle-aged strong in purple clothes more dissatisfied.

"Thank you!" Yu Haoran quickly thanked him.

For Hao Ran's treatment of nine second-order and third-grade honorable gods, Yu Haoran originally wanted to wait until his wheel battle was over.

However, with the passage of time and the impact of wheel battles, everyone ’s aspirations to respect and benefit the gods will gradually decrease, which will definitely affect the final effect of his plan.

Therefore, in the face of the differential treatment given by Qianlong Qiyun in a timely manner, Yu Haoran is very grateful, and also knows that Qianlong Qiyun may have guessed his thoughts.

After thanking the list in mid-air, Yu Haoran took out a dan bottle containing a second-order and third-grade honorable **** Shendan and sent it to Sun Sichao by means of Yuanli parcel.

"Son, this elixir is for you!"

A second-order and third-grade honorable **** Shendan was given to Sun Sichao. In addition to repaying his kindness that he inadvertently helped him, he also needed to use his insights on Dan Tao to explain what the second-order and third-grade goddess Yijingdan has To eliminate the misunderstandings that may be formed by everyone, as well as the stigma that some people on the site are full of hatred.

Refining the taboo man Dan, which has not appeared for hundreds of thousands of years, using the ancient spirit of Guli, is the second-order first-class potion of elixir that has just been robbed by terror.

Facing Hao Ran to present such precious elixir, although Sun Sichao knew that he was not qualified to receive the gift, he could not control his instinct to reach out and take the elixir, and immediately poured out the elixir in the elixir.

"The grade has reached the second grade and the third grade!" Just now Zunjing Yishendan started, Sun Sichao couldn't help but shouted in shock.

Sun Sichao's shouting shouted immediately excited Wu Zun's peerless powerhouses who were already looking forward to the scene.

The top Wuzun peerless powerhouse at the top of the stands around him immediately looked straight at Sun Sichao, looking forward to his further explanation of the second-order Sanpin Pill.

As if feeling the eyes of everyone expecting around him, Sun Sichao forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and then began to carefully observe the second-order Sanpin medicine.

"The internal medicine contains an unimaginable pure soul power and a special breath of the power of a rule. I think the efficacy of this second-order Sanpin Dan medicine is aimed at the peak of Wuzun Jiupin and the power of Emperor Zhunwu. Be strong! "

Although Sun Sichao ’s Dan Dao Xiu is ordinary, his knowledge on Dan Dao is not inferior to the master of Dan Dao's peak realm or Dan Emperor in ordinary realm.

Therefore, Yu Haoran nodded in recognition of the introduction of Yishendan, a second-order and third-grade respect.

"Yes, the efficacy of this elixir is aimed at the peak of Wuzun Jiupin and Zhunwu Emperor."

Speaking of this, Yu Haoran glanced around all Wu Zun peerless in the stands around, and continued to say.

"Moreover, it is more effective for the peerless powers below the peak of Wuzun Nine Pins."

After hearing Sun Sichao's detailed explanation of the elixir in hand, and Yu Haoran's nodded approval and supplement, the ordinary Wuzun peerless strong man in the stands around him stood up directly, and the top Wuzun peerless strong man opened his eyes wide, At the same time, looking at Yu Haoran on the ring, his eyes were full of longing.

Taking a deep breath and repressing the inner excitement, Sun Sichao asked with a respectful attitude.

"Yu Dandi, I don't know what you call the elixir you just made, and what amazing origins?"

"Predecessor Sun, this Dan is called Zunjing Yishen Dan, which is an elixir originally created by Benma." Yu Haoran replied calmly.

In fact, what he just said about Zhuangjing Yishendan was not a lie.

Although Danfang respected Yishendan was created by the great master of Dandao, he replaced the main medicine with Guli spirit and four other third-order and nine-grade medicinal materials to replace the four auxiliary medicinal materials that had been lost. Zunjing Yishendan said that his originality was not overdone.

Although Yu Haoran mentioned earlier that the second-order and third-grade respect for Yishendan was his original look, it was very calm, but it brought an unimaginable shock to everyone on the scene.

Especially for Sun Sichao's amazing Dan Tao insight, and for the top Wu Zun peerless who understands the rare high-quality Dan medicine, his explanation just now is undoubtedly sunny.

"Yu Dandi, isn't the younger generation questioning your Dan Dao ability, but is this second-order and third-grade honorable **** Dan really created by you?" Barely suppressed the shock that kept coming out of his heart, Sun Sichao asked in a difficult tone. .

Because the top-notch elixir capable of refining second-order and third-grade products can not only represent completely different meanings than the Danfang that created the second-order third-grade elixir alone, the achievements that can be achieved in the future are also very different.

The ability to refine the top-notch elixir of second-order and third-grade products can only show that you have the top-level evil sinner talent, powerful alchemy ability, and whether you can succeed in the future.

The Danfang that can create the second-tier and third-grade top-notch elixir, the talent and alchemy ability of the Dan Road are only second, the amazing understanding, and the massive experience are the key.

Moreover, it is able to create a second-order class of elixir Danfang, which is fully equipped to establish a sect based on Dan Tao, and the grade will also be directly included in the ranks of the first-class top denominations.

What's more important is that with such an amazing understanding and massive experience, the probability of achieving Danshen in the future is very high.

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