Destined Martial God

Chapter 1467: Killing with a knife (five more)

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Central area, sky above Qianlong Fortress!

"Little friend, look at your strong and mighty righteousness. Obviously, you are practicing the most authentic martial arts. What use is it to leave the magic demon **** who is suitable for magic cultivation."

Regarding the rules for requesting the Dan master to refine the elixir, the hidden rules are more accurate. Of course, Yuwen Cangqiang is very clear, but the Tianmo Soul-Hunting Dan is too important for Tianmozong to be allowed to fall into the hands of outsiders, especially Earth Demon Sect and Blood Sect who are threatening to Demon Sect.

Therefore, while Yuwen Cangqiang smiled and persuaded, he planned to use other means in exchange for Yu Haoran's remaining Demon Soul-Hunting Pill.

"So, no matter how many you can eventually become a dad, friends may wish to give it to the deity, and the deity will give you sufficient compensation."

Yu Wentian's suggestion for compensation was also in Haoran's mind, so he pretended to ponder for a while, and then said with a dilemma.

"Three second-order first-grade reincarnation fruits, three second-order first-grade non-rot grasses, nine drops of gold body fluid that help enhance the physical grade, and three drops of dust-free water that improve the success rate of alchemy."

"Senior, the above four treasures are not only the compensation for trading the remaining Heaven Demon Essence of Dan with you, but also the price of my refining elixir for you."

"Little friend, you are really fierce enough!" After hearing Yu Haoran's request, Yuwen Cangqiong complained with a bitter smile.

"Senior, as the Demon Sect of the overall strength is not lost to the Yuxu Palace, the four treasures just like for you are just one of the nine cows. The younger generation is very gentle!"

Seeing that Yuwen Cangqiang wanted to bargain by means of complaining, Yu Haoran hurriedly sealed the possibility of bargaining by praising Tianzong.


"Ignorant Junior!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's comparison between Yuxu Palace and Tian Mozong, Ji Wenlong, the son of the Heavenly Palace, immediately hummed.

The old man in a white robe standing next to Peng Yanfei was even more scornful.

"Senior, it seems that your Demon Sect is far less wealthy than the younger imagination."

"That being the case, then the conditions just mentioned were never mentioned by the juniors, and the transaction of refining the demon **** spirit Dan did not happen."

What kind of character is Yu Haoran!

Not only is he narrow-minded, but he must report, so after hearing the scornful ridicule of His Majesty Qianlongbao's white robe, he immediately thought of using a knife to kill people, and directly used the demon **** soul Dan to threaten Yuwen Sky.

"court death!"

The Demon Soul of the Demon not only decides that after the end of the five-horse Qianlong list battle, he can impact Wudi Xiu to the height of the realm, but also relates to the Taishan feudal battle three years later, whether he can finally rank among the five emperors. One emperor.

Therefore, knowing that it was Yu Haoran's conspiracy to kill with a knife, Yuwen Cangqiang had to act as the knife in his hand.

Although **** conflicts are forbidden during the Qianlong list battle, for powerful men like Yuwen Cangqiang, they can easily kill opponents under the restrictions of rules.

"Master Yuwen, please be a little angry!"

Seeing that Yuwen Cangqiang, who was in a state of rage, was going to kill the old man in the white robe, Peng Yanfei, who was standing in front of the old man in the white robe, immediately stopped and asked for it.

"I hope Lord Yuwen will be able to look at Peng's face and temporarily let His Holiness in white!"

"What do you think you are, and why the deity gives you face."

In the face of the self-righteous Peng Yanfei, Yuwen Sky didn't leave a trace of emotional reprimand and threat.

"Get out of here immediately, otherwise, the deity wouldn't mind destroying you!"


In the eyes of Yuwen Cangyu, even the master of the world-class organization, the top-level Wu Zun, the peerless power of the nine-pin peak, and the person in charge of the five-world Qianlong list battle, even Peng Yanfei was furious.

However, when he saw the intense murderous power in Yuwen's sky, Peng Yanfei finally chose to flinch.


At the moment Peng Yanfei chose to flinch, the old man in the white robe behind him suddenly screamed, and then the breath of life completely disappeared.

Turning around to support the body of the old man in white robes, and instructing the old man in black robes to return the old man's body to the attic, Peng Yanfei turned to look at Yu Haoran, threatening with gritted teeth.

"Yu Haoran, since Xue Qingyuan can manipulate the rules of the game, then Peng Yanfei can also let you enjoy the treatment of wheel wars, and it is still a super luxurious wheel war."

"Peng Tangzhu, please think twice!" Xue Qingyuan of Nanzun Zizun's complexion quickly reminded after hearing the threat of Peng Yanyu gritting his teeth.

"Xue Qingyuan, the owner of a Qianlong Fort in the southern region of your district, is qualified to intervene in the decision of the owner of the church." Facing Xue Qingyuan's reminder, Peng Yanyu suddenly exasperated.


In the face of Peng Yanfei's reckless rebuke, Xue Qingyuan was also speechless.

"The courageous soft goods, only know bullying the weak and the same door."

Peng Yanyu's scolding of Xue Qingyuan made Yu Haoran faintly see the weakness of the Jingshi organization, and immediately taunted Xue Qingyuan.

"Yu Haoran, since the Master Yuwen can kill the Supreme Master in white clothes under the restrictions of the rules, so it can also be done as a deity directly serving Qianlong Qiyun." Peng Qingyuan's eyes mocked Haoran Chiguo Guo. The emergence of strong murderous continued to threaten.

"The surname of Peng is not me Yu Haoran who despise you, but also the effort of your three-legged cat wants to hurt me, I advise you to say a word, wash and sleep!"

Don't say that before successfully refining the Demon Soul-Hunting Pill, Yuwen Chuangqiang never allowed himself to suffer any harm. Even if Yuwen Cangqiang did not intervene and knew the towering spirit of the demigod in the sea to fight back, it was enough for Peng Yanfei to drink a pot.

Turning his head to look at Yuwen's sky that was flashing with cold light in his eyes, Peng Yanfei's grimace sighed, and then he returned to the attic in the central square, and the thirty-one other lords followed him back into the attic.

"Yu Dandi, thank you!"

Yu Haoran just vented himself by ridiculing, and thanked Xue Qingyuan very much.

He waved to indicate that Xue Qingyuan didn't need to be polite, and Yu Haoran arched his hand and promised to Yuwen Cangqiang.

"The juniors have a 90% certainty that they will eventually become nine dans, and the nine second-order and first-inspiring gods are all seniors."

After hearing the assurance given by Yu Haoran, Yuwen was shocked, and the discomfort that had just appeared in his heart disappeared immediately.

Now that the conditions for speaking have been said and the things to be done have been done, Yuwen Cangqiang, who was in a moment of joy, wanted to know when Yu Haoran would open up the alchemy for himself.

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