Destined Martial God

Chapter 1412: Suppression of homologous blood (five more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

Yu Haoran's arrogant counterattack made Qianyuan's fists clenched.

Because in his ritual ceremony, the first strongest member of the family, Tian Xuan Continental ’s top ten casual repair rankings, Qian Tianyu, once said exactly the same thing as Yu Haoran.

Moreover, this sentence is the motto that motivates the children of the family to go straight ahead.

However, the other players in the ring, as well as the majority of the strong players in the stands, showed a strong disdain in their eyes.

Because there is no inheritance of the ancestors' blood, ordinary people simply cannot appreciate the power of the bloodline inheritance and the auxiliary promotion of cultivation and strength.

"Yu Haoran, since you despise the heritage of the ancestor's bloodline so much, I Gu Sheng let you take a look and see how powerful the bloodline of the giants in the Middle Ages was.

Faced with Hao Ran's counterattack, Gu Sheng drank and retaliated while stimulating the blood of his ancestors.

Step by step!

By the time Gu Sheng took 13 steps, he had reached a height of 13 meters, exuding a breath that was not inferior to the top Wu Zun's peak strength.

Then, he took a special glove from the storage ring and put it on his hands.

With the blessing of special gloves and instruments, Gu Sheng's body exudes the early breath of the top Wuzun Sipin.

Immediately after, he took out an elixir with a strong aroma from the storage ring. After swallowing, his own breath reached the top of the top five respects of Wuzun directly.

"Master, the blood of the giant in this boy's body is just the offspring of the most common giant who shrinks his body and combines with ordinary mortals."

The atmosphere emanating from Gu Sheng reached the peak of Wu Zun's Five Grades. Yu Haoran considered whether he was using the martial arts of the dual law of life and death, or using the essence of the beast unicorn, or recovering the ancestral and witch body. In the ring's state of affairs, the top stick spirit suddenly spoke, reminding him.

"As long as the owner recovers the ancestral witch's body, the kid is the fat of the chopsticks and you can slaughter."

"Suppression of homologous blood vessels!"

The active reminder of the Stick Stick Spirit made Yu Haoran suddenly think that he had just accepted the twelve ancestors' memory inheritance, and mentioned the suppression of the grade between the same blood.


At the same time that the stick spirit responded, he said with a gloating tone.

"If the boy relies on his own strength and martial arts, as well as special weapons and elixir, even though he is not the opponent of the master, at least he can defeat the master with a few tricks, and now he can only be defeated. "

Since the restoration of the ancestral witch's body can easily suppress the slaughter of the self-righteous Gu Sheng, Yu Haoran does not need to consider the dual-law law of life and death and the essence of the beast unicorn.

"Yu Haoran, in the face of me who can use the top power of Wuzun Wupin's peak strength, do you now feel fear and fear, do you regret killing my brother Guli, or do you want to kneel for mercy?"

Feeling the ancestor's blood, the special instruments and the powerful power of the elixir, always seemed very stable Gu Sheng, suddenly showing off in awe.

"Gu Sheng, only the power that can be controlled can exert its power."

In the face of Gu Sheng's disappointing display, Yu Haoran put away the gloves and instruments he had just brought, and began to restore the ancestral witch body while teaching like an elder.

"Haha! Yu Haoran, now you only have a hard mouth ...!"

In the face of Hao Ran's teachings, Gu Sheng laughed arrogantly at the same time, and began to ridicule.

However, when Yu Haoran's body began to rise and grow rapidly, a kind of suppression from the bloodline made him unable to continue to ridicule.

It's different from Gu Sheng's one-meter transformation.

In less than a second, Yu Haoran completely restored the height of the ancestral witch of nearly two kilometers.

At this moment, don't say that the crowd at the scene is like a small ant in his eyes. Even the ancient victory up to thirteen meters in height is just a slightly larger ant.

"this is…!"

Feeling the kind of vast and ancient breath from Yu Haoran, a look of memories appeared in the eyes of a top Wuzun peerless strongman from the top of the north side stand.

"A giant with noble blood in the Middle Ages!"

When recalling information about a giant in the Middle Ages in a jade bamboo slip, the top Wu Zun peerless strong instinct thought that Yu Haoran might have more noble giant blood in his body like Gu Sheng.

However, when Yu Haoran looked to the crowd at the scene, showing the indifference that ignored all beings, the top Wuzun peerless strongman immediately overturned the instinctual speculation and continued to recall this special constitution that can transform into kilometers.

"Is it ...!"

When he suddenly thought of his mother coaxing himself to sleep when he was a kid, he told him a story about Pangu's groundbreaking, suddenly stood up, his eyes showed incredible eyes.

"Brother Jin, what's wrong with you?" Another top Wu Zun peerless strong man asked with confusion in the eyes.

"It's nothing!"

The interrogation of the other party made the top Wu Zun peerless with surname Jin immediately sober from the shock.

Later, he quickly shook his head, signalling that he was okay, but he couldn't help but speculate.

"If Yu Dandi is really the kind of physique in the legend, then relying only on physical practice, he will be able to achieve 100% of the top wonderland in the future."

"What's more, with his mysterious Dan Tao talents and abilities, martial arts practice may reach the level of physical body in the future."

"If my Jin family wants to continue the inheritance in this world scourge, it is not possible to sin against Emperor Dan. It seems that some unconventional means must be used."

Thinking of this, Jin's top Wuzun peerless powerhouse turned his eyes to Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi, and a special smile appeared in his eyes.

The pressure on the blood and the pressure on the height made Gu Sheng want to ask if Hao Ran was not a member of the Gu family.

Looking at Gu Sheng, who was completely suppressed by the blood of the ancestors and witches, he couldn't even say a word now. When Yu Haoran wanted to ridicule and ridicule, he suddenly said nothing.

He lifted his giant foot like a mountain, and then stepped on Gu Sheng who could not escape at all.


With the giant foot like a mountain falling heavily on the ring platform, the entire Qianlong Fortress suddenly sounded a deafening roar.

Raising the left foot that stepped on Gu Sheng just now, Yu Haoran quickly dissipated the transformation of Zu Wu, and then watched Gu Sheng stepped into a pool of blood, and couldn't help sighing.

Then he reached up and sucked up the special glove and storage ring, then looked at the list with anticipation.

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