Destined Martial God

Chapter 1459: Choice (two more)

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Manma House, practice room!

After sitting on the knees of each other, Yu Haoran looked at her sister with a similar appearance and temperament to her mother, who was almost 90%, and could not help feeling a moment of deep emotion.

In the previous life, the accidental death of his parents changed the life trajectory of his and his sister. The sister committed suicide after being subjected to humiliation. He also became a bereavement dog.

In this world, it was hard to gain rebirth with the explosion of the devil's tomb, and hoped to change his and his sister's tragic fate, but fate once again stood him in the face of dilemma and painful decision.

"Xiao Ran, what's the matter with you?" The younger brother who was still sitting silent after seeing the crooked knees remained silent, which made Yu Siqi, who had accumulated a lot of questions, could not help asking.

"Sister, do you still remember that when you became a disciple of the Frozen Palace, did I ever ask you to look for a mentality called Taishangwuqing!" Putting up your inner emotions, Yu Haoran asked solemnly.

"Of course I remember!" Yu Siqi nodded and replied.

"Sister, in fact, I made you look for the mindlessness too much. I originally wanted to be your major mind, but later I learned the disadvantages of the mindlessness too."

Later, Yu Haoran informed her sister of all the information about Taishang's forgetfulness, including Taishang Supreme's means of sermons, and the special constitution of Tianhen she had.

He took the jade Jane from Ta Ling's hand, which was recorded with too high feelings of affection, and placed it in front of Siqi Yu. When Yu Haoran got up and left the practice room, his expression reminded him with an impatience.

"Sister, younger brother, I hope you can think about it carefully, and then decide whether to cultivate too unforgiving mentality!"

Looking at Yu Jian in front of me, I thought about what Hao Ran had just mentioned, the actions of Tai Shang Wang Qingxin, Tai Supreme Supreme Taoism, and the special constitution of Tianchen that he had. I was lost in thought.

"Horse horse, are you okay?" Yu Haoran, looking down at Feng Ting, returned to his mood, Qin Lingfei asked a little worried.

"Ling Fei, don't worry, I'm fine!"

After Qin Lingfei reluctantly squeezed a smile of relief, Yu Haoran's eyes turned to the sword without trace.

"Brother Yu, with the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun, my physical grade, mental state, Yuanli and soul power have all reached the top of the top two ranks of Wu Zun."

Although Yu Haoran didn't say it directly, Jian Wujin also knew what he meant, so he took the initiative to introduce the results of his potential cultivation, but also hoped to make him happy.

"If I cooperate with the sword array that has been refined by 30%, I should now be able to exert the strength of the top Wuzun and Wupin."

"Very good!" After hearing the results of Jian Mu's hidden repairs, Yu Haoran finally nodded with a smile on his face.

The strength of the top Wuzun Wupin peak can at least rank in the top 20 of the five-domain Qianlong competition.

At that time, the blessings of Qian Qian from the Southern and Five Realms are enough for Jian Wuzhen to reach the top of the top three ranks of Wu Zun, or the cultivation of the fourth rank, in one fell swoop.

After praise, Yu Haoran's eyes turned to Jiang Jingya.

"Brother Yu, with the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun, I am now the cultivation of the peak of Wusheng Sanpin."

Perhaps it was because the atmosphere was suddenly wrong, or it was because Yu Haoran's mood was still low, Jiang Jingya did not introduce him with a temper.

"What about Xiaofeng?"

Not to mention the blessing of Qian Qian Qian Qi Yun, even if it is replaced by his own blessing of 10,000 meters Qian Qian Qi Yun, in a short period of one month, the improvement of Jiang Jingya's realm cannot catch up with Qin Lingfei and others.

Therefore, Yu Haoran doesn't care much about the achievements of Jiang Jingya Xiu's improvement and strength. What he really cares about now is Fengwei.

Because only the transformation of Fengwei Fox's grade and strength can guarantee Jiang Jingya's ranking in the five-domain Qianlong list, can she continue to increase the amount of Qianlong Qi blessing, and finally make her cultivation and strength in a short time Catch up with Qin Lingfei and others.

"You said Xiaofeng!"

Hearing Yu Haoran mentioned the wind-tailed fox, Jiang Jingya immediately happily showed off.

"With the blessing of nearly half of Qianlong's luck, and the blood of the fox in the tail of the eight-tailed green fox, Xiaofeng not only successfully broke through the top level of the top two elite products, but also opened up a part of the heritage of the bloodline ancestors."

Having said that, she turned to glance at the sword without a trace, and said with a smug expression.

"If I join forces with Xiaofeng at this time, even if it is the invisible sister who owns the sword array, I still don't want to easily defeat us."

"Jingya, compared to Xiaofeng's achievements and efforts, don't you feel a bit of ashamed!"

The improvement of Fengwei Fox's grade and strength made Yu Haoran very satisfied.

However, he was very dissatisfied with Jiang Jingya's unthinking and aggressive, only knowing that he relied on Fengweihu's thoughts and practices, and could not help but criticize sternly.

In this regard, when Jiang Jingya was unconvinced and wanted to refute, a sudden wave of power came from the practice room.

Suddenly standing up, Yu Haoran looked at the terror forces emerging from the practice room, and his complexities such as shock, disappointment, sadness, depression, and hesitation immediately appeared in his eyes.

Because he didn't expect that his sister would make a decision to practice too much love in such a short period of time.

Is she really willing to let go of her siblings? Maybe she is really confident to break through the four realms of being too forgotten and finally reach the realm of returning to the park and returning to the true state of return.

"On the road of forgetfulness, there is no turning back in this life!"

I also felt the wave of power breaking through the realm in the practice room, and Ta Ling suddenly had a spiritual relief, as if he had completed a very important task in the missing memory.

However, when he saw the complex and changeable appearance in Yu Haoran's eyes, he reminded with a sigh.

"Yu Haoran, since the moment when Si Qi's girl touched her mind too much, she could no longer turn back and practice."

"The only thing you can do now is to make a variety of elixir for her, while helping her quickly improve her cultivation, she can also let her cross the realm of love, ruthlessness and forgetfulness as soon as possible."

"I see!" Taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran still signaled solemnly.

When the realm breaks through, the duration of the formation of force fluctuations is not very long, and then it completely subsides.

Subsequently, the door of the practice room was opened, and Yu Siqi with a confident smile on her face stepped out.

"Xiao Ran!"

In the eyes, tenderness is even better than ten times before, after greeting to Hao Ran, Yu Siqi said extremely proudly.

"The physical rank of the top Wuzun Yipin peak, the state of mind cultivation, Yuanli and soul power are simultaneously promoted to the top Wuzun IIpin peak."

"If it is matched with the blue moon flames that blend into the bloodstream, and the increase in strength by the special constitution, I can now exert the early strength of the top Wuzun Liupin."

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