Destined Martial God

Chapter 1408: Worry-free Valley Valley Master Valley Heart (a more)

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Seeing the doubtful look in Yu Haoran's eyes, Xia Gu Fengze looked with a bit of bitter explanation.

"Xia is the father's surname, Gu is the mother's surname, and Xia Gu Fengze's name was taken by my mother."

The Valley woman who is worthy of the patriarch of the Xia clan in the Southern Region seems to have only that powerful and terrifying existence.

Therefore, Xiagu Fengze's explanation of the origin of his name made Yu Haoran unable to bear the sudden look.

"Xiagu Fengze, could your mother be the heart of the Valley of the Valley without worry!"

When he heard Yu Haoran mentioning the valley owner Guxin of Wuyou Valley, the eyes of most people at the scene showed a look of doubt.

Even Qin Emperor, the overlord of the Southern Region, could not help but frown and carefully recall it.

However, from the purple middle-aged strongman and a dozen top Wu Zun peerless strong man's sudden rise, everyone also knows that the worry-free Gu Gu Zhu Gu Xin must be a shocking power.

Middle-aged strong men in purple clothes and others can know that the owner of the Valley of the Worry-Free Valley is normal.

Because they themselves are strong at the same level, they must have heard of each other's existence, but the young and gentle Yu Haoran can know, which makes Xiagu Fengze also understand nothing.

"Yu Haoran, have you heard of my mother?"

"Ning Chuang Yuxu Palace, don't mess with the Valley of No Worries!"

Facing Xia Gu Fengze's inquiry, Yu Haoran looked at him with a complex look, and couldn't help but sigh.

Wuyou Valley, located on the southernmost side of the southern region, is a valley with picturesque scenery, but the heaven and earth aura is close to zero, and warriors rarely set foot on it.

The reason he knew the existence of Wuyou Valley was entirely because he had a relationship with the heart of Wu Valley, the owner of Wu Valley, when he broke into the tomb of the demon god.

Gu Xin, although not a peerless beauty in the country, is definitely a top-notch powerhouse.

At the time, on the periphery of the tomb of the demon god, Gu Xin relied on a common tree branch to fight the seventeen martial arts and nine pinnacle peaks of Liuzong and Xuandaozong alone.

As a result, she not only did not fall in the slightest, but also killed nine people in a short period of five seconds, hitting eight people, and she was completely on one side.

According to the introduction of several powerful men watching the scene at the time, he learned about the existence and mystery of Wuyougu, and also knew the power and horror of Guxin.

In the past life, in such a difficult environment of spiritual practice, if the most hopeful can break through Wu Zun's peerless power, they are not the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, the master of Sanshou, and the owner of Wugu Valley.

In this world, due to the self-explosion energy of the tomb of the demon god, and the great improvement of the practice environment, even if the worry-free Valley Valley Lord Valley Heart did not break through the realm of Emperor Wudi, I am afraid that he has the strength to not lose the Emperor Wudi.

"Yu Haoran, my father is the patriarch of the Xia clan, and my mother is the owner of Wuyougu. I don't know if you want to win the game by defeating me or beheading me?"

Yu Haoran was able to understand the existence and mystery of Wuyou Valley, knowing the strength and horror of her mother, and she didn't need to waste her words to introduce it in detail.

So, putting away the bitter smile on his face, Feng Xia Gu with a proud look threatened.

"Xiagu Fengze, although I don't know what kind of patriarch of the Xia clan is, but I know very well that Guxin, the owner of Wuyougu, does not let his eyebrows be scared, and his face is better than that of Erlang."

Facing the self-righteous threat of Xia Gu Fengze, Yu Haoran's eyes were full of scornful satire.

"As the son of the worry-free Gu Gu owner Gu Xin, your performance just now can be said to be terrible in the end. You have not inherited the indomitable pride of Gu Xin's predecessors, but you have also lost her fearless Taoism."

Having said that, Yu Haoran suddenly took a step forward, screaming sternly.

"Xiagu Fengze, you are not worthy of being Gu Xin's senior son."

Yu Haoran's accusations, and the last fierce drinking and asking, made Xia Gu Fengze's pride immediately replaced by panic. At the same time, his face was pale, but he could not help but step back a dozen steps.

"Xiagu Fengze either spoke openly and conceded, or died with me, to destroy the image of Gu Xin's admiration in my heart." Ignoring Xia Gu Fengze's panic, Yu Haoran reunited the power of boxing and continued to Xia Gu Fengze roared sharply.

"I surrender!"

We can see the deep disappointment in Yu Haoran's eyes and the undisguised murderous power.

Thinking of her mother's exhortations before leaving, Xia Gu Fengze spoke to the list in frustration and conceded.

"Xiagu Fengze, before you left the ring, I had a question in my heart. I wonder if you can confuse me?"

Xiagu Fengze finally chose to open his mouth to admit defeat, which made Yu Haoran relieved.

According to the previous strong men who watched wars in the past, the worry-free Gu Guzhu is not only a powerful and horrible powerhouse, but also a powerful magician who is proficient in inferential deduction.

Therefore, under the last resort, he really didn't want to offend Gu Xin, a powerful sorcerer, by slaying Xia Gu Fengze, and then involved his relatives and friends.

However, just as the colorful dragons finished their engulfing process, when Xia Gu Fengze walked down the stage in a depressed mood, Yu Haoran suddenly asked.

"You say!" Xiagu Fengze turned and motioned as he stopped leaving the ring.

"Xiagu Fengze, you and I are just getting to know each other today, and we certainly haven't had any grievances with each other. Why did you become hostile to me when you got rid of Su Wanru's beauty?"

In fact, it is better to let Xia Gu Fengze solve his own confusion, it is better to use this question to resolve the hostility between them.

Because since the state of mind has been successfully broken through Wu Zun's realm, he has found that his practice has suddenly fallen into a bottleneck. No matter how he studies Fuxi's gossip chart, he cannot break the bottleneck of the wizard, allowing his inferior determinism to enter the first Two levels.

Therefore, he intends to wait until the end of the five-domain Qianlong competition to go to Wuyou Valley to see if Gu Xin can help himself to break through the bottleneck of the wizard.

"My mother and Su Wanru are close friends. I had a marriage contract with the maiden of the Qingqiuhu tribe."

Gently glancing at Hao Ran, Xia Gu Fengze explained as he turned away from the ring.


After hearing Xia Gu Fengze's explanation, Yu Haoran shook his head and sighed.

Su Wanru's painstakingly refined avatar was indirectly destroyed in her own hands. The Qingqiu fox girl used Qin Tianyi's mind to control the southern region's plan to be destroyed by herself, and she had endless grievances with each other.

Then, as Su Wanru's best friend, Su Leiyi's prospective mother-in-law, I am afraid that Gu Xin will not be so kind and helpful to break through the bottleneck of the surgeon.

However, as the third player on the list was forcibly brought to the ring, he immediately adjusted his emotions, and then waited for the other's attitude.

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