Destined Martial God

Chapter 1411: Continuation and glory (four more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

After the boxing and sharp swords cancel each other out, Yu Haoran knew that he could not continue to use the ancestral and ancestral boxing techniques. Otherwise, he would have been defeated by the disappearance and emergence of seven emotions. The shadow is brought under the rule of swordsmanship.

Since there was a decision in his heart, Yu Haoran directly omitted the fourth, fifth, and sixth strokes of Zu Wu Quan, and directly exerted the seventh stroke with the strongest power.

"Ancestral spirit reappears!"

Accompanied by Yu Haoran's violent drinking, the inheritance fist method of overdrawing part of the blood of the ancestors and witches quickly condensed into a middle-aged man with a burly and robust body, a sharp face, and a body full of ancient vitality.


The burly middle-aged man formed by the boxing method roared loudly in the sky, and then waved his huge fist and rushed directly to Bai Qiying.


"Kill the sadness!"

"Kill the terror!"


Looking at the burly middle-aged man who rushed fast, Bai Qixuying couldn't help but change his face. While whispering and accelerating, he shouted four hands in a row and exhaled a sword breath.

It is a pity that when the power of the four powerful swords was just beginning to affect the emotions of the crowd at the scene, the burly middle-aged man who bullied himself approached not only to directly disperse the four powerful swords, but also his powerful body. It is a few steps to directly knock back the white shadow.

Seeing the imaginary shadow of the ancestors, he was gradually at a disadvantage under the onslaught of the burly middle-aged man. He mobilized the power of the power of the soul, soul, and law into Bai Dongsheng's sword, and immediately cast a stroke to kill God Baiqi's original peak of heaven. Swordsmanship.


At the moment when Bai Dongsheng just mobilized his Yuanli and soul power, Yu Haoran clearly felt the fluctuations in the breath of power. After giving the boxing method to consolidate the orders of the burly middle-aged man, he directly used the boxing methods inherited from his ancestors and witches. Meet the Heavenly Order Peak Swordsmanship by Bai Dongsheng.

"Fist Town!"

Bai Dongsheng's swordsmanship, which incorporates all the elemental power and soul power, and the power of killing the two-line law, has reached the peak of the top Wuzun's top-notch strength, slightly better than Haoran's boxing skills.

However, the huge gap between the Divine Realm's ancestral device and the Divine Realm's mittens and gloves device caused Bai Dongsheng to be severely damaged at the same time, while the sword's body also suffered a slight damage.

At the same time, Bai Qixuying was unable to withstand the powerful physical attacks of the burly middle-aged man, and was finally scattered by force.

After a heavy blow to Bai Dongsheng, Yu Haoran did not kill him with a victory pursuit. After waving and dispersing the boxing middle-aged man, he slowly landed on the ring, and then said indifferently.

"You lost, you can admit defeat!"

"You don't kill me!" Originally intended to overdraw all his strength and life span, to come to the last vigorous bloom of life, but with the active reminder of Yu Haoran, Bai Dongsheng immediately asked.

After all, the flesh and blood of Zheng Zhongning, Miao Zehe and others, as well as the blood-stained Yantai are vivid.

"Yes, I won't kill you!" Nodded, Yu Haoran responded.

"Why?" Bai Dongsheng asked in more confusion.

"In order to continue the bloodlines of the seniors, and also to enable your descendants to reproduce the glory of the ancestors!"

Looking up at the location where Bai Qi was smashed, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a gloomy and expectant look.

Although in order to protect the hundreds of millions of people in the ancient continent, Bai Wudao chose to end up with the old man of the demon soul, but under the manipulation of some ulterior motives, the world only remembers that he slaughtered thousands of souls overnight. Evil things, but forget the selfless contributions he once made, which caused Bai Qi's descendants to be hunted down.

Even after extinction in ancient times, the world still hasn't forgotten the killing that Bai Qi used to do, which has made Bai Qi's descendants less and less. Otherwise, he would not have encountered one in the past century. The descendants of Bai Qi.

"Brother Yu, thank you!"

I can feel Yu Haoran's anger for the injustice encountered by her ancestors, and her care and expectation for her ancestors and descendants. Bai Dongsheng put away his fencing sword and exalted sword, raised his fist, thanked him, and looked up into the air The list in the confession confessed.

"I surrender!"

After the colorful dragons finished the engulfing process, Bai Dongsheng nodded gratefully at Yu Haoran, and then flew out of the ring, Yu Haoran heard the call from God's thoughts.

"Be careful!"

An endless gratitude returned to his place, and Bai Dongsheng immediately began to use the murderous gas condensed in his body to repair the sword.

After Bai Dongsheng left Yantai, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, and directed his sharp murderous eyes directly to the edge of Yantai.

"Yu Haoran, if you are still a man, it is best not to open up and give in." Gu Sheng, who was forcibly taken to the ring, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yu Haoran, his mouth slightly upturned.

"I haven't slaughtered you, how could I confess defeat!" Yu Haoran sneered back with a sneer.

"That's good!" Gu Sheng nodded indifferently to Hao Ran's counterattack.

Afterwards, he turned his head to glance at the players who actively confessed to lose, and glanced at the **** mud and **** stage on the ring, and finally said Yu Haoran.

"Yu Haoran, did the easy victory of the previous 98 rounds give you a sense of dominance and a sense of superiority for me?"

"Gu Sheng, it seems more suitable for you to come and see everything and give me exclusive respect!"

Gu Sheng's seemingly gossiping behavior is actually an offensive conspiracy. With the absolute strength to kill the other party, although Yu Haoran disdains to use this conspiracy, he also wants to take a closer look at the means of the core children of the Gu family .

After all, Gu Sheng is only one of the core disciples of the Gu family, not the most talented and strong inheritance disciple. He needs to understand the mentality of the Gu family's inheritance disciples through the means of understanding Gu Sheng.

"Yu Haoran, do you know what Tianxuan Continent focuses on the most?" Yu Haoran just used his own attack to counterattack, and did not let Gu Sheng have the slightest mood swing. He still asked indifferently.

"Gu Sheng, do you want to talk about the inheritance of the bloodline!" After hearing Gu Sheng's question, Yu Haoran turned his head to look at Qianyuan Jin, and replied with a slight disdain.


Suddenly opened his eyes and took a step forward, a fierce breath rose from Gu Sheng, he said with a look of pride.

"Only the heirs who have the blood of their ancestors can break the mystery of life and death and advance to the realm of immortality of martial arts."


Taking the same sudden step forward, Yu Haoran responded with more arrogance.

"Only the blood of ordinary people has the possibility of unlimited promotion, and only the warriors of ordinary blood have the hope of climbing the peak of martial arts."

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