Destined Martial God

Chapter 1407: City Hall of Zhu Xuanbin (Fiveth)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

Although the level of the spear reaches the highest level, it is limited by the influence of Zhu Xuanbin's own strength, and the star power formed by the martial arts martial arts barely reaches the level of three martial arts.

Because Yu Haoran physically reached the top grade of the top Wuzun first grade, even if he stood still and allowed the starlight to attack, it would not hurt him at all.

Therefore, he ignored the starlight's key attack at all, and the power of boxing blasted to the pistol's gun head.


With the loud roar in the starlight, Zhu Xuanbin, holding a spear weapon, stepped back nine steps in a row.

At the same time, from the dazzling starlight came Yu Haoran's loud drinking.

"Fist breaks the sky!"


As a child from the remote south, Zhu Xuanbin was ignored from the beginning and gradually grew into the core disciple of the Zhu family. In addition to his evil talents, he also had a calm and rich combat experience.

Although the mistake of the first attack just made him slightly injured, but in the face of Hao Ran's more powerful second punch, he continued to perform the second attack which can condense the starlight attack without any panic.


Although the counterattack force is very decisive and timely, the huge gap in strength and martial arts is not something that can be filled by combat experience.

Therefore, the result of the second move was that Zhu Xuanbin stepped back by 16 steps.

Immediately swallowing an elixir of healing, and directly mobilizing all the strength, Zhu Xuanbin's move just made Yu Haoran mistakenly and everyone at the scene recognized that he was planning to use his more powerful spear martial arts. Everyone at the scene acted unexpectedly.

"I surrender!"

Seeing that the spear was flat, a Zhu Xuanbin who was about to perform more powerful martial arts skills, suddenly looked up and confessed to the list in the air. After Hao Ran stunned his eyes, there was a moment of regret.

If it had been known that Zhu Xuanbin was going to concede, then the attack just now should not stop, but should be integrated into the Law of Quickness and the Law of Shem, without giving the other party a chance to speak up.

However, now it is too late to regret it, Yu Haoran can only return to his place helplessly, and then accept the process of engulfing the colorful dragon.

"Honor, look?" The blue-robed old man who had sobered up from the **** of **** asked the middle-aged strong man with a little hesitation.

Because Zhu Xuanbin was the object of his assessment and contact.

Although Zhu Xuanbin's performance just now can not be said to be poor, it can only prove that his person's city is very deep, but it may bring a hidden danger to the future of the Jingshi organization and Qianlongbao.

In the face of Lan Zun's interrogation, the middle-aged strong man in purple clothes stared at Zhu Xuanbin on the ring, with a look of thought in his eyes.

In fact, Zhu Xuanbin's performance just now is generally good, not only has the guts to confront Hao Ran positively, but also has the decisive eyesight and the city government.

Moreover, the middle-aged strong man in the purple clothes is confident that after Zhu Xuanbin became his men, he would never have the slightest bit of heart.

However, considering that after the battle for the Qianlong list, Yu Haoran used refining special elixir to impact the realm of Dan Dao Dandi, and he would also refine some top elixir on the spot. He did not want to annoy Hao Ran because of Zhu Xuanbin .

After thinking about it, the middle-aged strong man in the purple clothes finally decided to drag it first, dragging the matter of soliciting Zhu Xuanbin to the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong.

After all, according to the competition rules of the Five-Year Qianlong Ranking Competition, Zhu Xuanbin is likely to compete with Yu Haoran once.

If Zhu Xuanbin's performance is still outstanding at that time, then he will let Lan Zun come forward to solicit. As for whether he will offend Haoran afterwards, the middle-aged man in purple clothes has his own means to resolve it.

After looking at Zhu Xuanbin with a proud look flying away from Huandai, Yu Haoran just sneered and did not continue to accept the memory inheritance of the ancient twelve ancestors, waiting for Xiagu Fengze, who ranked fourth on the list.

Because Xia Gu Fengze, like Miao Zehai, is a person who is still full of resentment against Su Wanru after being deceived by his beauty.

"Yu Haoran, whether it ’s a direct torture or an active confession, can you listen to me first." Xia Gu Fengze, who was forcibly brought to the ring, immediately retreated when his legs touched the ground. Asked at the same time.

Xia Gu Fengze's unexpected behavior made Yu Haoran frown and disperse his **** powers, and then looked at the other side indifferently to see what the other side wanted to say.

Yu Hao took the initiative to dissipate the power of boxing, and Xia Gu Fengze couldn't help but let out a long breath, and then asked solemnly.

"Yu Haoran, I don't know if you have heard of the last name of Xia Gu?"

Xiagu Fengze's first question not only successfully aroused Haoran's interest, but also quieted the audience in the stands around him immediately.

Because of all the surnames in the Tianxuan continent, there is no surname Xiagu at all.

At the same time, Xiagu Fengze seemed to come out suddenly. No one had heard of such a figure before.

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran signaled that he had not heard of it.

"Yu Haoran, I am from the top inheritance family of the Central Region Xia family, and is the biological son of the contemporary patriarch." Without immediately explaining the origin of the Xia Gu surname, Xia Gu Fengze suddenly spoke of his own origin.

After hearing Natsuya Tomozawa's introduction to his origins, the faces of the top martial arts peers from the north and east stands exaggerated.

The Xia family is a powerful family that established the dynasty earlier than the Shang family and the Zhou family.

Moreover, unlike the Shang and Zhou families who were defeated by the dynasty, the Xia family actively withdrew from the dynasty and chose not to remain hidden, so the strength of the Xia family was fully preserved.

Even in the destruction of the Middle and Modern Times, because the Xia family did not suffer much from observing the hidden world, even the Shang family and the Zhou family were not the opponents of the Xia family.

However, like the Shang family and the Zhou family, the Xia family also attaches great importance to the orthodoxy of lineage inheritance. Therefore, the men of the Xia family can only marry family women who are also inherited in the Middle Ages.

The family with the longest inheritance in the Southern Region, the same as the Xia family, chose the hidden Xu family, but the Xu family inherited less than a million years, and did not meet the conditions for the Xia family to marry. Not to mention the marrying clan chief.

If the woman married by the Xia family chief is not from the Southern Region, then Xiagu Fengze is simply not qualified to participate in the Qianlong competition in the Southern Region.

Therefore, while the crowd was shocked, a puzzled look appeared in their eyes.

In this regard, after Ta Ling just introduced in detail, he also knows the origins of the Xia family and Yu Haoran who attaches great importance to the bloodline, and also has a doubtful look in his eyes.

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