Destined Martial God

Chapter 1468: Sentimental and merciless (one more)

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Central area, sky above Qianlong Fortress!

"The moment the five-armed Qianlong list battle ended." Facing Yu Wen's questioning, Yu Haoran immediately gave the exact time to open the alchemy.

"That being the case, then the deity will now return to Demon Sect to prepare the medicinal materials needed for Demon Spirit Soul Pill and the four treasures promised to the little friend."

After the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong is over, it will take two to three days for the rules of heaven to enter the dormant state completely, and that is the best time to truly break through the realm of Emperor Wu.

Therefore, Yu Haoran gave the time to open the alchemy to make Yuwen the sky very satisfied, and he was also more concerned about his safety.

"Senior, don't send it!" Nodded his head, Yu Haoran signaled.

With the deal with Yuwen Cangqiang, it is impossible to continue to kill Yuwen Haofei.

With Peng Yanfei's guardian who killed himself, Ji Wenlong could not be moved for the time being.

In desperation, Yu Haoran refocused on Beicheng Beijing, and continued to watch the challenges of his close friends.

When he turned his attention to the Beicheng Beijing District, he heard the voice of Shen Jiachang in the No.10 Beijing.

"I confess to losing!" Looking at the giant tail less than one meter above his head, feeling the terrifying power contained in the giant tail, Shen Jiachang's face pale and voluntarily conceded.

Later, he turned to look at the other house where he had lived for more than a month, and said to Jiang Jingya with reluctance.

"Sister, it's your turn to be on the 10th!"

"I don't have the slightest interest in the No. 10 other hospital. You can live by yourself!" Jiang Jingya hurriedly waved in the face of the Shen family reluctantly giving up the No. 10 other hospital.

Jiang Jingya's answer made Shen's family unbearable for a moment, followed by a look of doubt in her eyes.

Since you don't have any interest in the No. 10 other hospital, why should you challenge my Shen Jiachang, would it be possible for me to have a grudge against you? Or is it that you are not pleasing to me?

When Fengwei Fox reduced her size and stood behind her incense shoulder, Jiang Jingya ignored Shen Jiachang, who was full of doubts, and flew directly to Hao Ran, then asked in anticipation.

"Brother, how are Xiaofeng and I doing?"

"You say it!" Yu Haoran asked with a smile.

Although he had just responded to the joint attack of Ji Wenlong and Yuwen Haofei, so that he did not pay attention to the competition on the 10th, but from the perspective of Jiang Jingya's long breath, he did not mobilize the power of soul and soul, and knew that the competition just now Who is the main force.

Facing Hao Ran's rhetorical question, Jiang Jingya glanced at him with a bit of dissatisfaction, then lowered his head to watch the match between Jian Wuhen and Huang Fu's infant.

Using Yinglong's blood to open the Bauhinia Sword Emperor's inherited sword without traces, she made up for her own shortcomings in defense, and cooperated with the powerful attack of the 30% Sword Formation that had been refined.

In contrast, Huang Fu's infant!

In the case of prolonged warfare, her emotions became more and more impatient, and at the expense of her powerful Heavenly Order martial arts, she consumed more and more, and exposed more and more flaws when she attacked.

If Huang Fu's infant is not able to calm down immediately, in the end she will compete for the champion of the Central Qianlong Dragon List, which is likely to be defeated by the invisible sword invisible.

Seeing Jian Wujin continue to maintain his calm heart to fight, Yu Haoran nodded with satisfaction, then turned his attention to the No. 2 other hospital, then shook his head with a bitter smile.

Although she used the sorrowful mind to open the special physique of Tianhen, so that her sister has the strength that is not inferior to the top Wuzun Liupin, but she does not lose to the strength, and uses a card of Zhou Mengling. Her The disadvantages are becoming increasingly apparent.

If it weren't for Zhou Mengling's jealousy of the threat he had just made, and she had jealousy when she shot, I'm afraid she would have suffered a heavy defeat.

However, with the diminished range of Pinyue Skynet under Emperor Realm, she could be captured by Zhou Mengling directly for a maximum of three or five seconds.

Therefore, in order to prevent her sister from getting embarrassed, Yu Haoran shouted directly at the two men who were fighting.

"Sister, Zhou Mengling, stop!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's voice, Yu Siqi and Zhou Mengling looked at each other, and found that they were disappointed in their eyes, and they stopped at the same time.

"You are strong, but I will be stronger next time I fight!" Russi stared at Zhou Mengling coldly, Yu Siqi warily provoked.

"If you can beat it once, I can beat you ten times, so you're stronger and useless." Zhou Mengling replied hard and unwillingly.

Then she looked up at Yu Haoran, who was floating in the air, and asked.

"You're satisfied!"


Regardless of what Zhou Mengling and Zhou Youze did to An Yufei, just because she just showed mercy to her sister's men and even exposed a card for the championship, Yu Haoran still had to accept the favor of the other party.

"Yu Haoran, I hope this is only one time, otherwise, Zhou Mengling will never be merciful."

Yu Haoran's satisfactory reply eased Zhou Mengling's frosty complexion.

But when she saw the intense warfare in Yu Siqi's eyes, she couldn't help but threaten Yu Haoran with a burst of fire.

Subsequently, she did not give Hao Ran any chance to speak, and returned directly to the bedroom of the other hospital.

"Xiao Ran, give me some Hao Lingdan and Yuling Dan of the third order and nine products."

Folding out the intense warfare that appeared in his eyes, Yu Siqi emerged in front of Hao Ran, and then reached out to ask for the elixir that can enhance Wu Zun's realm and strength.

Seeing the indifference that flashed from her sister's eyes from time to time, Yu Haoran felt a bit of horror, and also heeded the original instructions of Ta Ling, took three kinds of elixir that could improve the realm and strength from the storage ring and gave it to Yu Siqi .

After receiving the elixir sent by Yu Haoran, Yu Siqi nodded with satisfaction, then sat down directly in the volley, and began to use the elixir to improve her realm and strength.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran's eyes turned to the other house on the 56th.

While watching Qin Lingfei and his rivals, he began to ask Taling in the sea of ​​knowledge, and asked his sister who had just entered the situation, why he would give him a feeling that he was about to break out of the situation.

"Yu Haoran, if I am not mistaken, the reason why the girl Qi Qi forgot to rise in the realm of love in Tai Shang for so fast is probably related to the changes you encountered."

Just less than a day after being promoted to a situational realm, he vaguely broke through the ruthless realm. Yu Siqi's ascension speed in the realm of Taishang forgetfulness also inspired Tower to great shock.

Based on the characteristics of Tai Shang forgetfulness, then combined with Si Qi's physique and personality, as well as life experience from small to large, Ta Ling finally found the reason for the rapid ascension of the realm.

Taling's speculation just made Yu Haoran think about her sister's experience after the accidental death of her parents.

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