Destined Martial God

Chapter 1457: Supreme Supreme (three)

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Xianyang City, in the horse house!

The conversation between Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun just didn't deliberately avoid Qin Lingfei and others in Fengting, especially his last elder's call to Wu Zhengjun, which aroused the strong interest of everyone in Fengting.

Therefore, after he stepped into the wind pavilion, Qin Lingfei, a gossip, had already emerged in his heart, and immediately asked excitedly.

"Horse horse, who is the woman who has a deep affection for Zheng Jun? Do we know each other?"

Reaching out Qin Lingfei's forehead, Yu Haoran smiled and criticized.

"Hurry up and put your gossip inside out. Ask as little as possible about things you shouldn't ask."

In fact, let alone Qin Lingfei wants to know who that woman is, he also wants to know the origin of that woman.

But with Wu Zhengjun's taciturn character and being able to confess to himself the reasons for his rapid development and strength, the help from that woman has not been easy.

If you want to know more about the inside story, unless it is he willing to say it, or the woman's appearance.

"Don't ask, why don't you just play someone's mind!" Although Yu Haoran's punishment was only symbolic, he couldn't satisfy the burning gossip, and Qin Lingfei complained with dissatisfaction.

"Ling Fei, sister, Wujin, Jingya, please tell me in detail about the results of your cultivation under the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun!" Complaining disrespectfully, Qin Lingfei reached out and held her jade hand, then sat down Lan Xin stood up on the polite stone chair, Yu Haoran said with a smile.

"Horse horse, my physical grade has been promoted to the top of the top Wu Zun first grade. Yuanli, soul power and mentality have all reached the initial state of the top Wu Zun second grade."

After hearing that Hao Ran wanted to check the results of the practice of the people in the recent period of time, Qin Lingfei, who quickly dispelled his gossip, introduced it first.

"Now with the defense of Jiuxing Renzhu and the attack of Xuanyin Soul Fire, it should be able to exert the strength of the top Wuzun Sanpin."


Qin Lingfei's cultivation and promotion status were similar to what he expected, so he nodded with satisfaction and praised Yu Haoran's eyes on Yu Siqi.

"Xiao Ran, the physical grade broke the limit of Wusheng Nine Pins seven days ago, and Yuanli, soul power and state of mind have just been promoted to the early state of the top Wu Zun Second Pin."

Seeing Yu Haoran's eyes turned to himself, Yu Siqi immediately straightened out the introduction.

"Cooperating with the defense of Yinyue Xuanyi and the attack power of Qingyue Yan, I should now be able to exert the strength of the top Wu Zun second product."

"I still owe some hope!"

Hearing her sister's cultivation and strength promotion, Yu Haoran shook her head slightly disappointed.

The more the warrior ’s cultivation progresses to the later stage, the more obvious the importance of the power of the physical body and the law is. With the same cultivation, the higher the physical body, the stronger the military force, and the weaker the physical body, the more vulnerable the warrior will be.

Based on the physical grade of the elder sister Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, I am afraid that even the top 100 in the Five-Yuan Qian Qian Long battle is very dangerous.

"Yu Haoran, don't remember when your sister joined the Frozen Palace, I once asked her to look for a mentality called Taishangwuqing."

Seeing that Yu Haoran was quite dissatisfied with the speed of Siqi's physical improvement, a little hesitation flashed in the eyes of the towering spirit in the sea, hesitating whether he told Yu Haoran the true truth.

Because of the special constitution possessed by Yu Siqi, if she wants to really open it, she must practice the exercises that have been taboo by countless supreme strong men of ancient and medieval times.

However, if you do n’t tell Yu Haoran the truth, due to the influence of her special constitution, Yu Siqi will cultivate faster and faster in the future, and it will be difficult to achieve the gods in the realm of martial arts.

After much thought, Ta Ling finally decided to give Yu Haoran the right to decide whether to practice too much love.

"of course I remember!"

Too much forgetfulness is the key to opening up the special constitution of my sister. How could Yu Haoran forget such an important thing.

"Yu Haoran, the Tai Shang Wang Qing's collection in the Frozen Palace is only a scrap, and can only open up one third of your sister's special constitution."

Taking a deep breath, Ta Ling said a little apologetically.

"Actually, the full version of Tai Shang Shang Yi has always been in my hands."


Ta Lingming had the full version of Taishang Forgetting Mind, but let her sister take the risk to find the incomplete Mind. Yu Haoran's heart burst into anger.

However, the acquaintance and acquaintance of the past three years, let him know that there must be a special reason for Ta Ling to do so, so he forcibly suppressed the anger that appeared in his heart and asked as quietly as possible.

"Because there is a certain risk in practicing the full version of Taishangwuqing!" Seeing that Yu Haoran was not angry because of his own approach, Ta Ling explained with a sigh of relief.

"What kind of risk!" Yu Haoran quickly asked.

"Yu Haoran, although the mentality of being too unforgiving was created by ancient demon gods, but the person who truly perfects and improves his mentality is one of the nine supreme powers of the Middle Ages."

"Ta Ling, is it because of killing fathers and mothers, slaughtering brothers, killing wives, and wives?"

Upon hearing Ta Ling's mention of the Supreme Supreme in the Middle Ages, Yu Haoran's mind immediately emerged a figure of a middle-aged man with a tall, straight face, a sharp sword, and a frosty indifference.

"Yu Haoran, how did you know that by killing fathers and mothers, slaughtering brothers and brothers, and biting wives and sons, the testimony is too supreme?"

Hearing that Yu Haoran said the Supreme Supreme means of preaching, Ta Ling could not help but changed his face, and a strong murderous spirit immediately appeared in his eyes.

But then, after taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the strong murderous spirit emerging from his heart, he asked his tone as calmly as possible.

"Ta Ling, do you still remember the ghost image of the bronze bell artifact when I asked you to make Ruyi Bell's artifact?" Yu Haoran reminded of the fact that Ta Ling was abnormal.

"It's about the chaotic clock that fought side by side in ancient times. How could I forget it!" Ta Ling nodded back.

"I was in a palace in the misty forest, and I saw the shadow of the chaotic clock from a memory of somehow lost to the strong."

Having said that, Yu Haoran ignored the doubtful gaze of everyone in Fengting, got up and walked to the side of Fengting, and then looked at the direction of Dongyu.

"The corpse killed the father and mother, but the brother and sister, and the wife and the son of the priests testified."


After hearing Hao Ran's explanation, Ta Ling's first reaction was impossible.

Because in the Middle Ages, he met the Supreme Supreme more than once and knew the power and means of the Supreme Supreme.

Not to mention that the destruction of the heavens and the earth in the Middle and Modern Times could not hurt him, even if the Eighth Supreme Power of the Middle Ages joined forces, they would not necessarily be able to take his life.

Then, who is that corpse that Yu Haoran saw in the foggy forest?

Author Yan Yunyuqi said: I'm really sorry, the next two days of video conferencing need to prepare some materials and meetings. For the time being, only three chapters can be updated for the time being. Tomorrow will not necessarily guarantee five chapters, but the remaining chapters will be this week. Fill it all up.

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