Destined Martial God

Chapter 1458: Too much love (one more)

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Manma House, in the wind pavilion!

"Ta Ling, since the mentality of being too unforgiving has been perfected by being too supreme, does the risk you just mentioned mean the practice of killing fathers and mothers, slaughtering brothers and brothers, and biting off wives?"

Taking back the look of Dong Yu, sitting back on the stone chair, looking at the sister who was full of doubts in his eyes, Yu Haoran asked in a solemn tone.


Yu Haoran's solemn questioning allowed Taling to wake up temporarily from the speculation of who the corpse was in the foggy forest.

Later, while nodding in agreement with Yu Haoran's speculation, he also began to explain the real reason why he was unwilling to come up with the full version of Shang Shangran.

It turned out that the full version of the Taixin forgetfulness method has four levels of realm: affectionate, ruthless, forgetfulness, and extreme affection, which correspond to the four realms of Emperor Wu, Wushen, Supreme, and Immortality.

The first realm of affection is the best practice.

Because affection, love, and friendship are indispensable feelings since birth, it is natural for feelings to become affectionate.

The second ruthless realm is also not difficult to cultivate.

Because you have hate in your heart, you can throw your love, you can break your love, you can let go of your friendship.

But the third state of forgetfulness is very difficult to cultivate.

Because blood is thicker than water, it is not something you can just throw away.

Love is deep in the sea, and it is not something you can break off if you want to break it.

Affectionate friendship is not something you can give up if you want to give up.

Taishang, through killing fathers and mothers, slaughtering brothers, siblings, and wives and sons, completely cuts off kinship, love, and friendship, thereby promoting the state of forgetfulness.

As for the last level of the state of sentiment, it is the beginning of the sentiment, the origin of the path, and the complete realization of immortality.

Although Taishang Supreme successfully perfected Taishang's unforgiving mentality, he did not practice to the realm of love until the destruction of the Middle Ages, which is enough to show how difficult it is to cultivate in the realm of love.

The reason why Ta Ling is unwilling to come up with the full version of Tai Shang Wu Qing is to worry about the impact of ruthless and forgetful realms on Si Qi and Yu Haoran.

After all, he knows how deep the relationship between Yu Haoran and Yu Siqi is. Sister and brother relationship may become a stumbling block for Yu Siqi's promotion to a higher level, or it may be the reason for the complete breakup of the two in the future.

"Talin, is there no other method in this world that can open up the special constitution that my sister possesses, except for the mentality of being too unforgiving?"

After hearing Ta Ling's detailed explanation of Tai Shang's unforgiving method, Yu Haoran immediately cut off the idea of ​​letting her sister cultivate, but he didn't want to see her sister wasting her special constitution.

Therefore, while feeling very unwilling, but unwilling to give up easily.

"Yu Haoran, in fact, the special constitution your sister possesses is the Tianchen constitution that ranks second among the thousands of special constitutions in Tianxuan Continent."

Can feel Yu Haoran's unwillingness to give up easily, Ta Ling considered it a bit, and finally decided to reveal the origin of Yu Siqi's special physique.

In the meantime, he was also reluctant to see Yu Siqi eventually ruined in the special constitution she possessed.

Secondly, he also hopes that through Yu Siqi's cultivation of too high-mindedness, he will eventually be hidden in the dark.

Or to be more precise, I want to be able to judge whether the Supreme Supreme is dead or alive.

Because the life and death of the Supreme Supreme is not only related to the safety of the chaotic clock, but also to the secret of this calamity.

"Tianchen constitution!"

In the previous life, the top ten special constitutions were blocked by a special force in the jade slip recorded with special constitutions, making him unable to see the detailed information of the top ten special constitutions at all.

But just after Ta Ling talked about Tianchen's constitution owned by her sister, the shielding power suddenly disappeared, and detailed information about Tianchen's constitution appeared in his mind!

The sky in Tianchen refers to the heavenly path, and the scar refers to the trace left by the heavenly world!

In other words, Tianchen's constitution is actually a special constitution that is closely related to the rules of Tiandao. After the official opening of Tianchen's constitution, not only the speed of auxiliary training can be called terror, but also the shelter of the rules of heaven.

"The so-called heaven is merciless and affectionate!"

Seeing Yu Haoran's understanding of the origin of Tianchen's special constitution, Ta Ling added further.

"Yu Haoran, Yu Qi said that the ambition of being too unforgiving was created by ancient gods and gods, and the Middle Ages was supremely perfect. It is far from being created and perfected by the rules of heaven itself. Otherwise, the ambition of being unforgiving cannot be There are only a few immortal exercises that can surpass the level of Divine Realm. "


The special constitution of Dao marks, too high forgotten emotions exceeds the immortal level of divine realm, so that Hao Ran originally said that nothing could make her sister practice too much forgotten emotions, hesitated.

"Yu Haoran, since it is a special constitution that is related to the rules of heaven, if you refuse to open it when you get an opportunity to open your constitution, then you are going against the sky."

Seeing Yu Haoran hesitated, Ta Ling reminded further.

"So, if Siqi girl doesn't rush to open the special constitution of Tianhen, not only will the practice speed become slower and slower, but also the highest achievement in life will be the Emperor Wudi. The life expectancy will never exceed 10,000 years. Elixir, which is used to prolong lifespan, is also useless. "

"Xiao Ran, what's wrong with you?"

After hearing the results of his introduction, Yu Haoran not only fell into silence for a long time, but also appeared with complex emotions such as disappointment, shock, grief, unwillingness, or hesitation. Yu Siqi was very worried.

"Talling, can you say that my sister can be promoted to the fourth state of love that is too high for love?"

Looking at the anxiety in her sister's eyes, Yu Haoran didn't know what kind of decision to make. She could only hope that Ta Ling could give her some advice.

"I don't know!" It's a pity that Taling, who did not want to cause resentment among each other because of unpredictable things in the future, shook his head and replied.

"Ling Fei, Wu Hen, Jing Ya, Lan Xin, you should wait for a while in Fengting."

He looked up at Qin Lingfei and others, and told Hao Ran to his sister.

"Sister, follow me to the practice room."

Just as Ta Ling gave himself the right to decide whether to practice too much love, he also decided to give the right to his sister.

After all, being too obsessed with love is not only the basis for deciding whether she can be truly strong in the future, but also the hope that she can break the limit of life. He does not want to bury her sister's future because of her selfish decision.

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