Destined Martial God

Chapter 1489: Unprecedented and ever-changing (second more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

In the face of Xia Qi's full of anticipation, Yu Haoran didn't know how to answer his question for a moment.

So far, there are ten kinds of powers of the laws he has realized, namely the law of quickness, the law of shen, the law of force, the law of quantity, the four seasons law of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and the law of life and death as a major law. And the law of death.

Among them, he succeeded in creating the dual-system law martial arts of the law of force and the law of quantity, the four-series law martial art of the rules of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, winter, and the major system law martial arts of the law of life and the law of death.

The dual-strength rule of martial arts is the main attack, the dual-strength rule of martial arts is the main killer, and the spring-summer autumn-winter four-stroke rule is the main auxiliary.

Through the conversation and confrontation just now, Yu Haoran feels that Xia Qi is a friend worthy of deep friendship. In the future, he may also become a comrade in arms. It is not easy to use the life and death dual-line martial arts that can determine the opponent's life and death instantly.

The four seasons of reincarnation and the four seasons of reincarnation as a supplementary rule of martial arts are used for healing and life-saving, and are not suitable for combat at all.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he decided to use the rules of martial arts created by the dual law of strength.

"Brother Xia, during the battle of the wheel of the Qianlong League in the Southern Region, I unexpectedly realized the law of force and the law of quantity, and within one month of Qianlong's blessing and blessing, I successfully created the dual law of power. Martial arts. "

After hearing Yu Haoran's introduction, not only Xia Qi showed a shocked look, but even the countless strong players in the stands around the stage, the vast majority of the contestants under the ring, and the thirty or so honorable lords in the air could bear it. The unstoppable expression shook slightly.

Because the law of force and the law of quantity are among the powers of the thousands of laws in the Tianxuan continent, they can be said to be the power of the rules that rank very high. They are not inferior to the laws of thousands and the laws of change that Xia Qi felt.

The power of such a powerful two-line rule was only felt temporarily during the game, and it took only one month to successfully create the rule martial arts. Such anti-perception, such amazing luck, how can we not let The crowd at the scene was shocked.

Beyond shock, the countless strong men in the stands around, as well as the thirty or so lords in the air, cast their eyes on the men and women under the ring, such as Zhou Mengling and Ji Wenlong, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

Because according to Yu Haoran's introduction just now, the principle of double strength is just the power of the rules temporarily felt during the game, and it is not the power of his major law.

So, what was the power of his major law when he was practicing for the promotion of Wusheng Realm?

Is it the power of the dual system?

In the end, was there a law martial art that succeeded in creating the power of the law?

This is the secret most people want to know after being shocked. Only the stronger Zhou Mengling and Ji Wenlong and others have enough strength and hole cards to force Hao Ran to use the major law of martial arts.

"Brother Yu, although Tianqi knows that his final result must be a failure, but he also wants to see his brother have stronger and more powerful cards."

Receiving the shock that came out of his heart, Xia Qi took a bright red elixir from the storage ring, and after showing Hao Ran the origin of the elixir, he also expressed his intention.

"Therefore, Tianqi can only use the third-ranked first-devil Blood Devil to briefly gain stronger power in order to enhance the power of the ever-changing dual-system law."

"Tianqi, don't be impulsive!" Seeing Xiaqi intending to use the third-order and one-pin blood monster Dan in exchange for greater strength, Xia Miancheng, the ancestor of the Xia family from the stand on the east side, stopped loudly.

Through the conversation and confrontation between the two people just now, Xia Miancheng was able to see Yu Haoran's care and preferential treatment for Xia Qi.

Even if Xia Qi was eventually defeated because of his lack of strength, Yu Haoran would not take his life.

However, the side effect of the third-order, first-product Blood Devil Dan will make Summer Qi unable to use the slightest amount of power in the next day and night, then he will simply give up the next qualifying.

Abandoning the qualifying match is equivalent to giving up the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun. Losing the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun will not only affect the Wu Zun realm he is about to break through, but also affect the purity of his ancestors ’blood, and his core children. Status.

Glancing at Xia Miancheng indifferently, Xia Qi ignored the reminder he just made, swallowed the Blood Demon Pill in his hand, and began to use the special medicine power of Blood Devil Eruption to strengthen his own strength while continuously improving the dual-system law of martial arts. power.

"Brother Xia, why not!" Looking at Xia Xiaqi who did not listen to the persuasion of taking Blood Devil Dan, Yu Haoran used the means of overdrawing the blood of the ancestors and witches to enhance the power of the law and martial arts, and persuaded with a grin.

"Brother Yu, I've already taken the Blood Devil anyway, and you are persuaded to be useless in many places." Facing Hao Ran's persuasion, Xixia Qi shook his head and replied with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his arm quickly towards Yu Haoran, drank softly in his mouth.


With a special energy, shot from Xia Qi ’s fingers, the scene on the ring gradually began to be replaced by the army full of fierce murderous, uniform formation, the Hundreds, Thousands, and Ten Thousands.

Looking at the ever-increasing number of troops, watching each soldier is a peerless powerhouse of the state level, Yu Haoran flashed a look of surprise.

Through the induction of breath, he found that the increasing number of soldiers in the army, some seemed very real, but they did not have the slightest strength, and some soldiers looked very illusory, but possessed the strength of the top martial arts peerless powerhouse.

When he used the breath to sense again, he found that the real soldiers possessed the strength of top martial arts peerless powers, and the illusory soldiers were just ghosts.

False, true or false!

Yu Haoran admired from the bottom of the heart the martial arts skills created by Xiaqi's use of the ever-changing dual system.

However, admiration and admiration, the ever-changing means in front of him can not bring him much pressure.

"Breaking new ground!"

Taking a step forward, while Hao Ran yelled violently, his raised left hand slammed forward, followed by a peculiar energy, gradually condensing an imaginary axe.

Just as the unreal axe had just condensed out, the number of soldiers on the platform suddenly stopped increasing, which made Summer's strange face slightly changed.

And as the imaginary axe rushed to the summer wonder, the army condensed by the ever-changing rules of martial arts, whether real or illusive, whether it was a soldier with the strength of a top martial art peerless power, or an empty real body The soldier without any power disappeared automatically on the ring.

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